ミ★ Chapter 3

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Twilightbreeze stared at the night sky, the sky was darker than in Skyclan. The night's blackness covered some of the stars, making the rest who peeked out of the dark lonely.

Perhaps, it was StarClan's job to light up the sky. Like the amazing flowers that the two-legs grew and exploded in the sky.

Ravenwind gave her special permission to stay with her best friend one night, which was unexpected. Twilightbreeze glanced around as she saw the leaders and deputies went back to their den. Birdflight settled down under a pine tree while some lied down on the clearing. The stars' brightness was not enough to see the white pelted and grey spotted face, but she was clear that the she-cat was smiling at her. 

"Twilightbreeze, I never imagined that Starclan was like this. I thought it was a place looking like a beautiful dream, but here it comes, looking like a nightmare!" Fernheart lied on the grass beside Twilightbreeze, watching the fainting stars. 

"Me neither, Fernheart. I even said to Ravenwind that she brought me to this place to let me experience the bad and appreciate the real Starclan." 

Fernheart let out a soft laugh as she whispered, "That's your sarcastic self. You are so brave that you even dare to say that Ravenwind!" 

"Hey! Ravenwind isn't a monster! She is my former mentor after all, and she saved me from the monster in Thunderpath." 

Twilightbreeze playfully put a paw on Fernheart's nose and they rolled on the ground. Suddenly, Fernheart stopped and stood up, her eyes staring straight into Twilightbreeze's. 

"Why did you mention the terrible monster?" 

"Exactly no reason." Twilightbreeze twisted her tail uncomfortably. She knew that her best friend discovered something. 

"Don't you think that the monster accident happens to be a bit strange?" Fernheart mewed. 

"Why do you think so? Hit by a monster in Thunderpath is quite common!" Twilightbreeze came near and saw that Fernheart froze. She looked like having something in her mind. Twilightbreeze continued, "Unless you are thinking of Blazesky?" 

Fernheart's other brother Blazesky was exiled in Skyclan for stealing an important stone called Starstone. According to legends, Starstone was very important but for unknown reasons. Right after Blazesky was banished though he kept claiming that he was innocent, he disappeared after a monster crash which Cloudflower and Sorrelpool witnessed and he was believed dead.

"I just think that it was so strange, I just have a feeling..." Twilightbreeze put her tail around Fernheart, softly mewed, "How about a dream? Maybe you will know the answer in your dream!"

Fernheart nodded and they lied down on the grass. Twilightbreeze closed her eyes as she heard the gentle snore by her side. A shooting star flew through the dark sky...

"You failed your assignment again!" A low voice woke Twilightbreeze up. She turned her head and saw a ginger pelted tom, eying a dark brown furred cat. 

A vision? 

Twilightbreeze sat up straight, observing the two cats. 

"Answer me! Why did you fail it again?" The ginger pelted tom stared at the other cats. Twilightbreeze could not see his eyes as his back was facing her, but she knew very clearly that there were flames in his eyes. 

The dark brown furred she-cat's tail twisted nervously as Twilightbreeze was looking at their back, figuring out who they were. The she-cat mewed, "Sorry...But I swear to Starclan that I will complete this task well this time!" 

The tom's voice rang in Twilightbreeze's ears as his voice filled with anger, "Swear to Starclan is useless, Starclan is useless. Then let's see. Keep an eye on her using whatever method and we will see about that. If you failed again, you know what you will get. Go now!"

The two cats disappeared in a flash of light and Twilightbreeze stared at the place where the cats were once sitting. 

Whether she knew the cats or not, she must be aware. There would be a dark power rising under the brightness of the stars. But who should she trust? 

Should she tell Ravenwind? That was serious! Or she should figure it out before she spoke up? What if she failed...?

"Hey, what happened to you? You memorized the herbs and how to use them in the speed of the light. You talked endlessly and I always told you to shut up. What gets into you now?" Ravenwind waved her tail in front of Twilightbreeze's eyes. Twilightbreeze blinked and saw Ravenwind's concerned eyes. 

Sunbeams danced on the moss and herbs on the medicine cat den, making the color extra colorful and fascinating. But Twilightbreeze did not have time for appreciating that as she faced another problem.

"You put yellow herb into the purple herb pile." Ravenwind stared at her blankly as Twilightbreeze licked her chest fur, "Well, I guess I should revise the colors again, mentor!" Twilightbreeze mewed. 

She put down her questions and continued on sorting herbs. Suddenly, she felt a warm breath on the side of her neck. She turned and found Ravenwind staring at her. 

"Anything wrong, mentor?" She used her apprentice voice and mewed. A hint of a smile went on Ravenwind's face but it disappeared as fast as a shooting star. 

"You are thinking about something? Care to say it out loud?" Ravenwind knew Twilightbreeze well enough to know that something was stirring in her mind. 

Twilightbreeze felt siren ringing in her mind, echoing and repeating in her head. Panic spilled all over her head as time seemed to pause. Her mind raced to thousand of directions. This was the question she was always avoiding herself. Ravenwind was mysterious. Many things about herself were unknown as she kept them to herself. Would there be any secret connection between Ravenwind and the unknown group? She did not know what to do, so she chose the path that she thought was the most suitable.

"Uh...nothing. I really mean this."

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