Chapter 4

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Somz sat there, impatiently biting his nails, he had called Anika some twenty times in the last half an hour, but her phone wasn't reachable. He sat there panicking, and grumbled to himself, "However, flirtatious, Anne will remain a silly fool! Why couldn't she tell me she wanted to come with us?" huffed Somz impatiently. As he sat there waiting, he got a call from Shivay, he sighed in relief hoping that his bhai must have found Anne. But on receiving the call, he was even more agitated to know that even though Shivay had reached the club, and he had checked inside out, Anika wasn't anywhere around.

"Bhai, call up Tia and check, maybe she has gone for a sleepover with her sister?" asked Somz hopefully.

"No, I dropped Mallika and Tia myself, she wasn't around" Shivay's voice was thick with tension, "But don't worry, let me drive along the area and see if she is anywhere around okay? I will keep you posted." He finished and hung up abruptly, the more he spoke with Soumya about it, the faster he was losing his cool.

Shivay drove along all the nearby lanes and even the highway, there was no trace of Anika anywhere, the longer it took, the more, an unknown fear was plaguing him. He drove around like a maniac in the middle of the night for another half an hour when Soumya called. He picked up her call hopefully.

"Bhai, she is here, she reached home safely" finished Soumya breathlessly and Shivay sighed in relief. Then an unknown fury engulfed him, how irresponsible was this Anika? Where the hell was she all along? Couldn't she just make sure she was reachable on phone? Couldn't she inform him that she was left behind? With all these thoughts in mind, he asked through gritted teeth, "Somu, can you pass on the phone to her?"

He heard Somu unnecessarily clear her throat once and responded, "Maybe this is not a good time to talk bhai, and she is quite shaken"

"What do you mean?" he asked, not being able to mask his concern.

"Well, she is not really acting like herself - for the first time, she didn't reply to my questions. She just walked straight into her room and shut the door behind her." Confessed Somz uncomfortably.

If Shivay was angry at her callousness a few moments back, hearing that she was shaken by the night's event and that she wasn't talking, made him forget his fury completely. He had softened again, but he knew better, maybe she needed some lone time to get over the shock - so without much ado, he hung up. He decided to check on her the next day.

Anika sat on her bed, finally inside the security of her room. She was still for some time and then the enormity of the situation was crashing down on her, and she started shaking vehemently as tears rolled down her eyes. What would have happened if Daksh hadn't found her there by chance? Would she still be stuck out there? She felt wounded by her friends and their behaviour towards her - maybe it was time, to realize that they weren't really her friends - if they were, wouldn't they have realized that she was missing? As she sat there, there was a text message on her phone.

3:15a.m. [Hey Anika, hope you are feeling okay now? Please get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow : D]

3:17a.m. [Thank-You so much Daksh. I don't know where I would be, if you didn't find me today. And all the best for tomorrow, Mallika is in for a very big surprise. Goodnight!]

Anika smiled imagining Mallika's expression when she saw Daksh tomorrow. Anika and Mallika's father and Daksh's father were best of friends, and it was in their childhood, when Daksh's mother had jokingly told their mother that they would take home Mallika as their daughter-in-law when she grew up. Everybody had laughed at the suggestion, other than the two children who sat there in awe - the two children about whom this was said - they were about nine years old - since then it was somehow ingrained in Daksh and Mallika's head that they were soul-mates, they were meant to be. Over the years, everybody had forgotten about that remark - only Mallika and Daksh remembered it. Hence it was a big surprise when, in the teen years, Mallika grew up to be this beautiful and attractive girl and Daksh became this overtly discipline, rigid, old fashioned uncle like figure with horrific sense of dressing - Anika thought Mallika would soon be over this obsession once she met new boys in her friends circle - but she was wrong of course - however weird, unfitting, silly or boring Daksh was, Mallika looked at him like he was her prince charming. Soon, the families realized the depth of their bond, and before Daksh left for the UK for his MBA, they took a mutual decision to get them engaged once Daksh was back and Mallika's graduation was over - everyone was happy. Anika sighed, her sister was soon about to get her fairytale lovestory - that's what Daksh had told her tonight. He was back in India and he had chosen to finish his MBA's last semester of exchange programme in a college in India - in this city, so that he could get to know Mallika better, her likes, dislikes and who she really was - he felt they really needed to understand each other before Mallika finished graduation and they got engaged. Daksh was perfect for Mallika, thought Anika lovingly, as sleep took over.


It was 10AM in the morning and the bell rung obstinately. Somz turned in his sleep, and thought to himself, what was taking Anne so long? Why wasn't she getting the door? She always got the door. But then he remembered her plight from last night - maybe she was still sleeping it off - he decided to get the door. He opened the door to see Shivay standing outside, surprised he enquired about his visit.

"I came to, errr..I came to see Anika. You said nah, that she wasn't sounding good?" muttered Shivay cautiously and for some reason didn't meet Somz's eyes. It was weird, why did Shivay put in so much effort to wake up in the morning and visit Anne? He could see how she was doing the next to next day in college itself! But then he thought, everyone was acting strangely nowadays and dismissed his doubt.

"Come in bhai, I will get her" replied Somz lazily and walked towards Anika's room. He knocked the door but no-one replied, she slowly opened the door to see that her bed was neatly done, maybe she was in the shower he thought and proceeded to knock the washroom door - to his amazement the door was open - then he habitually looked at the key holder and saw her house keys weren't there - she is not at home? He thought to himself.

"Bhai, sorry she is not at home" offered Somz nonchalantly as he walked out of her bedroom.

Shivay was surprised, it was quite early in the morning, where could she possibly go? Then a sudden uncomfortable feeling gripped him - did she return at all last night? He turned to Soumya urgently.

"Hey Somu, are you sure you saw her last night?" he asked urgently.

"What do you mean bhai?" Somz asked surprised.

"I mean, I know you were drunk and sleepy too - did you..err..really see her - you didn't hallucinate right? I mean she DID return last night nah Somu?" asked Shivay frantically.

"Bhai! What do you think I have in place of eyes? Two packs of toadstool? Of course she returned, I wasn't hallucinating! She left in the morning again! If you want to check, go inside her bedroom - her dress from last night is folded neatly and kept on the bed! Such crap!" replied Somz furiously. His brother had lost it - true he had requested him to befriend her, but this much care? He thought Shivay was utilizing his brotherly possessive instinct that he had for Somu - on Anika now! Good for her he thought!

Shivay breathed in relief - that meant she had returned. And she was fine enough to go out again - that was good news. He wondered why he was so restless though - why did he feel uncomfortable knowing that she wasn't okay last night - he wished he could meet her once, but he guessed he had to try again in the evening. He hung around with Somz for breakfast, and then went off from there.


Mallika was wondering why Anika di wanted to meet for breakfast early on a Saturday morning, then she thought maybe she was about to shed light on Shivay's behaviour from the night before - she was more curious after hearing Tia's confession - true Anika di had abruptly left the dance floor after Shivay had told her something on her ear, but she couldn't buy the fact that he was being rude, his body language spoke differently. Her curiosity made her agree to join her for breakfast at an English Breakfast joint.

When she looked up from the table, her jaw dropped. Anika di was walking towards her for sure, but she wasn't alone. Someone was accompanying him - and could it be? Was it really him? How did he become Oh My God, she thought as they approached nearer - it was indeed HIM. Daksh. Her Daksh. She squealed in joy and excitement and forgot about the Anika-Shivay angle. She ran towards them and jumped on to a startled Daksh and hugged him tight.

"Daksh!!! You are here??? Finally?? When did you come?? How did you contact di?? Why didn't you tell me?? How are you??? Awww I missed my baby sooo much!!" screamed Mallika in joy, earning curious glances from people around them - Daksh turned red in embarrassment and pushed her away gently. Mallika didn't seem to notice his embarrassment or gesture. She then turned to Anika and squealed and hugged her too before settling down - she pushed her chair closer to Daksh and held onto his elbow possessively before continuing - Daksh was very surprised, he could only stammer a, "You haven't really changed Mallika, have you? I thought after starting college---" but he couldn't continue, as Mallika started talking excitedly without letting him finish.

"Arre? Why should I change? How will my Daku recognize me if I changed? I am exactly how you left me, my Daku baby" she replied with a cute smile.

Daksh smiled stiffly in return, "Daksh, please call me that".

The breakfast went on like that, Mallika didn't budge from calling Daksh Daku' but at the end reluctantly agreed to drop the baby' and Daksh tried very hard to digest this loud, dramatic personality he would soon be engaged to. Anika understood his discomfort and spoke to him, after carefully sending Mallika to get more coffee.

"Don't worry Daksh, she is just very excited to see you. She has waited for you more than anybody. Give her time, she will calm down." Daksh relaxed at her assurance and understanding.

"Does she know, I will be joining the same college as her's from tomorrow?" he enquired curiously, and when Anika replied in negative, he relaxed. He requested her to tell Mallika this once he wasn't around, as he couldn't handle more screaming in one day, he suggested light heartedly. Anika laughed at that and agreed.


It was evening, Shivay called Somz and enquired where he was, Somz was with Rudra at his apartment catching a football match with beer. Shivay thought it was a good opportunity to come over - that way he could catch the match with them and also check on Anika - when it came to guy things like sports and matches, Tia was a bore for company - and Om had mysteriously gone under cover for the weekend after meeting that girl in the pub last night.

Soon Shivay was at Somz's - Rudra and Somz was watching the match and cursing occasionally - he joined in and was having fun - he casually kept glancing at Anika's shut door - she would have to come out sometime for sure. But soon it was past 11PM - the match got over - still she didn't open her door. Shivay casually suggested they ordered in dinner and watched a movie - Rudra readily agreed and Somz was all in favour of the dinner but not the movie - he told them he would crash early after dinner, but they could catch up and watch the movie if they wanted - Shivay took the opportunity to ask Somz to call Anika too, so that they could have dinner together - but Somz replied that Anika wasn't at home, she hadn't returned since morning. Shivay was surprised.

"Does she often do late night-outs?" he asked bewildered.

"No bhai, she never does. I guess she is really mad at me or something" replied Somz in a as a matter of fact voice.

"I don't blame her, especially after your erotic encounter" sniggered Rudra under his breath, but Somz and Shivay caught him.

"Erotic what?" exclaimed Shivay in shock and turned to look between Somz and Rudra.

Somz cursed Rudra and threw a cushion on him and barked, "Shut the f**k up dude!" and added to Shivay, "It's nothing really bhai. Chill." The he left for the kitchen to get takeaway pamphlets. An unconvinced and thoroughly shocked Shivay looked at Rudra for explanation, Rudra muttered under his breath, "Later bro, let him go to bed." Shivay nodded. Soon Somz was back.

"Somz, don't you think you should text her once? To find out if she would return or you should save dinner?" asked Rudra casually, to dull out Somz's anger at him. It worked, Somz looked thoughtful, and decided to leave her a text.

11:19PM [ Hey Anne, when are you returning? Should I save dinner?]

Then they ordered food and they all chatted jovially. Shivay kept glancing at Somz's phone to see it ringing or blinking to notify message received. But for another forty odd minutes nothing happened. Shivay was starting to feel uneasy again - he was debating if he should call her from his phone or not when Somz's phone finally beeped. Somz read the text with a frown and read it to them. It was from Anika.

12:14AM [No thanks, don't save dinner for me. Not returning before Monday]

Shivay's jaw dropped. She had left the house on Saturday, and wasn't going to return till Monday? Where would she be for that night and the next? He felt disappointed because he wouldn't be able to see her before college - he wanted to enquire how she managed to be left back last night, and also question why she didn't call him, and maybe also scold her for letting herself get stranded out there in the middle of the night - but Monday was too far, and somehow, in college he could imagine questioning her so much in front of others - especially Tia - she may take it wrongly. But what could he do now.

"Somu, you won't ask where she is?" Shivay tried once more.

"No. She is old enough to manage" replied Somz curtly. It surprised Shivay. Soumya was always over protective about Anika, what could have happened that made her so cold towards her? He mentally noted that he will ask Rudra once Somz retired to bed. Rudra was Shivay and Soumya's childhood neighbour - he was always closer to Somz, but Shivay and Rudra also shared quite a comfortable space - Shivay knew he could get this information out of Rudra.

Once Soumya retired, Shivay turned casually to Rudra and asked about his earlier remark. Rudra let out a boyish grin and went on to tell him, how he thinks Anne was secretly hitting on Somz, and how she tried to get him to zip her up - he told Shivay, how Somz wasn't interested in her, and hence Anika was heartbroken and avoiding Somz - even Somz was now very awkward around her. "Women" sighed Rudra.

After heating this bit of information, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry in exasperation - he wanted to jerk Rudra into realizing that his Somu was a GIRL and Anika knew that! She never considered Soumya a guy, she just humoured him - he wanted to scream that, Anika was genuinely asking her a casual favour of zipping her up - like any girl asks her girl friend or roomie - it wasn't a sexual innuendo! But who would explain this to these two sighed Shivay - he also realized Anika wasn't avoiding them for this - it was because of leaving her behind last night - but trust Somz and Rudra to think so twisted - he almost laughed thinking about Rudra's explanation that Anika was hitting on Soumya - like that was possible. But he also made a mental note to talk to Somu - she couldn't go on thinking she is a guy - she is too old for it now.


Anika was sitting on Mallika's bed hugging her. Thank God the chudail Tia had left for a weekend trip with her friends - it worked out perfectly for her. She wanted to be away from her self centred set of so-called friends - Soumya had hurt her the most, and Shivay too. She wanted to be away from them - and Mallika needed her too. By the evening even Mallika had realized that Daksh was a bit uncomfortable around her, and it broke her heart - Daksh on the other hand had requested Anika to tell Mallika that she didn't behave like this in the college - there he was an exchange student for a reputed college - he had an image to protect. Anika understood Daksh was right - but she knew Mallika was too immature to see it - she decided to be with Mallika and gently make her understand before Monday. Here she was holding on to a teary faced Mallika explaining it to her - to treat Daksh just like any other senior - and to not even call him "Daku" in college. Mallika agreed, but she was very upset - her Daku had changed.

Anika consoled her, and told her, Daksh had made plans to catch up for a movie with them - she should make tomorrow a fresh start and try and be a little more sombre and matured around him - Mallika nodded silently with a sad smile and hugged her di.

"Thank-You di for being here, I so need you."

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