Thirteen: Feelings

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Seokjin watched Anna and Hoseok sitting on the couch, their heads close together as they looked at some photos on his phone. Every now and then they would giggle. Sometimes Anna would laugh out loud and lean her body into Hoseok's. One time Hoseok threw his arm around Anna's neck and hugged her tightly.

Why was that making him upset? After last week's incident with the towel, he'd tried to forget how violently he'd reacted to Anna's body. But it had been torture to be in the same apartment with her, and he began to want things he shouldn't. He also didn't want any other guy to be around her, possibly wanting the same things.

"Jin, do you need any help with dinner?" Anna's voice caught him off guard, and he jumped..

"Uh, no." He had volunteered to cook dinner for the three of them after Anna had asked, but seeing her and Hoseok so chummy made him regret leaving them alone. "Well, actually, I could use a little bit of help."

Anna glanced at Hoseok. "Hobi, can you help him? I'm terrible in the kitchen."

"No, I--"

"Sure," Hoseok said with a wide smile. He handed his phone to Anna and walked toward the kitchen. "How can I help?"

Seokjin bit the inside of his cheek staring at the casually-dressed young man swaggering into the kitchen. "Uh, okay. Maybe you can start peeling the potatoes."


Seokjin looked at Anna one more time before turning back into the kitchen. He'd hoped she would've volunteered, but at least he'd gotten Hoseok away from her. He stopped short. Why did he want to get Hoseok away from her in the first place? What was wrong with him? Anna was his friend--only a friend. His eyes strayed back to her as she sat on the couch scrolling through the photos.


He spun around to face Hoseok. "Yeah?"

Hoseok's eyes glanced behind Seokjin. He knew the handsome man had been staring at Anna and wondered if the girl knew that the man she considered her best friend might not have the friendliest of intentions toward her. He shrugged and turned back into the kitchen.

As he peeled the potatoes, Hoseok glanced at Seokjin. "So, does she know how you feel?"

"What?" Seokjin scowled. "What are you talking about?"

Hoseok began slicing the potatoes. "Not what, who. I'm talking about Anna, of course. You've been staying here for--what?--four months? It's only natural that you have begun to have feelings for her."

"She's my best friend. Of course I have feelings for her." He kept his eyes on the pan on the stove, stirring its ingredients blindly.

"You're deliberately misunderstanding me. Or maybe you just haven't realized the extent of your feelings for her."

Seokjin paused what he was doing and turned to look the slightly shorter man in the eye. "Hoseok, honestly, Anna and I are best friends. That's all."

"Are you sure?" The slighter shorter man raised an eyebrow.

Seokjin narrowed his eyes at him. "Why are you asking? Are you interested in her?"

Hoseok shrugged and went back to the potatoes. "She's gorgeous. I mean, who wouldn't be interested in her? Every male at school melts when she walks by. If she ever looked at me a certain way, well--let's just say I wouldn't say no."

"So, has she?"

Hoseok grinned. "Well, that would be between her and me and no one else, right?"

Seokjin turned back abruptly to the stove. "Yeah, right."

"But if you're interested in her," Hoseok continued, a mischievous smile on his face, "then just say the word. I mean, you've known her longer. You could say you have dibs on her."

"I would never say I have dibs on her." Seokjin shook his head. "Why does everyone keep saying that," he muttered under his breath.

"If you don't want to make a play for her, don't be angry if someone else does," Hoseok said. "But I guess it won't matter to you...since you're just friends."

The taller man exhaled and went back to what he was doing. However, he was banging pots and spoons loudly enough to let everyone know he was upset.

Hoseok smiled to himself.

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