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Zayn P.O.V.

I just cant believe it! After a long time.. Hina is my neighbor again? I couldn't wish for more! I lost her once and I will never loose her again.

I go outside our front yard hoping to see Hina

"She must have gone inside?"

I was about to go inside my room but then I heard a person call out my name


I turn my back to see who it was, and I was greeted by Hina

"Hina? Is that really you?" I ask her

"No Zayn, I am a ghost" she sarcastically said while patting my head

"Stop that" I tried to sound annoyed

"Awww, did that annoy you?" Hina asked me has she was hugging me tight

I became shy in an instant, she was too close to me.

"S-shut up" I tried not to stutter, which obviously, failed.

"Ah ok fine" Hina says as she lets go of Zayn

"Hey, uhm.. Zayn, meet me out later at 2pm?"
Hina suddenly asks me

"Uh.. sure?" I replied.

'What could she probably want to tell me that she asked for a meet up all so suddenly?

"Ok thats great! I'll meet you later at my house?" She asks me

"Yeah, sure" and I just respond with a smile

Hina went home looking cheerful as I entered home aswell.

*Time skip : After noon - 2:00pm&

I head infront of Hina's house and knock on the door, Her mom answered.

"Zayn, is that you?" She asked

"Yes Auntie, its me" I said with a smile

"Well then, come inside, Hina is in her room"
She said as she escorted me inside the house.

"I will just call her down ok?"

"Yeah sure, that would be nice"

After a few minutes, Hina Came downstairs

"Hey Zayn, lets go at the back yard" she suggested

We head towards their back yard and sat at the grass, this reminded me of the times when we used to go out before sunset to just talk and wait for the sun to come down to go star gazing.

"So... why did you want me to come here?"

"Well, I wanted to tell you something that I found out ever since we moved to Japan"

She looked serious and that scared me.

"What i-is it?" I asked

"Well.. I found out that I had a very bad heart disease" she said trying to hold back tears

"Hina... I.." she cut me off

"And that is not even the worst part.. I had a check -up yesterday and.."

"The worst part is.. The doctor said I only havr three months to live"

She finally bursted out crying

"I-i am just glad that.. I finally met you again"

She said with a stutter

I did not know what to do, she had never cried like thus before,I was also trying to hold back my tears as I just remembered that she said she only had three months to live.

I comforted her to the best that I can and tried to change the subject.

Changing the subject worked, It lead us to talking for hours, and hours, and hours. We hadnt even realised that it was 7:00pm already.

"Zayn, look, its dark already" Hina said chuckling

"Oh.. looks like it is!" I said with disbelief

Had we really been talking for that long? Well wow then!

"Hina-nee, want to go stargazing again like we did in the past?" I ask her

Her face brightened as she screeched


We were just looking up the sky trying to spot a lot of constelations and just having fun.

"Hina.. look a shooting star" I say

"Make a wish" she responds

We both made a wish

"So.. what did you wish for?" I asked

"I am not telling you~" she teased

"Huh? But why???" I whine

"It is because If I tell, It wont be granted" she said as she continued looking up the sky

Rememvering that she only had three months left, I knew thaf I had to tell her How I felt about her, I knew that I would regret it if I dont. So I finally pick up the courage to say:

"Hina-nee... I. Like. You"

Her eyes widened as she looked at me

"What did you just say?" She asked in shock

"No matter where I am.."
"No matter where you are.."
"No matter where we are.."
"You're my Shooting star"

"I like you Hina - nee, do you like me to?"

I ask, she only looked down at the grass, which only lead me to believe that I messed up

"L-look its okay if.." I got cut off as Hina hugged me tight

"I like you too Zayn"

We were hugging eachother till we realized that it was past nine o'clock

"I have to go home now Hina-nee"

"See you tommorow" she waves at me while smiling

"See you tommorow aswell, Shooting star~"

We met almost everyday for a month straight, we would sometimes bring my sister Hannah but most of the time it would just be me and Hina and we loved spending time with each other, we would joke about stuff and make eachother laugh.

Till one day, we were hangging out at a park near our house when Hina's breath suddenly turned unstable, worried, I try to help her out

"Hina-nee it gonna be ok" I said while panicking

I wasnt going to be stupid and just stand there and do nothing, I took out my phone and dialed an ambulance, once we were in the ambulance she took my had and said:

"I want you to be strong for me"

I couldnt help but let a tear out, this wasnt happening! Hina wasnt going to leave me just like that.

"Hina" I said while my voice cracked

"You are my shooting star, you are my wish and you are my everything"

We reached the hospital, her mother and father were out in the waiting room with me.

Auntie is crying non-stop while uncle is trying to calm her down.

After a few hours the doctor told us that she only had a few minutes to live, I told aunt and uncle that they could go in first and talk to Hina.

I was just left there, standing like a complete mess, I hated everything. My star was slowly loosing its light and I could do nothing at all to keep her from dying.

Aunt and uncle went out of her room and it was finally my turn.

I entered the room and ran towards Hina, I hugged her while she smiled weakly at me.

"Zayn, have a good life without me ok? She aked me

"No! Its impossible Hina-nee! I would never be the same without you!"

I cried

"Dont cry for me, when ever you are sad.."

She looked weak

"Wish on a star, and your wish will get granted"

After she had said that she had just fallen silent, she was no longer breathing, I had lost her, My star had completly lost its shine.

I went home defeated that night, It was a bright night. I looked up the sky and smiled as I see a shooting star

*scoff* "I will miss you Hina"

Shooting Star


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