ミ★ Chapter 2

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"What do you mean? Herbs of rainbow colors?" Twilightbreeze glanced at the field of rainbow-colored plants, feeling overwhelmed. Ravenwind brought Twilightbreeze at dusk to Rainbow Hollow which was far from fascinating. Ravenwind's figure darkened as she mewed strictly, " Yes, there is a great difference but you must learn."

Twilightbreeze mewed back, "Wow! Another learning trip! Should I be fascinated?" Ravenwind rolled her eyes. Suddenly, Twilightbreeze smelt a cat that was very familiar to her in the bushes. Right then, pale ginger showed up in the green, moving swiftly and quietly like lightning. She remembered her best friend Fernheart who shared the same parents with this pale ginger tom that was still in Skyclan, sadness, and anxiety rushing to her mind.

"Birdflight?" The pale ginger tom stopped in the bushes and was shocked. Birdflight mewed nervously, "How...how...do you...you know I am here, Twilightbreeze?" His tail twisted uncomfortably and he stared at the ground like it was the most fascinating thing in the entire world. 

Twilightbreeze smiled and joked, "Looks like you haven't upgraded your confidence yet!" Birdflight's figure relaxed as he cracked out a smile. Ravenwind's tail did a sharp flick and she put on an agitated expression as she mewed impatiently, "So, what's up? Twilightbreeze is having her lesson of herbs." 

"Yes, how sad that the most interesting herb lesson is interrupted!" Twilightbreeze's mew earned her a side-glance from Ravenwind. 

Birdflight's smile disappeared as he swallowed, said, "Well...well...well...Fernheart is coming..." "Fernheart?" Twilightbreeze missed her best friend very hard. They have been together since they were apprentices. Unlike Fernheart's brother, she was brave and confident, also loyal to cats she loved and gave every support she could. 

"What do you mean by 'coming'?" Twilightbreeze tried to control the excitement rising in her body as she needed to double-check that if she understood the meaning of every single word

Birdflight claimed, "She is now coming to StarClan! Mudblossom and Waterripple saw her drown near the river! We have to send a guardian!" 

"What about Twilightbreeze being the guardian?" Another mew was heard by Twilightbreeze as she turned and faced a blue pelted tom with stripes shaped like ripples. "And thanks for protecting Featherfrost and my kit." Waterripple mewed and everyone knew that it was rare that Waterripple appreciated or praised a cat. 

Twilightbreeze smiled and looked straight into his eyes which the other cats would never dare to do so, "Your welcome. And it's what I have to do to save my sister and your kit. And I will try to be the guardian if you tell me to do so." 

"But the rest of the herb lesson..." Ravenwind tried to form a sentence but it was interrupted by Waterripple, "Will be continued later." Ravenwind rolled her eyes behind Waterripple's back and signaled Twilightbreeze to follow her. 

Birdflight and Ravenwind ran swiftly on the grass when Twilightbreeze struggled to catch up. She always knew that Birdflight was a great runner. The breeze brushed her fur softly as Twilightbreeze followed Ravenwind to the Starpool where watchers were seated. 

Ravenwind ordered, "Touch your nose with the water like in the moonpool and it will bring you straight to Fernheart. You need to be quick before her spirit turns into a ghost and flies away. Recall what I said to you last time and do the same to her. Good luck."

The watchers moved away to make space as Twilightbreeze stared at her reflection in the water. Her fur was shinning as she bent down and buried her nose into the water. But this time it was not the excitement of seeing Starclan when she was still the medicine cat of Starclan, her mind was filled with anxiety and nerve. 

Bramblestar's ghost was her all-time favorite nursery tale told by Poppyshine, her favorite advisor. 

It was about Bramblestar, a famous leader of ThunderClan, turned into a ghost spirit because he got lost on his way to StarClan, and all of these happened because Firestar, a former leader of ThunderClan which was being called the legend of ThunderClan, and Goldenflower, Bramblestar's mother, had a serious argument on who would the guardian be. 

Goldenflower insisted that she should go but Firestar suggested calmly that Cinderpelt, a former medicine cat of ThunderClan who unfortunately hurt her legs due to a monster accident on Thunderpath, should go instead of her. Finally, Goldenflower gave in but they were still too late.

Although this was her favorite tale, whenever Poppyshine started her story, Fernkit would always cover her ears and shouted, "La la la I cannot hear what you are talking about!" Blazekit would run away as fast as he could and Birdkit would always hide under the moss. Featherkit would always excuse herself and leave the scene. 

But Twilightkit never cared. She could help Poppyshine fetch some prey for the fresh kill and sat on the moss all day, just to listen to the tale and discussed the tale. Discovering Twilightkit's special interests in stars and StarClan, Ravenwind decided to take her in as a medicine cat. Of course, the reason was not only limited to this.

A question that she asked a long time ago but without receiving an answer was 'why would the cat's spirit run away? Could he be more patient?' Poppyshine did not answer. She always patted Twilightkit's head and mewed, "You will know soon enough."

When was soon enough? 

After a twinkle of an eye, Twilightkit had already become a medicine cat in StarClan. But still no answer. She was ready to figure this out herself.

Even though Twilightkit was addicted to the tale when she was little, she was still terrified by the idea of a ghost cat tailing her. She always glanced around and checked that if there any ghost cats following her when she told secrets to her friends. She felt pity for the hero of SkyClan - Roottail who could hear a ghost thought when he was still Rootpaw. She wondered if Fernheart's spirit would keep tailing her and said, "I am here." 

This was creepy.

What if she was not fast enough? Once, Twilightpaw met a snake on her way to collect herbs and she struggled to fight the snake. She was being poisoned by the snake venom but luckily, Fernpaw appeared and fought with the snake. Although she had a few cuts, she managed to drag Twilightpaw back to camp and sought for help. If it wasn't for Fernheart, she would be in StarClan now like Tinykit, the only kit in StarClan.

Why if she messed up things? She was not completely confident although she memorized everything by heart. Especially when it came to life. She was not confident with her healing skills, so she was always the one who collected and mixed herbs, also inventing some new techniques and usage, leaving all the healings to Ravenwind.

But it was not the time to overthink things. Overthinking would cost delays. She banned down and touched her nose with the pool without one more second for hesitating.

I hope it won't be too late... A light sparked from the pool as Twilightbreeze disappeared from the view. 

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