Twenty-Six: Annelise Kane

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"Namjoon, I'm hungry." Anna hoped her pouting would prompt some sympathy from her manager. She dragged her slippered feet toward the couch in the  models' communal dressing room and flopped down. This was her third modeling job in the past month. She didn't mind the long days. She minded the scarcity of food.

Namjoon dismissed the person he was talking to and turned toward Anna. "Hey. Just one more gig next week, and you can take a couple weeks off. I'll take you to your favorite restaurant."

"Uhhh," she groaned and lolled her head back. "You never told me I'd have to be starving in order to model."

He looked around and snapped his fingers at his young assistant who was nearby. The girl rushed over with a small bag of almonds and a non-fat yogurt.

"Here you are, Miss Lane."

Anna grabbed the items. "I'll pretend I'm eating chips and drinking a milkshake." She glanced up at Namjoon, who was watching her with an amused smile.

"Sweetheart, if this is all too much for you, I'll cancel next week." He crossed his arms as he stood in front of her. "I hate to think that you're suffering. Besides, there are other modeling gigs. I can get you one where you are covered up instead of..."

"No, no," she replied, her words muffled by the yogurt she had spooned into her mouth. "I'll be okay. I'll finish my commitments. Don't worry, Namjoon. I shouldn't complain."

He sat next to her. "I do worry. I'd hate to think that you're unhappy about all this. I'd feel responsible since I talked you into it."

She shook her head. "Nonsense. I agreed to this. You didn't force me, so don't feel responsible for anything. But I'm holding you to your promise of a great big dinner after I'm done."

Namjoon nodded. "Of course. Anything you want." She smiled and looked down at her phone while munching on the almonds and did not see the look of affection that he directed toward her.

True to his word, the following week after she finished shooting her last ad, Namjoon treated her to a very nice---and very expensive---meal.

Anna was surprised when Namjoon told her that he was thinking of something different she could do if she decided that modeling was not for her. He seemed serious about finding a different path for her since the sacrifices for a modeling career seemed too stringent for her.

It made her feel ungrateful because he was going out of his way to help her. When she voiced her concerns, he scoffed.

"I'm not going out of my way," he began, "because my job as your agent is to make sure that you have a job that fits you."

"Your job is to be a model's agent," she said. "It's not up to you to be my employment agency. I'll be okay. I think I just need to get used to it. So many others are doing great in the modeling industry, so it's not as if it's an impossible job."

He nodded. "I know, but I also want to make sure that you're doing something that you enjoy. If modeling isn't it, then I'll find something else. In a related field, of course. I won't be able to get you a job in business or anything like that."

She smiled at him. "I just don't want to sound ungrateful. If you want to find me something else, then I trust you. In the meantime, I will buckle down and do my absolute best on any future modeling jobs. Maybe I'll make a little bit of money for us."

Two weeks later, her first ad campaign came out---a perfume ad. By the end of the day, Namjoon was swamped with calls from other companies eager to hire her. A week later, her face was inside every magazine on the newsstands.

Namjoon had six different magazines laid out on the table when Anna walked into his office.

She stared wide-eyed as she flipped through the pages. "Can you believe this? I had no idea...I can't believe this is real."

"Well, I had a pretty good idea," he replied with a big, dimpled smile. "You are going to take the world by storm, Annelise Kane."

That was her working name created by Namjoon to give her a refined, continental air.

"Give me two more ad campaigns, Anna, and after that, I'll tell you what I've found for you." He pulled her into a hug. "You're going to be a big star!"

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