Twenty: No Mistake

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Seokjin had met his friend Cooper for lunch on Sunday before going back home to get dressed for the awards show. Anna deserved some time to herself in the apartment. He was still worried about what had happened between them and had been mentally kicking himself for being such an idiot. Why had he done that? How could he have begged her to sleep with him like that? And why had he overreacted about her friend Taehyung? It was pathetic on his part, not to mention horribly disrespectful to his friend.

Cooper noticed his friend's pained expression. "Okay. What did you do?"

Seokjin shook his head. "Nothing."

"That stupid mopey face does not mean nothing. Go ahead, Kim. Spill it."

The dark-haired man grimaced. "I may have made a pass at Anna the other day."

The blond man sat straighter, a wide grin on his face. "Yeah? Did you or didn't you make a pass? I need more details."

"Let's just say I'm the stupidest man in the world."

Cooper chuckled. "Oh, I'm sure there are some far more stupid. What did you do?"

Seokjin closed his eyes as if in pain. "I kissed her and touched her---"


"---and I sort of begged her for sex."

"You? You begged?" Cooper laughed again. "Kim, didn't I give you the number of that girl who'll do you any time you ask? Why are you trying to storm virginal castles? Is that, like, your thing? Anna's still a virgin, right?"

Seokjin glared at him. "It's none of your business, Coop."

"Don't get angry. I just meant that virgins require a lot of assurance and finessing. You have to make lots of promises and may not get much bang for the buck, literally. Go for the sure thing with that girl who said she'd suck your dick nonstop for days if you ask her to."

"Oh, shut up," the dark-haired man scowled. "I think I may have really messed up this time. I got jealous when I saw her with another guy, and I told her that I didn't trust him. I acted like some possessive jerk of a boyfriend. She's hardly spoken to me since then, and I feel awkward around her."

Cooper shrugged. "Why? I mean, she'll talk to you eventually, I'm sure. And if the kiss was all just a mistake, and you apologized, maybe it will be okay."

"That's just it," Seokjin said. "I apologized, but I meant to do it. It was no mistake. I wanted to kiss her. I have feelings for her, strong feelings, but I think I scared her off. She wasn't ready. Besides, I don't think she feels the same way. I told her that I didn't think she should see that guy---her neighbor---but she didn't want to talk about it. If she felt anything for me, she would've said something, right?"

"Hm. Maybe. It's not easy to figure out what they want. Maybe she wants you, too. She might be saying no, but it might mean yes."

"Or it might mean no." He took out some bills from his wallet and slapped them on the table. "I better head back. I don't want Anna to think I've stood her up. And I still have to get myself in the right headspace to face Norma today. I'm sure I'll run into her, and this thing with Anna has me all messed up."

"Sure." Cooper nodded. "Enjoy your time at the front tables. I'll be at the back with the C-listers, but I'll definitely cheer you on, buddy."

Seokjin smiled. "Yeah. See ya."

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