One Shot One Kill

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A scope... shining like a small twinkle in the blazing sun upon the ruined craggy landscape.

This shine was proving to be quite annoying, it made Sinon far too visible.. she would have to change position again while the day's light was still high in the sky. 

She sighed.. as she slid down back behind the slope she had been peeking up from behind.. dust clouds flying into the air as her boots and short shorts grinded against the dirt.  A white harness, under a short long long sleeved dark green jacket.. and a white long scarf.. as well as tufty blue hair and icy cold eyes..

Sinon had the appearance of a calm hardened killer. And this appearance didn't tend to endear her to her opponents.. but it held a sort of awed attraction for many of the male players of Gun Gale Online, which consisted most of the player base in all honesty.

Sinon cocked her massive sniper rifle... a PGM Ultima Ratio Hecate. 


PGM Ultimata Ratio Hecate.

Length - 138 cm, 114 cm with stock removedBarrel Length - 700mmWeight - 13.8 kg with no sight (14.4 kg loaded)Caliber - .50 BMGAmmunition - 12.7x99mm NATOOwner: Sinon

Trivia: The Hecate is classified as an anti-material weapon, which means it is capable of firing through buildings and vehicles. A truly powerful weapon in it's own right. 


This gun was rather famous in GGO. Sinon was even called Hecate because of the gun. But though she was seen largely as the best player in GGO.. there was one person who turned up at the last Bullet of Bullets tournament who she was always compared to..

A friend of hers actually in real life. Somebody she'd grown to trust, and played the game ALfheim Online plenty of times with.

Ahhh.. the world of VR.. so vast.. so many different genres.

2 years ago, a genius named Kayabe had concocted the Nerve Gear.. a means by which to hook one's mind to virtual reality.  It was nothing like the Oculus Rift or Play Station VR or any other VR headset, which all soon looked like fossils compared to the Nerve Gear.

And while thanks to the Sword Art Online and ALfheim Online incidents, the VR Gaming industry was almost permanently set back.. the gaming world of VR continued to flourish. 

People stopped playing Overwatch and started playing Gun Gale. People stopped replaying Skyrim for the 500th time and started playing ALfheim. Ordinary console gaming was driven out to make way for the new generation.

Sinon was one of those people swept up in this new age of electronics.. however her reasons weren't for fun.. more like an attempt to strengthen herself, that had proven consistently difficult.

Sinon gazed quickly over the craggy plains, her incredibly sharp eyes picking up no movements. 

If she got up to that ridge to the north, she could be in a perfect position to strike without being detected.. she'd have to make a slightly lengthy hike though..

Sinon shouldered her Hecate and trekked far up the other side of another hill that was more in the shade. This is what she hated about high noon.. metal was too visible.. 

Sinon got back into position once she found herself behind some suitable brambles and bushes, aiming the barrel of her Hecate between the leaves and peering through the scope.


Today.. the group she was taking on was rather small.. so she thought she'd handle it alone. Risky either way, as she only carried a few shells around with her at a time for Hecate. Each shot would have to be the kill shot regardless. 

Sinon narrowed her eyes as she spotted several people approaching through her scope.  They were armed to the teeth. Many of them had H&K UMP45 which were submachine guns.



Length - 690 mm (with stock extended)Barrel Length - 200 mmWeight -  2.5 kilograms (without magazine, 2.3 kilograms)Caliber - .45 ACPOwner: Mob Players

Trivia: The UMP is commonly used by various agencies, including the U.S. Patrol and Border Protection. However, several models were recalled in 2000 due to faulty operating handles.


Guns capable of 600 rounds per minute, these were actually kind of rare. These people weren't playing around... she'd need to be quick.

Sinon took a deep breath, and steadied her breathing.. allowing her scope's vision to hit her target nice and steadily.... 

She closed her finger around the trigger carefully.. then pulled.

The Hecate's muzzle roared.. as the foremost gunman in the group fell, his head exploding into virtual polygons.

"That's one.." Sinon muttered as she re-steadied her aim. The magazine on the upgraded version was around 7, she had exactly 7 people in this small mob, counting the person she just killed.. each shot needed to hit it's mark, or they'd have enough time to find out where she was and come at her.. and close range was not her best style.

"two.." Sinon muttered, as she picked off another gunman.

Around three and four, the remaining three gunmen  looked up directly at her.. Sinon cursed, but proceeded to continue her aim. She was at maximum distance. There was no way they could get in range in time if she acted quickly. 

"Five..." Sinon whispered... "Six.."

Finally, there was only one person left.. and he must've really maxed out his speed stat, because he was close enough to begin firing his weapon at Sinon.

Bullets pelted the rocks around her.. and Sinon ducked behind the rock.

"Damn.." Sinon muttered, considering her options. With speed like that.. She wouldn't be able to hit the guy by her usual aim tactics.. especially since the wind had just changed. She could use her sidearm and shoot it out..

But no.. that wouldn't work.. she wasn't fast enough to match this person's speed.. he'd outlast and outgun her..  

The more Sinon began to weigh her options.. the less options she began to see.. Any normal player would start to feel panicked about now.. but Sinon remained calm.. collected...

She narrowed her eyes and pulled out several grenades she had. Perhaps.. it was time to swallow her pride...

A few more minutes later.. the player had entered the outcroppings, aiming his gun around carefully. He wore ordinary military fatigues with red goggles and a shaved head.

"Come out little sniper.." muttered the gunman. "ya ain't so tough now are ya?"

"I'm here."

Sinon walked out.. one hand held over her head as she carefully put her Hecate down before her. "I'm unarmed now.. don't shoot."

"Oho! Giving up now? Guess you don't want to lose that rare gun of yours." said the gunman, nodding at the Hecate. "Wait a minute... that model looks familiar... What!? Are you... YOU ARE!! Sinon right?! I never thought I'd see the day I'd actually beat somebody like you! Then again.. I should've expected it.. only a real pro could've taken each of us out in one shot without even wasting a bullet.

Sinon shrugged, her hands still in the air. "I heard a small monster clearing mob was coming in here.. I was looking for drops.."

"Well, sorry toots, no drops for you today.." said the gunman, aiming his gun at Sinon. "I'm nice, so I'll let you keep the rifle.. I'm a huge fan see. But hand over all your other pouch items.. including the clothes on your back."

Sinon raised an eyebrow. "You want me to walk through the wasteland naked?"

"Well.. not ideal.. but I hear the stats on that harness are badass." said the gunman grinning

Sinon didn't return any expression, instead she remained cool and cold.. as she suddenly, in one fluid motion.. tore the Glock she had taped to her back out... letting the tape snap off as she aimed it quickly. 


Glock 18c

Action - Short recoil, locked breech, tilting barrelMuzzle velocity - 375 m/sCaliber - 9x19 mm Parabellum Owner: Sinon, and other players

Trivia: The founder of the company that manufactured the Glock, had no firearms experience, however he was experienced in the use of advanced synthetic polymers, which was essential in the Glock's success. 



The shot completely missed the gunman's head.

"Okay... that.. was disappointing." said the gunman, tilting his head back to normal position, having dodged the shot. "Good effort though.."

"Effort isn't done yet.." said Sinon.

"BOOOOMMMMMMM!!!" A grenade went off.. exploding behind the gunman... Sinon had somehow managed to shoot the pin off the high tech GGO device. 

"BOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!" Proximity mines that had been set up as well, started going off all around, set off by the grenade...

As the gunman yelled and cursed, staggering from the heat and light of the explosions, Sinon's eyes flashed and she whipped out what looked like a metal rod.

The metal rod gave off a holographic "SHEEEEE!!" and a purple thin glowing blade of photon energy slid out... 


Kagemitsu G4

Blade Length - 3.5 feetWeight - LightType - Energy SwordOwner: Kirito (being held by Sinon for now)

Trivia: The creator of SAO was a big fan of Halo, and Star Wars. So he decided to create an energy sword weapon based off the most iconic sword-type weapons from both franchises (though more star wars than halo in design.)


Sinon ran forward.. using as much as her speed as she could to close the gap..

"N-no way!!" roared the gunman as Sinon closed in. "You dropped the rifle to increase your speed didn't you!!?"

"Seven." said Sinon easily as she sent the blade stabbing straight into the gunman's chest.

The gunman roared out.. as the energy blade burst and pushed forth, and Sinon gritted her teeth, stabbing the blade further and further in through the guy's armor... doing massive damage as she went.. the guy's health bar draining away in seconds.

The man exploded into polygons.. 

Sinon sighed and sheathed the Kagemitsu, holstering it. She was not used to using a sword, never did she think she'd actually use it either.  

"Guess you're still helping me now and then aren't you Kirito?" said Sinon, a small smile appearing for just a minute on her face.


Shino Asada opened her eyes.. tonight was cool.. so she might not have needed to use the air conditioning...  She gingerly removed the VR Aumusphere Headset.. setting the ring-shaped head gear on the bedside table beside her..

She put on her glasses.. which possessed no prescription.. because she didn't need them. In fact, her vision was better than most people.. they just made her feel comfortable..

A thin, timid looking girl with slightly less tufty black hair sat up.. If one looked closely, they could see a certain resemblance to Sinon in this girl... However, this resemblance was only skin deep. 

Shino looked around  and stretched her arms. There was a ring coming from her Cellphone.

She pulled the phone from the bedside table next to the Amusphere and answered. "Hello?"

"Sinonon! Hey there!" said a voice.

"Asuna-san?" said Shino. "Hi.. is there something you need?"

"You're coming to that picnic on saturday right?"

"Yes." said Shino. "Is there something the matter? Did Kirigaya-san forget to buy charcoal again?"

"Nothing like that.. it's.. just that.. I'm thinking of making pork loins.. but I forgot to buy some of the herbs. And I'm stuck doing homework right now."

"Say no more." said Shino, smiling warmly. "I'll stop by the convenience store and head right over. "

Shino got up, pulling on a pair of pants, pulling on a warm scarf, and bringing out her wallet. She then headed out the door. 

A high school girl like her who lived alone couldn't really afford the type of cooking ingredients Asuna asked for.. but she knew that Asuna would pay her back as soon as she arrived, so it was no big deal.

It took only 12 minutes to walk to the convenience store, and about 12 more to find what Asuna wanted..

"Thank you!" said Shino, taking the shopping bag as the cashier bowed her out of the store.

Shino walked out into the sidewalk, yawning slightly. She was playing too long.. maybe she needed to start taking a break from GGO to look after herself. 

Shino looked out at the road.. and blinked...

One blink...

Two blinks..

Three blinks..

And the next thing Shino knew... she wasn't looking at the streets of Tokyo..  She was looking at something else..

As if from the first episode of Re:Zero.. Shino was suddenly somewhere else.. she was looking at a heavy dense forest, the treetops waving in a light breeze as clouds drifted lazily across the sky.. 

And she was standing on a large circular metal platform.. overlooking this dense wilderness.. as she saw oddly shaped buildings.. towering in the distance.. strange car-like flying vehicles propelling themselves through the air far away..

"H-huh!?" stammered Shino


Shino felt a gruff hand shove her in the back.

"Get moving!!" A man wearing a faceless metal domed helmet and powerful looking metallic body armor with blinking disc shaped lights  pointed a gun at her.

It was unlike any gun Shino had ever seen before. It's barrel was cone shaped, with a small fin on the back of the sleek silver thing, with light grey leather grips and what appeared to be a glowing power meter.


ZL Saber-Cougar.

Length - 700 mmBarrel Length - 100 mmWeight - 0.223 kilogramsCaliber - 875 plasma roundOwner- Royal Guard, Slave Traders, Bandits

Trivia: The most common Plasma Rifle on the Hearth Land, it is capable of shots at 670 meters when in concentrated charge shots, and shots at 40 meters in close range normal continuous fire, making it highly effective as both an infantry weapon and sniper weapon. However, in infantry use, its accuracy and power tends to suffer.


Shino's eyes went wide at the sight of the weapon. Her heart began to pump wildly..

A brief flash of a memory assaulted her vision.. her bloodied hands.. holding a black handgun aimed at the head of a dead robber..

She staggered back.. and at that moment, she looked down at herself.. She was wearing some sort of ragged jumpsuit marked SLV398.

"Wh-what?" Shino managed to stammer as the man grabbed her by the arm and pushed her into a crowd of similarly dressed people.

"Get a move on.. the Royal Auction's starting in a bit!" roared the man. He began jabbing his gun at the other prisoners in the crowd. "Get on!!"

Other body armored men with the same ZL Saber-Cougars (Shino could read the label) forced everyone including Shino herself into a large ramp going into a cylinder/prism shaped metal craft with short wings.. and what appeared to be glowing anti-gravity panels on it's bottom.

Crowded into the large ship, with barely any room to shift her arms as many smelly and unkempt slaves pushed into her, Shino tried to get a grip of herself.

What was going on!?

"E-excuse me!?" Shino stammered. "Can somebody tell me where I am!?"

"Poor girl.." muttered a gruff looking man with a beard. "Ya still in denial? These are Slave Traders.. yer about ta get sold.. best steel yourself young one.. days of hard labor for the royals are ahead of ya... "

Shino couldn't find a response to the ramp to the ship retracted... and she felt the craft fly into the air... preparing to make a trip that would forever change her life..

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