Lenny Info owo

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Lenny is best scientist


Name: Lenny

Nicknames: None-

Age: 25

Gender: Female { pronouns are she/her }

Sexuality: Gay owo


{ okay so the second one is old art of her but same general idea, her tail legs would be shorter tho }

Likes: Her girlfriend, being left alone, science, experimenting, helping people from a distance, her lab, nachos, sammiches, coffee

Dislikes: People stealing her equipment, alcohol, drugs, gossip, detectives, children, parties, being dressed up fancy, people in general

Personality: With her girlfriend she's more sweet and loving, but overprotective

To everyone else she's approachable but not a people person, can be rude at times, minds her own business, curious with scientific stuff, easily annoyed, temper is non existant 

Stuff she does in her Free Time: Experiments, reading, organizing, drinking coffee

Other Info: She doesn't like detectives much, so Axel might have to do some convincing to get her on board, she names her equipment, people usually steal her equipment and sell it for money which makes her stressed

Random Quote: "I'm not gonna help this sitcom 'murder mystery' of yours. Detectives just dive into other peoples business cause they're too busy trying to solve their own case. Go find some other person to help you, cause I won't."

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