Super Power Fight!

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The 5th floor of the Trunk had one building which was taller than all the others. It was known as the Overseer (probable reference to Fallout 4) . It looked like a twisting churning cyclone, with ridges around it that swirled with a unique flow-like design that the architect felt would give the building a liquid look. And with the blue and gleaming glass that made up most of it's outside, and the slightly transparent edges, the architect had succeeded.

The building literally looked like a cyclone made of pure ice. In fact, those who first saw it, didn't even know it was a building, and thought that instead it might just be some strange giant ice sculpture,  or a whirlpool frozen in time.

At the top of the building, dwelled the Headmaster. In reality, the 5th Floor was one giant school divided into two groups. Heroes and Career.  Career was where those who weren't rebirthed into heroes but were of the upper class, attended school.

There was no dividing locations really, various areas for classes and  eating, as well as the dorms, were all scattered around the entire 4 mile area.  So this entire school district of Varus city was overseen by the school's Headmaster.

A headmaster who had never before been seen often.

In fact.. it should be noted that the Headmaster wore a mask. As if that weren't mysterious enough, his voice was electronically disguised at all times.

To those who knew him, he merely went by the name White Mask.

His mask was slightly skull-like in appearance with teeth designs, however, it also bore a more technological flair. He wore white gloves, and a fancy black coat one might expect from one going to an opera. In fact, he looked like he could play the Phantom of The Opera if he wanted.

All in all, he looked like one of those cool dark heroes who was big on theatrics. Which he was.

He stood in his large office, looking through the one way glass walls down at the city. He then spoke. "Manaka Jousuke, you don't have to hide.."

A woman walked in, who looked like she was in her mid 30s. She was beautiful right to the core, her long white hair flowed as she walked in her secretary's outfit. The hair was familiar in fact, despite the fact it was much longer than Narina's medium length hair.  Her purple eyes were the same as well.

This was Narin's grandmother, who tended to only visit on weekends, though, she always dyed her hair black before visiting for her own reasons.

As for why she looked as if she was 30, well, the Elderly were very rare these days. Starting in the 21st century, revolutionary medical technology allowed 200 to become the 37. All in all, age was slowed to an extreme, and the average human lifespan was now around 500 to 570 years. As a result, many of the humans who were born in year 2087 were still alive.

However, elderly people, namely those who couldn't afford revolutionary childhood medical care when they were young, still existed in retirement homes.  These 100 to 80 year olds who bore all the wrinkles and whatnot were born in the Grub Village, the crime infested part of the Roots.

"Your Grandson Narin has joined our lovely Academy, I thought I should mention it." said Mask. "Wine?"

White Mask held out a wine glass to Manaka.

Manaka shook her head. "No thank you.. I still have to schedule several meetings, so I'd rather not get even slightly drunk."

"I see." said Mask.  "In any case, it seems he made a mistake when selecting who he wanted to be, and, he accidentally selected you by mistake.."

Manaka looked shock. "Really!? So.. he's.."

"The spitting image of you.. back when you were Shocker Girl." said Mask. "And it's a she now. Seems like Narin is now Narina Yukata.."

Manaka laughed. "He was always terrible at naming things! My, nobody's accidentally changed their gender during Rebirth since that incident 45 years ago..  what a twist, poor Narin, I imagine he's having a hell of a time."

"But this could prove problematic. " said Mask. "We both know, that as your descendent, Narin already had the potential of developing your powers in his genes. Narina Yukata now has both your powers, and the latent power of Narin Jousuke in her. It's too soon to say, since she hasn't been fully trained.. but, I believe if Narin Jousuke's genes were awakened.. she would become more powerful than you ever were.. and this could spark interests from a lot of opposing groups in the Tree Top."

"Keep an eye on her will you?" said Manaka. "My, it feels odd calling her a.. well.. her.."

"Both eyes.." said Mask. "As often as I can spare them. We founded this Academy Manaka, and therefore we have a responsibility to the students who attend. Bosco by the way, has already started the works for replacing me as Headmaster, if he succeeds..."

"He won't.." said Manaka. "Your ideals for letting those in the Roots attend the Academy are legendarily popular."

"Yes, but Bosco has tremendous support from the Rich Community." said Mask. "Just be sure to be ready if the time comes that I'm no longer in this office. "


"Wait.. so, the training room isn't in the dorm building?" said Narina as she sat shotgun in the car next to Ezra.

"Nope." said Ezra, who insisted on driving instead of Bella, much to Narina's relief. "It's a shared facility. So it's one of the few places in Living Central that both boys and girls share. "

"Why do we even need training? " said Narina. "I mean, we have the memories of all the hero's powers right?"

"Well.. not necessarily." said Bella, poking her head out from the back seat. "Have you tried accessing your powers before now, and found that either one of your moves was way more destructive then you thought it would be? Or that you tried to use a technique you remembered, but for some reason you couldn't activate it?"

"Eh.." Narina shrugged as she remembered the hole in her wall back at home.

"This is a result of Memory Suppressant." said Bella. "Rebirth is usually made to give the customer the skillset and good looks of whatever past figure they like.  However, the personal memories of past humans are dangerous. Imagine if you had their personal memories? You'd be confused! Whose your real parents? Did you grow up in Australia or Japan? And that's just a less extreme example, many during the early years of Rebirth went insane due to mixed up memory accidents."

"That's where Memory suppressant comes in." said Ezra. "by putting suppressant programs in the brain, it suppresses certain personal memories in Rebirthed Humans. However, it's heavier, MUCH heavier on Rebirthed Super Humans.

"Why?" Narina asked.

"Not many know why." said Ezra. "But the Age of Heroes before nonrebirthed Super Humans became illegal, was a very chaotic era, chances are, it's an extra precaution of some sort to keep that era from repeating itself.  In any case, Training in combat situations allows you to slowly work through the muscle memory of your hero's body, and eventually, you start to remember their techniques through repetition and recalling.  And during this training, you even gain your own techniques and styles, and as a result, the way you use your powers will very likely be much different than how the hero used it."

"Heroes who graduate from the Academy move on to be very famous!" said Bella. "They become detectives, federal agents, leaders of disaster relief organizations, or even military personnel."

"Anyways, here we are." said Ezra, stopping to park in front of a massive rectangular building which was white in color. "The Training House. I'll be your opponent for starters, since this is your first time, I'll walk you through the process and everything."

"Okay.." said Narina, gulping as she remembered the merciless look on Ezra's face when she kicked out that boy.

Entering the facility felt like Narina was going to some sort of high tech game room.

The inside  of the facility was covered in a black comfortable solid floor which was covered in blue glowing circuits. The walls were translucent and glowing the same colored blue, and holographic screens showing things like the stats of different 'players' hovered around.

Other holographic screens showing different combat rooms with simulated environments, displayed student combatants fighting each other.

All around, different all looking around Narina's age walked around, wearing a different colorful assortment of outfits. All of them looked theatrical with ruffs, or capes, or masks, however, they all bore a similar mecha-ish look to them with padded nanofiber armor and such.

"Super Heroes always had costumes, it's a tradition." said Ezra. "However, instead of silly spandex, every body nowadays is required the standard issue customizable Nanofiber Armor, stops even a sniper bullet without a dent or bruise, the suits even enhance your body's natural physique so you can get thrown through a concrete wall and only be minimally injured. You're required to wear one at all times during training."

Ezra led Narina over to a computer terminal that was hovering in mid air. "This is where you register yourself, after you do that, the results of your training and how you did are measured in numbered scores, with high scores appearing on leader boards.

"This IS like an arcade." said Narina. "Even the registered names look like gamer names."

"haha! I honestly never thought of it that way, those aren't gamer names, they're super hero names. You see, differentiate ourselves from the heroes we rebirthed into, not only do we do things like get different haircuts, or different costumes, but we also try different names. Give it some thought. What'll be your name?"

For a moment, Narina thought about it. This entire ordeal so far had been like one shock after another, after this school year was over, she'd probably have to go to therapy. Wait.. therapy..

"Shock Therapy." said Narina. "Call me Shock Therapy."

"Catchy." said Ezra, smiling. "Okay, let's register you in here.. Shock... Therapy... and there, you're starting out as Level 1. As you earn experience points, you'll be able to access more privileges in here, even gain access to our Fitness Store.  Here's your current default username and password, be sure to remember these, and always log in on the terminals before you begin so the computer in here can start monitoring you."

"GRRRAAAAHHHHH!!" Suddenly, a voice yelled out, scaring Narina out of her mind. "WE'RE HERE SUCKAS!!"

"oh no.." muttered Ezra. "it's him again.."


A burly looking boy with strong muscles and a well featured face, wearing mecha boots and gloves, and a red jacket with a black shirt underneath that said "The Boom" in big letters.

The boy was followed by a group of other guys and several girls, all of whom looked smug as they followed their ring leader.

Next to the boy, was a black haired girl with cold silver eyes, and a long white kimono. This girl was apparently a custom android since her irises were glowing just like any other human-model android.

"It's Greg Ashton. " said Ezra. "He's the rebirth of the hero Dynamo. In here though, he's known as Mr. Dynamite, and the leader of our school's biggest group of thugs."

"HEY!!" said Greg, as many wary students got out of his way. "Ezra! Long time no see! I've been waiting for a moment to catch ya at this dump! Howabout me and you go one on one!? In the Badlands Map! No restrictions!"

"I'll kick your butt again as usual." said Ezra with a sigh. "And I can't today, I'm showing a new girl around, so why don't you just buzz off?"

"Master, she just offered you insult," said the kimono android. "Shall I end freeze her?"

"Heh.. no need Yuki." said Greg. "Anyways, I'm interested in checking out this new girl."

Greg grinned as he leaned in close to Narina. "Hey! What's your name chic?"

Narina didn't answer.

"Whaaaaat?" said Greg tauntingly. "Oh that's right! You must be afraid of me and how awesome I am! Well come on.. don't be shy!"

Greg began pinching Narina's cheek and giving her a belittling look as he did so. "Now now, don't tell me you're afraid of the big bad Greg? heh! Well well folks! Looks like newbie chic knows her place!"

Greg's gang laughed while Yuki remained still and emotionless.

A vein throbbed on Narina's head. "Hey.. Greg."

"Eh?" said Greg. "Well! Finally have the guts to speak!?"

"WHAMMM!!!" Narina punched Greg straight in the face, causing him to fly back, blood flying from his nostrils as he spiraled into the air and fell onto his belly.

"WHHHHHHAAAAT!?" Greg's gang yelled.

Ezra just stared with her jaw open.

Bella on the other hand, pumped her fist in the air. "WHOO! That's not a bad right hook Narina-chan!"

"Bitch please." Narina growled at Greg, as he lay on the floor, sputtering with complete shock and confusion. "My dad punches harder."

"N-Narina has a bold side.." Ezra stammered.

Greg stood up and wiped some blood from his face, as he did, Yuki jumped in front of Greg, and glared at Narina, a cold chill emanating from her body as a sheet of ice began to frost over on the floor at her feet.

"Master, at your command, I shall turn her into a beautiful ice sculpture." said Yuki. "The art of true death."

"No." said Greg, looking angry. "This girl needs to know her place. Okay newbie, how about you suit up and you take me on as your first opponent!?"

"Sounds good to me." said Narina.

"Great!" said Greg. "Room 43! 7 minutes! Get ready ya white haired psycho bitch!"

As Greg walked off, followed by his gang, Ezra shook her head. "You know, what you did is extremely stupid right?"

Narina suddenly shivered and slapped a hand to her forehead. "I know!! IT WAS!! What am I going to do!?"

"Well for now.. you're going to suit up." said Ezra. "And If Greg beats you up way more than necessary, I'll send him to Hell in a bubblegum wrapper."

Ezra pulled Narina over to a door that led to the girl's locker rooms quickly. After passing by several showers, they stopped at a set of what appeared to be cylindrical pods.

"Just strip down, and then stand in the pod, it'll dress you in a custom suit immediately. Though honestly, you can customize your own suit usually, since we only have 7 minutes, we don't have that kind of time, just hit the randomizer button. inside."

Narina paused.

Ezra chuckled. "Don't worry, I'm turning around.."

Ezra turned her back as Narina disrobed, and entered the pod. She pressed the "Randomizer" labeled red button in the center of the pod, and immediately she felt a light bathe her body, and when it cleared, she was wearing a black mecha-like suit.

the suit was a form fitting black one piece that revealed her legs, and much of her cleavage, with a lightning bolt design coming off a choker on her neck. Blue  energy patches on her suit glowed, as Narina felt almost like she wasn't wearing anything with the mobility the suit allowed.

"WHAT!?" Narina stammered with embarrassment. "Couldn't I get something less skimpy!?"

"Just come on!!" Ezra said. "Just remember, if this goes wrong, you can always quit the fight. Just try not to get too injured on your first day here!"

Narina gulped. What had she been thinking? Punching that guy? Oh right.. SHE WASN'T THINKING!

Ezra pulled Narina over to a door labeled 43. "Good luck. I'll be watching on the monitors. Bella.. take good care o of her kay?"

"Aye aye!" said Bella cheerfully as she pressed a button to open the door.

"She's coming with me?" said Narina.

"It's a tag team match, both of you are fighting alongside your androids." said Ezra. "Just stick close to Bella, and you should be okay. Yuki Onna is an Ice Type custom Android, one of the 7 Yokai models that were custom made by Greg's father, she may have a deadly ranged attack, but her defense is insanely low. "

"What!?" said Narina, unable to catch any of that.

But before Ezra could explain more, Bella grabbed Narina's arm. "Let's go! Heehee!"

Bella dragged Narina into the room.

It was a simple large white room, with another doorway on the other end, next to which Yuki and Greg were standing.

"There you are." said Greg. "Thought you'd never show!!"

"I'm on time aren't I?" said Narina nervously.

"Heh! That you are." said Greg. "Well.. what are we waiting for.. ? Let the games begin.. Anyways, Why don't you and  I go one on one for now..  let our Androids jump in later..?"

"I am not opposed to this." said Yuki.

"Eh.. so much for sticking close to me.." Bella. "Don't worry! I know you'll do great Narina-chan!"

"Wonderful.." Narina muttered.

The entire room shimmered, and before Narina  knew it, she was standing in a large canyon surrounded by craggy cliffs and rocks, with a massive set of storm clouds overlooking the place.

"Whoa." said Narina.

"This room is influenced by nanotechnology, meaning it literally morphs into the properties of whatever it simulates. Everything from the sediment type, to actual clouds, it even manipulates space in itself so that the environment is in fact as big as it appears." said Greg. "The limit being 1000 miles. This zone is called Eternal Crags. 1000 miles of nothing but rocky cliffs, and a stormy sky.. meaning 1000 miles of not having to HOLD BACK!!!"

Greg pointed at Narina. "DYNAMIC THRILLER!!"

From Greg's finger, a large black sphere the size of a baseball with a white cartoonish skull on it shot out, and stuck itself to Narina's stomach.

"Eh?" said Narina, staring at the skull sphere. The skull sphere giggled sinisterly, before it glowed orange.

"KAAABOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM!!!" A ginormous explosion shook the land, and rubble was thrown back as Narina was engulfed in a giant fireball.

"Like it!? Dynamo never named those little guys." said Greg as more skull spheres appeared around him, levitating and giggling sinisterly. "But I decided to call em my Bomboys!! Loyal little suckers that can blow a couple hundred meters of sense into your thick skull!"

(Picture of Bomboy below.)

"Owww.." Narina staggered out of the explosion, bruises and burns on her skin. But remarkably, not dead.

"Whoa," Narina muttered. "This suit really does enhance the body.."


"EEEEEK!!"  Narina screamed and ran as a rain of hundreds of Bomboys swarmed down at her, and she jumped out of the way as an explosion of epic proportions blew apart the rubble on the surrounding cliffs.

The force of the nearby explosion sent Narina flying into the air before she collided with a cliff face..

"Damn it!" Narina growled, staggering to her feet. "have to fight back.. wh-what was that move called again? RIGHT!"

Narina aimed a palm at Greg. "Storm's Art: ELECTRON CANNON!!"

The same powerful electrical beam from before exploded out from Narina's palm.

"DYNAMIC SHIELD!" A swarm of  Bomboys appeared in front of Greg and stuck together, building themselves into a large wall made of Bomboys.

The Bomboy Wall blocked the electrical blast. A smoking burn appeared on the shield, however it hadn't been penetrated.

"My Bomboys only explode when I want them to!" said Greg. "Until then, they are completely indestructible! Too bad girly! I'm way more experienced then you when it comes to using my powers."

Suddenly, a massive swarm of Bomboys shot down and attached themselves all over Narina's body.

"Oh no!!!"  Narina stammered as she tried to wrench the Bomboys off her body, but they had stuck to her like some sort of black explosive gel.

"KAAAAAABLLLLAAAAAMMMMMM!!!" An even more enormous fireball than before shook the canyon, and Narina was thrown from the fireball, and sent tumbling into the rocky ground.

"Now.. " said Greg, as he generated more Bomboys. "Let's finish this up!"

There was a sudden shimmer of speed, and in a heartbeating moment, Bella appeared right behind Greg. She put her arms together, and her two hands morphed into a large silver cannon with a blue light in it.


 A giant blue ring of sonic energy exploded from the cannon barrel, and Greg was sent hurling into the ground.

"Sorry." said Bella, leaping an incredible distance to stand next to Narina before helping her to her feet. "But I couldn't keep from interfering any longer.."

Greg chuckled as he stood up. "Well..  that's just fine.. because that means Yuki's in the game too."

Yuki Onna glided down into the cannon eerily, a cold blizzard-like wind churning around her.

"Master? Do wish for me to limit myself against these meager opponents?" said Yuki.

"Nah.. give em all you've got." said Greg.

"Good." said Yuki, her eyes flashing. "Then I will aim for the heart."

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