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Few years later

Beep! Beep! Beep!


"Jazzy, you have to learn to not to wake me up like this. You do it since our high school." I mumbled, still half-asleep, lying on my stomach.

"Whatever. I'm waking you up because you, my dear sister–" She says, poking my back.

"–is too lazy to notice that your phone is ringing. And your phone is disturbing me." She says pointing at my phone, which really is ringing.

"Thanks, Jazzy." I say and she left, rolling her eyes at my clumsiness.

I picked my phone and saw it is from Lewis. I accepted it.


'Hey, Isa. Boss called you on our spot at 3.' Lewis says.

'I'll be there Lew. Is there anything else?'

'Yeah, it is shoot at spot.' He responds.

'Oh, a rare case.' I joke.

He just chuckle's and hangs up.

I checked the time it says 1:. I have two hours to get ready and reach our spot.

I went in my bathroom to get ready and dress up in usual dressing.

I stood in front of my large mirror and took in my appearance. My hair resembles a bird's nest. Dark bags starting to form underneath my eyes. My face looks more pale than before. Guess his absence is making a huge impact on my life.

I ignored my pale skin and covered it up with a bit of makeup. I dressed up in my usual attire.

Black skinny jeans, black crop top and a black jacket along with black boots.

I bid my bye to Jazzy and left house on my black motorcycle.

Girl in black. Well my work needs to be dressed up as all black.

I work as a shooter for a gang. I know it is a odd job for a young girl. but it pays well. And I love shooting since I was 5. It's kinda dream job for me. Enough pay, less work hours and favourite hobby as work. Perfect!

Lewis is personal assistant of our boss and he is the one to pay me. I don't complain.

All I have to do is go and listen to boss's speech and when he finishes it depends on victim whether I shoot or abort. To save themself the victim needs to pay a huge amount to boss or something else in deal and I abort. And if victim disagrees, I shoot him or her.

Boss does it to earn money, or some other thing which I never inquire. I get payed well. Why would I ask questions and lose my only job?

Shoot at spot is a rare case. Where I have no option of aborting. It is final that the victim is going to die. Sometimes, boss is paid to do it and sometimes it's his personal thing-y.

It's rare because I have done it only twice until now. And today is my third shoot at sight.

Jazzy knows about my job and is fine with it till it is not a danger for us. There is a low chance of danger. I have signed a form saying that if I resign my job, they will keep an eye on me so that I won't tell someone there secrets. It dangers my and my sisters life.

But I am not thinking of resigning sooner or later. It pays me well, enough for our needs and wishes to be fulfilled and for our saving.

I am still single so I dont have any other problems to take care of. After that incident in my high school I forgot how to love.

He was and is my only love. I don't think I will love someone else. But I am happy with my single life. I am not planning on taking any other person's responsibility.

Dan and Jazzy are soon going to be married. They are couple from high school. I sometimes feel like gagging at their lovey dovey faces. I have to earn money for Jazzy's marriage.

I didn't realize they I reached the shooting spot. It is somewhere in middle of woods called redwood. It's quite ironic, because there is NO red wood in here.

First days of my work I was confused where to go so Lewis would always come to pick me up. But now I am used to this all. I can easily find my way in here.

I reached our shoot place, where everyone is busy doing something. I headed to our shooting platform which is located on a high tree because it is easy to shoot from there and my assistant james jones, I call him JJ, sets up my gun and all other necessary equipments there.

I saw Lewis on my way and stopped to say hello.

"Hey Isadora." Lewis says.

"Hello, Lewis." I replied in same mocking tone.

"I will call you Isa, just don't say Lewis again." He says with a disgusted face to which I stick my tongue out.

He leaves when someone calls him.

I reached my platform.

"Hola Issy." JJ says hugging me.

"Hey JJ." I say, laughing and he joins in too.

"Missed me?" He says, winking.

I stiffen. It makes me remember him. He used to wink all time. Everytime any person winks, my mind drifts off to his face and behaviour, which I still admire.

"Sorry Isa. I shouldn't have done that." JJ says hugging me again.

I know he is apologizing sincerely because he rarely calls me Isa. He always calls me Izzy or anything he can think of at the moment.

"It's fine. It just makes me remember him." I whispered the last part.

He exhales loudly. He knows about him. And my life, he is my best friend. Only best friend.

"You look more pale and thinner. You definitely don't eat anything, do you?" JJ asks me with a mocking expression but deep down I can see the worry in his question.

"I eat, just not like you." I mocked him back to which I gained a huge smirk.

"Get ready victim is coming." Michael yelled form below.

"Yeah." JJ yelled back.

"Come, let's go shoot someone." He jokes.

"Let's go." I say cheerfully and punch the air above me.

I sometimes feel bad for people. But what can I do? If they are here means they messed something, did something wrong. They deserve it.

We both got in our position. Me behind trigger and he stood beside me. Knowing that few minutes later we have to shoot.

The victim is brought in a black van. And is brought to the chair in centre.

I am feeling something is wrong or familiar here. Maybe I am just imagining things. It's nothing new. Focus.

The victim's face is covered in black cloth. Not that I am interested but it is good to atleast see the face of the one you are shooting.

He is tied to the chair in centre. And boss is pacing around him.

Boss looks angry, I can hear his shouting voice till here. Also reason we are kept up here is that we can't hear a thing they say. Even I am scarred of boss, now. He is never so angry.

Finally boss shouts to reveal his face.

They slowly hold his arms and opens the cloth on his face.

His face looks familiar...?

I-it-its R-Ren?

No! This can't be true! No, no, no, no! Please, no! Please!

It can't be happening! No!

Why is he here? What have he done? Please, no! I can't shoot him! No!

JJ breaks my train of thoughts when he shakes me.

I look up to him, my vision blurry due to tears forming.

"What happened, Izzy?" He asks. His voice laced with concern. But I can't tell him that down there, my love is tied and I am going to shoot him. Can I?

"N-Nothing. What happened?" I tried to blink back my tears and smile.

He nods to where he is tied. I follow his vision making sure I don't see him.

I see that Lewis is shouting something.

"You both! Come down. Boss wants you down now." He shouts.

Why us? Near him?

I nod hesitantly and we both make our way down along with our equipments and gun. I tried my best to ignore his stares and pleads. Key word; tried.

"I want you to shoot him from here. It'll be much more fun." Boss says to me with a wicked grin, once we got down.

Is he insane? He wants me to shoot my love from this near?! How can I do it. I love him. I still love him. What Ren did to him?

I want to shout and scream at my boss. How the hell can I shoot him? It will kill me for rest of my life. I love him. I just want to run away with Ren from all problems and gang members.

But if I go against him I know he can become danger for me. For my sister. I can't let that happen.

I turn my head, slowly, to see Ren, his happy brown eyes now dull and red due to all crying, his light brown hair sticking in different directions and his ever-so-smily face now filled with sadness, regret and fear. His dull but still effective on me eyes pleading me to save him.

But I can't. Sorry Ren. I can't put my sister's life in danger for you. It kills me to see you here. Like this! But I can't do anything. Why do you have to do something against them? Why do I have to shoot?

I position myself behind the gun. Ready to shoot.

Shoot someone who I loved. I still do. Who was my best friend. Who I still believe is my best friend. I wish I didn't have had feelings for him. It would have been much more better. It would be better if we never met. Neither he or me were born. Neither I joined shooting or this gang. I wish I can save him, anyhow. But deep down I know, I can't.

Boss nods his head indicating that I should shoot now.

My eyes filled with tears, my mind recalling all incidents between us, my hands and fingers trembling on thought of him dying, leaving my life forever, my legs turning into jelly.

JJ kept his hand on my shoulder the whole time to show his support. But it doesn't help. Nothing can. I kept my shaking fingers on trigger. I take a deep breath to calm my mind and body. Only one thought running through my mind.

I still love you, Ren.

And with that...

I shot him.


Sorry for the worst ending. But it is meant to be sad. So it ends here.

Thanks for reading. And if you voted, thanks for that too.

And a question for those who are you guys want an alternative ending?

And if there are any mistakes, please comment below. Thanks!❤️

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