[Shorfic] NaibEli: Broken

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A gift for my friend: AppleRougđề cập đến một người dùng

Eli Clark woke up, his hazy blue eyes gradually widening, and he saw that all around him was a white wall, both his hands were plugged with a syringe of water. Eli rubbed the forehead in front of him, the bandage was slightly stuck on his head, for some reason Eli couldn't remember what had happened.
     "Oh, luckily, you're awake, fortunately, you've been in a coma for almost a week"

The voice of a middle-aged man in a white blouse came from the door, he slowly walked towards his hospital bed.  Eli guessed he was more than sixty years old, the lines of crow's feet visible on the corners of his eyes and the bushy beard under his chin were dotted with silver spots

      - Pardon me....why am I in an accident? 

The doctor's face was slightly surprised and then returned to the original as Eli asked, he was an emergency specialist, so these cases he had gone through countless times, he expertly answered back
       - When you go to the hospital your condition looks....um.......quite tragic, he lost a lot of blood in the brain, limbs and chest area was also seriously damaged.  I don't know what happened to you, but I guess you must be desperate to crash your own car into that truck so hard.

Truck.......what?  Eli was thinking, but suddenly his head hurt so badly that he screamed and hugged his head, his forehead gradually appeared cold sweat, heavy and falling to his chin.

That night, Eli had a high fever. 

After being cared for by the doctor and the nurses, he laid down thinking that there must be some reason for himself to be desperate to do so, according to the doctor.  Eli may not remember everything, but he still remembers his name, age and personality.  There must be something, and he'll find out more tomorrow.  Eli's phone only cracked the shell and the screen on the front, the inner structure was still safe, so he borrowed the charger to use it.

The phone is empty.

As soon as he unlocked the screen, Eli looked in the Notebook app of his phone, but it was just a pure white screen, while he knew his personality very carefully, never forgetting events though sometimes  It is quite.....silly. Suddenly his head ached again, this time the pain was hurting for a long time, Eli could feel the sensation nerves pounding hard on each other
    "If you still consider us are friends, erase everything you write here. That's disgusting!"

Who's figure, not too high, seemed to be shorter than him, who spoke with that disgusting voice to Eli, who was that?  It was strange, but it felt very familiar.  Waiting for the pain to go away, he wiped away the sweat with his hand, his hands trembled, looking for the number, there were two numbers of different people, Eli called haphazardly
        "Hello? Eli? "
           - Ah... yes.....It's me
        "Why does your voice sound strange? Did you get hurt somewhere?"
          - That's right.....I have temporary memory loss.  The doctor said I was seriously hurt and lost a lot of blood in the brain
       "Do you still remember me then?"
          - I can't.......  

Eli heard the heavy sigh from the other end of the line, the two of them were silent for a few seconds, finally the other person said
       "I'm Aesop Carl, I'm your best friend in college last year with you, besides you were..... Well, when you discharged from the hospital, please go to the address that I will text soon on your phone, there are some things you also need to know, speaking over the phone is not very convenient"
Eli replied "Ok" and then hang up, one thing something that Aesop wanted to tell him, he's curiosity increased, but at the same time he had a hunch that it was something he tried to forget.

Eli didn't remember the way, so he had to call a taxi and say the address, but luckily the hospital fee was reduced by 2/3 because he had health insurance, the money was still plenty to ride, but for sure.  He think that he have to work part-time job to earn money to pay for it. 

Aesop had always been ready for this day, so when Eli knocked on the door, he opened it and invited in. 
       - Do you want chamomile tea? 
      - Oh, thank you

Two pink white teacups on the steaming edge of the smoky edge, the mild, warm and slightly sweet scent of the tea makes the atmosphere more positive
       - Let's get to the main point first

Eli opened the first, he don't like the round  voiced melon, besides, the sooner he face it, the less he will have to think, Aesop looked at him for a while, seemingly could not, but he still said
       - I saw the news half a month ago, was about the case traffic accident, the injured here is you, Eli.

Aesop watched Eli's reaction, he paused, took a cup of tea to the air for a long time, as if waiting for the other person to continue talking
        - Before the accident happened, you went to Naib's wedding ceremony......
        - Wait, Aesop. Who is Naib? 

Eli wasn't understand and confused, Aesop was surprised to hear that question, but his voice was very calm
       - Naib Subedar, whom you had secretly loved since you two was in college. That day, you looked like was about to collapse, but you still tried to come and congratulate the two of them. Then, somehow, at night when you two quarreled about something, Naib looked very angry, and you went straight to the car and dashed off quickly, then the accident happened. 

*Sound of broken glass*

The cup of tea in Eli's hand shattered, he bent down, his breathing chaotic and rushing.  Aesop worried, ran to his side to check if anything was wrong, but was pushed away by Eli, his blue eyes widened, every drop of sweat still fell
       - I.......I remember all....

That day, the wedding ceremony happened very grandly, Eli also received a wedding card, he remembered that he drank a third of the bottle of Scott wine, then still a little awake and readjusted himself to attend.  Naib wore a tight black suit, revealing his toned body from the gym, and the bride in his lap wore a lavish wedding dress, with lace on the sleeves and stretching the hips to the bottom of the skirt with cotton flowers.  White rose bloomed. 

Then he remembered the time before, when the two of them were still close to each other, so close that Eli had a more special affection than friendship to Naib.When the two of them secretly hung on the dorm wall outside to eat at night, or one day the school held a music competition, Nail hit the guitar and he stood by the microphone, and there were many good memories like  So, Eli recorded it in the Notebook app of his phone, then he commented on the last line of his feelings.  And then, when Naib told him he was similar to a girl, Eli just smiled and gave advice.  But actually his heart hurts, as if someone is stabbing a knife in his heart so, the praises and admiration more about Naib's crush stabbing into his heart more, throbbing pain and bleeding.

By the evening of the wedding, Eli had decided to confess everything to ease his mind, resulting is in Naib's disgusted and disgusted gaze towards him

      - I just thought we were best friends, but  did not expect that you was like that.  I'm disappointed with you! 
      - Naib, I just want to say it......  
      - Don't say another word! So disgusting! You need to erase everything you write! It just makes me hate you even more! 

Eli was silent, he stood there, his hand holding the glass of wine dropped loose, the glass shattered.  Naib did not mind, he passed him, even leaving a cold "Hump".  Eli looked at the wine glass on the ground, feeling it was his heart, falling and falling to pieces, he bent down to pick up those fragments, there was a piece of cut to the index finger, the blood from the leak out, pain and bring the smell is not too clear.

The tears fall heavily. 

The memories of Eli and Naib, faded in his memory and vanished.

He quickly wiped away his tears so that no one would realize he was crying, clear the glass that had just fallen, and let his index finger still not clot.  Eli didn't want to see anyone's face, he already had alcohol inside him, he wanted to take a long and long distance away. When he got out, Aesop tried to call out his name so Eli could hear it, but he ignored it.

The truck horn sounds loud and fading. Eli lost her sanity. 

After Eli recovered his spirits, Aesop still sat beside him to see how he was doing, not yet able to say, he asks
       - My wedding gift when I asked you to keep it, where is it?
        - Do you.......remember everything? 

Eli nodded, Aesop went into the room, took out a gift box in the small closet and gave it to him, Eli thanked him, but still anxious about the cup of tea that he broke
       - It's okay, just go see  Naib, leave it to me, I have so many tea cups at home. 

If Eli remembered correctly, it took him half an hour from Aesop's house to it, Naib once told him he had made a deposit to that house, plus a small part-time money to work.  When he arrived, he took a deep breath, then knocked on the door.

The one who opened the door,  was Naib

        - Ah....!

He was surprised to see Eli right now, so surprised, Naib just stood there and looked at him, wanting to say something but his throat was dry
     - Who is it, darling?

The sound of a woman coming from inside the house, Naib came to her senses and said
        -  Nothing, just..... an old friend came here to meet me for a while..

Eli was a little surprised, then he smiled slightly.  Friend......fortunately, he still considered him as a friend .
       - This is a wedding gift for two people, sorry for not giving it in time......at that day

Naib accepted it, but somehow his hand didn't want to leave, his fingers clung to the gift box, Eli realized that, he took the initiative to withdraw it, leaving Naib still in that position, no change .  Then he came to his senses, cleared his throat
        - Umh.  .  .  .  I heard about the accident, sorry for telling you those words. I don't mean to hate you that much
        - It's okay, I understand, that day I did not think at all, as if I have never said such "disgusting" things like that
        - No, don't need to.....

After saying that, they couldn't hold back.

Then the two of them were silent for a long time, just looking at each other, Eli looked closely into those green eyes. It only reflected the figure he was currently in.  But he decided to leave it, to avoid the hopes and illusions arising. 
        - So.  .  .  Are you guys have plan to have a baby?
       - We have no plans, but in the future we might have perform.
       - .....Eli, do you want to be my kids godfather in the future? 

Eli did not expect Naib to proactively suggest such a thing. He smiled brightly, like a sun flower in full bloom, relieved and full of life, just like himself when he was with the university guy. 
         - Of course, I am looking forward to it.

Then he look at the time on his smartphone, he think that maybe he should find a job to do, Eli say goodbye first.
       - I have to rearrange some things to return to orbit.  Goodbye
      - Yeah, but Eli, if you want to come to my house to play, you can always. We would be happy if you come often.
      - Sure, be happy Naib
      - Yes, you too, Eli.....

Eli turned and walked slowly, because he was almost out of money to take a taxi, Naib still looked at him, something in him agitated violently when he met Eli again, but then when he left, it was stuffy and empty again.

But what happened was, it couldn't be changed.

He opened the gift box, there were two picture frames, there is a creamy white frame, carved with flowers and leaves emerging pretty and sophisticated, and an oak frame, the same frame that Naib made himself, in the photo are two young men smiling very brightly, a brown haired undercut guy holding a microphone, one hand draping over some guy shoulder in the next, and the other boy tied his hair back, his hands holding the guitar also made him smile very comfortable. As Eli and Naib, when they were in college, they both participated in a music competition organized by the school, then, both innocent, full of life, joyful and passionate ambition came at any rate.

Suddenly, Naib touched Eli's face on the photo framed neatly, his green eyes carried sadness.  Then he entered the house, closed the door. 


Hello guys, you can call me Egg, that's my nickname. And I'm the author of this short fic.

This is the first time I translate my fic from Vietnamese to English, because I usually write in my mother language. Also I'm using the app Google translate too, even I beta again by myself. Hope that you guys like it

Many thanks and love to you ❤

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