Forty-Eight: Critical

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Anna threw open her door. Seokjin was standing there, looking sympathetically at her. She took a quick inhale before she started crying again.

Seokjin stepped through the door and hugged her tightly. "Oh, Annie. I'm so sorry. I came as soon as I heard."

She sobbed into his chest. "J-Jin. I can't believe it. He can't...he can't die. He said he would always be with me." She grabbed fistfuls of his shirt as her sobs intensified.

He patted small circles on her back. "I thought that no one was sure about his condition yet. They told you to rest. I'm sure he'll be fine or else they wouldn't have sent you home."

She sniffled loudly and moved away from him. "B-But how can anyone survive that? The...the car was all broken up. And-And at the hospital I could only see him through a window. He's all hooked up to machines. It was awful."

He reached back and closed the front door. He led her into the large living room and made her sit on the sofa. "I heard that he's got the best doctors. They are doing everything possible. You need to stay calm. You're not helping him by having an anxiety attack. He...he wouldn't want that, right? He'll pull through."

"Y-You think?" She sniffled again, and he grabbed the tissue box on the side table and offered it to her. She pulled out two tissues. "Why won't they let me stay with him?"

"Hospital bureaucracy, I guess." He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm sure they'll let you in once they are sure he's stable. Please don't worry. Just get some rest."

Anna's eyes went round. "But what if he's more seriously hurt than they're saying? Jin, what if Namjoon d-dies? No, no, no."

He pulled her back into his arms. "What happened exactly?"

Anna made an effort to control her sobs as she told him what she knew.

Namjoon and she had been in meetings at the studio office all day. Someone poked their head into the room and said that a car had to be moved. It was Anna's car, the Mercedes sports car that Namjoon had recently given her. Anna had gotten up, but Namjoon took the key from her hand and told her to stay. He'd go move it.

Not ten minutes later, they'd heard sirens blaring. Someone went to the window to look down. Even from six stories up, they could see the Mercedes crushed under a huge truck. By the time Anna made it downstairs, Namjoon had been extricated from the wreckage and was being loaded onto an ambulance. All she could see was blood, his blood everywhere. She held his hand in the ambulance all the way to the hospital, but he never moved.

"It was horrific," she cried into her hands. "His face...his eyes never opened...It was like he was dead. What if he dies?"

He pulled her into a hug again. "Shhh. Don't think like that. Instead, why don't you tell me something nice about him, hm? Something that will make you smile." He squeezed her hand. He didn't really want to hear her sing Namjoon's praises, but he wanted her to stop crying before she made herself sick.

"Uh. Okay." She wiped her eyes with the tissues. "He...he does this thing every morning when he sees me. He touches my nose with his finger then touches his." Her lips curved up in a ghost of a smile. "Just...does that. Makes no sense to me. He just laughs."

Seokjin nodded. "Okay."

Anna bit her lip. "It's just something that I think is nice. I know it's weird."

"No. Not at all."

She inhaled. "He also takes my hand and kisses each individual knuckle." She sniffled. "Every time he does that, it makes me laugh. He said that's why he does it." She covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh, Jin. What will I do if he's...he's gone?"

Seokjin knew he had no right to feel jealous. But he was. Seeing her crying over Namjoon and missing his touch ignited a fire within him. He had fantasized about Anna for so long, hoping she could be his one day. Now, looking at her tear-stained face, it pained him that she was crying over another man—a man who had taken his place in her life. A man who had taken her kisses for his own. A man who made love to her while Seokjin could only dream about it.

"Don't cry, Annie," he pleaded over her sobs. "Try to be positive. Don't think about the worst. The nurse said he'd call as soon as he had news."

After a few minutes, she got herself under control and nodded. "Yes. I guess you're right. We don't know anything yet." She sighed. "I'm sorry. Would you like some dinner? Sela left something that I can heat up. Namjoon always---" She paused as her bottom lip quivered before she regained control. "Namjoon always insists that she make dinner before she leaves for the day. He looks out for me all the time."

Seokjin got to his feet. "Uh. Thanks, but I'm supposed to meet Cooper and Jungkook for a few drinks just down the road." He glanced at his watch. "But I hate to leave you alone."

She also got up. "No, no. Go with your friends. I'll be fine."

He put his hand on her shoulder. "What about if I go meet them for a couple of hours then come back here to keep you company? Would that be okay? I don't want you to be alone."

She nodded with a smile. "Yes. I would like that."

"Call me if you hear anything." He kissed her cheek, and walked out the door.

"He's in critical condition," the girl said. She had a scarf tied around her hair and large, dark sunglasses covering half her face. She held a hand covering the phone that was plastered to her face. "You said he wouldn't be hurt. Only that stupid Annelise. Why did Joonie get hurt?"

"A miscalculation, that's all. He'll be fine. Make sure that idiot driver stays hidden. Fuck him again if you have to, just make sure he keeps quiet. You'll get your Namjoon back as soon as that bitch of his is out of the way. Don't call me again." The line went dead.

The girl peeked around the corner to make sure no one was watching her. Then she hurried to the window and stared at Namjoon's form hooked up to machines. It was never her intention that he end up in the hospital. She loved him. She just wanted him back. That woman said he'd come back to her. 

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