Mizo Jousuke

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Narina yawned heavily, she was currently in the Mail Room of the Girl's Dorm. And she was standing at the front desk, waiting for one of the students who worked there.

The Mail Room basically looked like a giant library, with a front desk, and dozens and dozens of shelves all over the place. Except the shelves held address books. Robots flew around, adjusting and organizing different address books, or delivering letters. The girls who worked in the Mail room all wore a single blue jacket as a uniform, and a large visored hat that said "Mail Room" on it.

"Hello!" Finally a girl walked over from behind the front desk and smiled at Narina. "Hey there Narina-chan! How may I help you today?"

"I think I have mail from a Mizo Jousuke?" said Narina.

"Oh yes," said the girl, bringing out a package and a letter. "Here you go.. Pretty pleasant to be getting so much mail every week huh?"

"Yeah." said Narina. "She can't email me where she is."

Narina went to the kitchen and sat down at one of the tables, opening her letter.

It read as such:

"Hello Big Bro!

It's me again! Mizo! Glad to see you're surviving your first semester at the Academy! I can't wait to find out what super hero you are! Mom and Dad seem to think you picked poorly. Did you really select that hero by accident? Why is it so bad? You're being awfully cryptic and it's got my curiosity peeked! So I've decided! Since I'm an Accidental! I've decided to enroll in the Academy! After all! I think my skills in foreign relations will do perfectly in a job with the hero business! Can't wait to see you bro!


Handle this one with care. It's the figurine of a hero who got popular recently because of something that happened in Mexico recently! She's my favorite! And I hope to meet her soon!"

Narina spat out the juice she was drinking at the moment, and her fork slipped off her cake and onto the floor. "WHAT!?"

Mizo didn't know.. how could Narina had told her!? Seriously! How did you explain to your 14 year old sister that you turned yourself into a girl by mistake!? Ezra was currently her best friend here, and Bella was her loyal caring android, and she couldn't even tell them!!

Nue on the other hand, Narina suspected she wouldn't mind..

But seriously!! WHY NOW!?

And to make things worse.. there was a P.S.S.

"By the way, I should be arriving by tomorrow, which means I should be here a little after this letter arrives.."

"WHAAAA!?" Narina stammered , quivering like a leaf.

Narina shook herself. She had to keep calm.. calm..  Hmm.. what gift did Mizo send her?

Narina opened the package, and nearly screamed when she saw the anime girl figurine still in it's packaging.

It was of Shocker Girl. Only, unlike the limited edition figurine of Shocker Girl who wore her signature black cape and blue dress with a lightning bolt on it, she wore Narina's Combat suit. And instead of being 18 in appearance, she looked Narina's age.. And the box.. was labled "Shock Therapy."

"DAMN IT!" Narina stammered as she looked at the figurine of herself, doing a cute pose and holding out a piece sign. "H-how did I suddenly become popular!?"

"You didn't see?" said a passerby. "Your chase with the Feathered Serpent was all over the news, and people learned you were just a rookie, but somehow you managed to control your powers so well. You're a prodigy that everyone's rooting for. Your figures are selling almost as fast as Zanna-senpai's. "

"O-oh?" Narina stammered. "Wait.. there's another figure in here?"

Narina scowled at the second figure, which was of her in a cutesy bikini, holding an inner tube around her waist. "OH COME ON!"

Narina shook her head. "Damn it.. I'm my sister's idol, and she doesn't know it's me, this is going to be a freaky visit! How much time do I have before she arrives?"

"WWWWWOW! IT's really you! Shock Therapy-chan!!!"

Narina's jaw dropped slowly with horror as she turned her head to look at the girl standing right behind her.

She was a slightly short girl with black hair like the rest of her family (except Manaka and Narina now of course.)  Her hair was done into two twin tail loops with a red flame shaped ornament holding together each loop.  Her eyes were a blazing scarlet color. She wore a T-shirt with a picture of Marvel's the Human Torch on it, saying "Flame On Super Girl"  and a pair of denim shorts.

Mizo Jousuke clapped her hands together gleefully. "It's really you! Narina Yukata-senpai!"

"U-uh.." said Narina, not sure what to say.

"Wow! I've always wanted to meet you ever since that incident on the news!" said Mizo joyfully, clapping her hands together. "And the other girls told me that my room is right next to yours!! Oh!! I-I'm an Accidental see.. so.. I didn't need to be rebirthed to get here!"

Accidentals were Illegal Super Humans whom had unlocked their powers by accident, so as a result, they were some of the few exceptions to being allowed to wield their powers.

Mizo was all fire, meaning she could control flames themselves, and create fire of deadly heat.

"Um.. I know.. Mizo." said Narina tentatively.

"You know my name!!" Mizo stammered, her eyes sparkling.

"S-say.." said Narina. "Y-you want to come to my room? Talk a bit?"

"S-sure! Anything!!" said Mizo, jumping up and down with glee.

"Riiight." Narina took Mizo by the wrist, trying to get her not to notice the packages she had just opened.  She finally pulled Mizo through the door of her dorm room, and yelled out, "BEELLA! Can you get my mail? I left a package and letter from my sister in the Kitchen."

"Sure thing!" said Bella, walking out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a cloth. "By the way, I packed some bentos for tomorrow, so don't eat them right now unless you want to go hungry the next day."

"Thanks." said Narina as Bella walked out the door.

"OOOOH! We're in your room!" Mizo exclaimed. "It's so awesome!!"

"Mizo.. stop acting like that, you're freaking me out." Narina groaned.


"You wanted to know what was so wrong or why I was freaked out by my rebirthed form?" Narina said. "Well.. take a good look. This is why!!"

Mizo stared for a minute.. then her jaw dropped.. then she went pale and fell to her knees. "G-geh.. N-NARIN!? Th-the  WHAT THE WHAT!?"

After about 15 minutes of explaining, Mizo looked ready to burst out laughing, or just choke on her own saliva.

"Eh.." said Mizo. "Okay.. heheheh.. HAHAHAHA! Oh my gosh Narin!! Bro, you messed up BIG TIME!! If I weren't your sister and knew you better, I'd call you a huge ginormous pervert!!! Wow! This must be torturous for you!!"

"You have no idea." Narina muttered.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!" Mizo laughed and fell on the floor, rolling around and still cackling like a hyena. "DEAR LORD NARIN!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I can just imagine how cute and shy you must have looked when you had to take a bath with these girls! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

"And what's that supposed to mean!?" Narina growled.

"I mean, that you're afraid of girls!" said Mizo. "Sure you talk a big game. But while you may be chivalrous at heart, you're afraid to go within even a 5 foot distance of a girl. Nina's your childhood friend, so she doesn't count!  And now, you're forced to hang around them all the time.. and look at one in the mirror too! HAHAHA!"

"This year was going to be different!" Narina growled. "I was going to ask Zanna out!! Fate Rider!! But.. well.. I ended up being just her friend instead.."

"Maybe she's a lesbian?" said Mizo.

"I'M NOT BECOMING A LESBIAN!" Narina roared.

"Well then, you better start learning to like guys because that's your options." said Mizo. "Sex change operations are illegal in most of the world now, and in the few places that are legal, all they would succeed in doing is making you look like a very girly guy, or a very manly girl, and those just look weird.."

"It's fine Mizo... I'm fine with going through life single." said Narina. "I've gotten used to life as a girl in any case, I feel A Okay.. mostly.."

"So you're my big sis now." said Mizo with a giggle. "Well, I've always wanted a big sister.. Narina-san!"

"And.. I guess I've also gotten used to that name.." Narina muttered.

"By the way, your roommates all have a very strange hazing ritual, they nearly scrubbed the daylights out of me." said Mizo.

"They'll do that." said Narina. "I was sore for the rest of the day. Anyways, now that I've got the whole astonishing revelations out of the way.. wanna go get some food?"

They ended up at a small bistro in the southern part of the city floor. As always, with any place that had it, Mizo ordered a strawberry shake and a cheesy pasta dish.

"So.. mmff.." said Mizo in between bites. "How many others know?"

"Let's see.. Stoor, Nina, You, Mom and Dad.. That's about it." said Narina.

"Well.. you've got to tell some of your new friends right?" said Mizo.

"They'd hate me if I told them." Narina muttered.

"Don't be ridiculous. I mean, this is pretty much the first time that somebody has accidentally chosen the opposite sex in a rebirthing." said Mizo. "But if they're true friends, they'll hear you out and understand, not to mention, they'll respect you for telling the truth."

"And maybe Greg will be so grossed out he'll stop flirting with me!" Narina said, with a sinister chuckle, rubbing her hands together.

"Eh.. well. you're almost on the right track." said Mizo, a sweatdrop going down her head.

"Miss? Would you like some pastries? Bella made some and they're good." Izel poked her head out from around a corner.


As Narina struggled to calm Mizo down, right outside Narina's door, Ezra was frozen, having dropped the plate of cake that she was going to bring to Narina.

"She's.. a .." Ezra went silent.

She had to confront Narina about this..

But what could she say?

What could she do?

Ezra wrenched the door open.. scaring Narina and Mizo into falling right off the couch as Izel hurriedly retracted his head around the corner.

"Narina." said Ezra calmly. "Meet me down at the Training House.. I would like to have one battle with you.. if you would.."

Narina just stared at Ezra, unable to believe her ears.. Ezra usually avoided fighting newbies because rumor was, Rain Storm was almost as strong as Fate Rider..

"Uh.. o-okay." Narina stammered.

As Ezra silently walked out of the room, Mizo had a look of dawning on her face that confused Narina slightly. "Oh know.. this is my fault.. I shouldn't have been speaking so loud!"

"What?" said Narina. "That's just my friend Ezra.."

"N-Narin.. I'm going with you.. don't say no.. please." said Mizo. "Something tells me you'll need somebody to have your back.."

That's when it dawned on Narina as well..

Ezra had been listening at the door..

Etymology and language of the 23rd century Era.

After World War 3, the country progressed into a Single Language era, where English was the only language used throughout the entire world.  However, accents and different systems of English remained after the world was converted. In Japan, Japanese Honorifics are still used, as apparent by Narina being referred to as the cute endearment "chan", or superiors being referred to as "Senpai." Narina is one of the few people other than her family that knows Japanese, since Jin is a heavily traditional man, and learned from the passing down of his family.  Narina is frequently referred to as "Chan" because plenty of Academy Students feel she looks so cute they have to call her that.

Names have also been altered as a result of the Language situation. Names are now all created using the Ancient Language. A language that was originally created by aliens that visited the planet 23 years ago.  The language was depicted as a sign of good luck, so many names were created from it.

Narin is a sexually neutral name that means Strong Conqueror.

Narina is a female specific name that means Beautiful Conquering Blossom.

Nue is a female name that means Lovable Oddball.

Zanna is a female name that means Rainbow Blossom

Jin is a male name that means Strong.

Mizo is a female name that means House of Flames.

Ezra is a female name that means Beautiful Rain Blossom.

Nari is a the word for Power or Conquest

Nu is the word for strange or exotic.

Na is the name the means flower or great beauty.

Zo is the word for Fire

Mi is the word for House

Ezrandle means Raincloud.

Indel means Strength.

Zanla means Rainbow

E is the word for full of great loving wonder, or Everlasting Kindness.

The aliens of that era tended to make names from various root words, or single words, and humans eventually learned to do the same. The result could be something like combining Zo and Zan, create the male name Zanzo, which means Rainbow Fire. While 60 percent of people in this time period use the Ancient Language, other humans still use Earth names, like Greg.

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