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If you are reading this you are interested in an alternate history where the Soviet Union has survived until the next millennium and the Warsaw Pact is under attack by the soviet union! anyway welcome and here is a tiny part of the 1st chapter!

The invasion came April, 21 2003 without warning, first the enemy took the cities of Minsk, and Kiev then carved a path straight to Kursk, Belgorod, Bryansk, and Smolensk by using tactics similar to the Blitzkrieg in world war 2. The Air force was completely caught off guard when thousands of NATO jets entered soviet airspace clearing the path to Moscow for hundreds of transport planes carrying paratroopers deep into the heart of Russia, capturing any town and city that they came across, destroying the ones that resisted, Moscow was hit the hardest, the red army barely got there in time to defend what was left. Multiple naval invasions landed at Khabarovsk and Murmansk, and their defenses were overrun within the hour, the declaration of war came 72 hours later. 

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