Chapter 16

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The next morning, izzy slowly open her eyes to her bedroom light up by the natural sunlight. She layed there not moving a single mussel thinking about last night, the kiss, the confession everything.

She turn her head wanting to she the blonde boy but found the bed empty. She sighs.

"JAY!" She yelled like a child, all of a sudden Jj come rushing in. "WHAT, ARE YOU HURT!" He yelled in concern.

Izzy just laughed, "no I just wanted you" she smile cheekily, he just laughed and sat on the edge of the bed.



They smiled at each other. All izzy felt from Jj was awkwardness, it was wired Jj was never awkward.

"Ok, stop that!" She said, he looked confused "stop what?"

"Stop being awkward, just cuz we are now together, doesn't mean you have to be awkward." Izzy explained to her confused boyfriend.

"I wasn't be awkward!" The boy said.

"You are, I just want us to be how we use to be just with more ok?" She tilted her head to smile at the boy.

"Ok I can do that!" He smiled. They both leaned forward, and both melted into the kiss.

"BELS! JJ!" They quickly pulled away by the sound of rilla maybank coming throw the front door.

"We will be out in a minute!" Jj shouted.

"Are we telling people?" He asked izzy. "She will find out, so might as well tell herZ she your sister and my best friend. But the other we wait until I tell john b" she told the blonde boy.

He nod and gave her a quick peck on the forehead, before walking out.


Izzy had pulled rilla outside for a chat, she want to tell her before Jj slips up at tell hers.

"So what wrong, you've been quiet all morning!" Rilla raised her eyebrows at her best friend.

"so what would you say if your best friend would maybe, possibly, to date your brother?" Izzy said quietly and quickly.

"What?" Rilla asked confused.

" what would you say if I was dating you brother?" Izzy said more loudly now.

Rilla's face went from confused, to shocked to a smirk. "I knew it, U like him! Omg yess I'm so happy." Rilla leaned forward pulling izzy into a hug.

Izzy closed her eyes enjoy the hug when both girls were interrupted. " Oi she my girlfriend. Back off!" Jj said pushing his sister away.

Izzy laughed.

Rilla just Glared at her brother. Jj sat behind izzy pulling her into his chest. "Dude my brother has a girlfriend... wait my girlfriend. When did I let that happen!" Rilla joked with a shocked look.

"Don't worry, babe you will always be my first love!" Izzy winked at rilla. Jj looked between the girl so confused.

The two girl laughed.


"Don't let it get in your head. Three of them and two of us." Jj said stood with his back against izzy chest.

The group had now all met up at heyward, well expect jb cuz no one knew where he was. Izzy was a little worried but if he couldn't be bothered to tell her where he was why would she care.

"That's typical Kook shit right there." Rilla commented. "Hell, yeah." Jj hive dived his sister.

"What was your thought process, using your head?" Izzy question with a cocky smile.

"I don't know, man.I just kind of acted off instinct." Pope shrugged. The group laughed.

"Hey mr heyward!" Izzy waved, he gave her a subtle smile.

"Hey, Pope, someone here to see you." He said then stood to the side, in walked shoupe.

"Evening, Officer." Pope said politely

"I have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property." Shoupe said with no emotion.

"What?" Rilla shouted

"Hands where I can see 'em." Shoupe pointed to pope. Rilla now stood infront of pope. "Young lady, out of my way."

"Whoa. Shoupe, what'd he do?" Mr heyward asked.

Izzy head was spinning, pope couldn't get arrested he was probably the only one to get out of this shit town. She can't do anything, cuz if she took the blame she would never see her friends again. She would be ship of to the mainland.

Izzy hadn't even noticed they were now outside. Rilla and kie holding each other. Jj just infront of her, being to quite for Izzy liking.

When izzy realised what he was going to do it was to late.

"It wasn't him!" The blonde boy shouted. Everyone head snapped to him.

Rilla and izzy looking at Each other then back to Jj. "It was me. He tried to talk me out of it, but I was mad because he'd just been beaten up. I was so sick of those assholes from Figure Eight that I lost my shit." Jj explained not daring to look back.

"Jj stop!" Izzy begged,

"Jay pls don't do this" izzy voice trebled

"I can't let you take the blame for somethin' I did.
You've got too much to lose." Jj said to pope, with a broken smile

"JJ, what are you doing?" Rilla walked up to her brother.

"I'm tellin' the truth. I got to do this Riley" he smiled at her

"For once in my goddamn life,I'm gonna tell the truth." He said looking back at Shoupe

" I took his old man's boat, too." He said smirking, trying to sell the whole thing.

"What the hell?"

"JJ, come on." Pope begged him
"Just shut up, Pope!" Jj snapped.

"He's a good kid.You know where I'm from." Jj said looking between pope and shroupe

"Yeah. I know!" Shoupe spoke.

"You should care where he from! He a good kid to" rilla shouted at Shoupe.

"Calm down!" Kie said pulling rilla back, but rilla pulled her arm out.

"This was all me." Jj laughed.

"That's the whole truth?" Shoupe asked "Whole truth, swear to God." Jj said, "I know what you think, damn it, I'm asking Pope." Shoupe snapped at the boy.

Izzy emotions were all over the place. She was angry at Shoupe, scared for Jj and annoyed at herself.

"Yeah, that about covers it." Pope said looking at the ground.

That when Shoupe took the cuff of pope and put them on Jj. He then stood Jj against the cop car. "You stay there!" He told the boy. Before walking towards me a bit.

"Isabel Routledge?" He said, she nodded.

"Please hold out your arms as we also have a arrest warrant for you to!" Shoupe said.

That made everyone go meantal.

"What the fuck!"

"Shoupe she didn't do anything!"

"Shoupe what she do man!"

Izzy couldn't hear over her heart beating so loud in her chest. this was it she was never going to she her friends again.

Looking up with tears running down her face, looking at her friends.

"Shoupe what did she do!" Heyward asked calmly. " assault!" Was all he said.

It clicked- Rafe,

"Son of a bitch!"She said.

Shoupe then put the two teenagers in the car and drove off. Izzy didn't look at anyone. She didn't even look at Jj in the car.


When they got to the station, the teenagers were split up. Jj was taken to the other cells and izzy in Peterkins office.

"Well, well, well." Peterkins said walking to her office.

"Hey!" Izzy said.

"Kid, you did it this time! I thought we told you not to do any prober damage!" She said to the girl,

"Yeah well he deserves it!" Izzy snapped. "Whoa, I know he does. But me and Lauren told you the last time. If it happened again it would have to go on your record." She said sitting down on her chair.

"Yeah I know" izzy looked up with tear in her eyes.

"Sweetheart!" Izzy look to the door way to find mama L standing there.

She stood up and ran into Lauren arms. "It ok!" She whispered.

"I'm sorry"

"It ok, we understand you were protecting your friends" Lauren said into the girl hair.

"She all free to go!" Peterkins said.

Izzy pulled from the hug and looked at the older lady. "But what about dsc?" She asked.

"We got that covered for now!" Peterkins smiled at the girl.

Before the two lady walked out izzy turn to Peterkins and asked " what going to happen to him?"

"Honey, you know what will" she have the girl a sad look. " you love him don't you" Peterkins asked the girl.

"Umm yeah.. yeah I do" izzy said with a smile.

"That will other save you or kill you, I would be careful" Peterkins said before going back to her work.

"Come let go home" mama l said pulling izzy out the building.


So I'm back

Writes block sucks
But I was also really busy.

I will try to update as Much as I can but I have exams this week and next week sooo don't know how much I will get done.

But I love you all

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