The Board Game from Hell

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After work and the sun wasn't barely seen anymore. Two guys had the hardest time in their life because of a certain thing one of them took home that better would have been untouched...

Tyler: "Hey dude, I found something lying on the ground right before our house!"

Ryan: "Let me see what it is, Tyler."

Tyler: "Just a minute, Ryan."

Ryan: "Holy shit! What the hell is that?!"

He looked at an old and rectangular box, which wasn't in a very good shape. It seamed as if it could fall apart at any moment.

Tyler: "Don't know. I thought it is some kinda board game."

Ryan: "What the F...! Is this blood or just red color on it?"

Tyler: "Why should I know that? I've just found it. But let me see. Do we have this light which the guys from CSI use to make shure if it is blood or not."

Ryan: "Do you mean the UV light? Wait, I'm right back!"

After a few minutes passed, Ryan came back from his room with the UV Light in one of his hand.

What they saw wasn't expected for both of them.

Ryan: "Oh my gosh, Tyler. Thats real blood on it and seams it isn't just blood...Someone wrote a message!..."

Tyler saw it too and started too read it then.

Tyler: "DON'T..."

Ryan: "OPEN..."

Tyler: "THIS..."

Ryan: "BOX!"

Both of them looked with big eyes at each other.

Ryan: "That's so creepy. And I don't wanna open this box. Dude... It is real blood! Whoever wrote that, wanted to rely us a message and maybe we should listen to that."


Ryan:"Wow, it is already so late! And I'm so tired now. Tomorrow will be another working day and I have to give it all to succeed so I don't lose my job. Please do me a favour and put this in the next trash can. Wish you a good night, Tyler. "

Tyler: "All right. And aye, aye, Sir! I'll do what you wish for, your highness. And thank you, sweet dreams, Ryan."

Ryan: "Thank you and don't stay up so long like all the other days."

Tyler: "Yes, I'll try it, mother."

Before Ryan went to his room he turned himself once again to Tyler with the hope he would take the devilish box with him and went outside to dispose it in the next trash can.

Ryan: "What are you waiting for, Tyler? Should I come outside with you to get rid of this what you brought home today?"

Even if Ryan was so sleepy at this moment he accompanied Tyler outside to do his duty. After that he had a better conscience, jumped in his bed and fall asleep immediately.

Now Tyler was all alone and he has the urgent feeling to know more about this blood painted box. He took on his shoes, opened the door and walked in to the darkness.

Tyler: "There it is. Come to papa."

Back in the house, Tyler laid down on the ground and started to open up the box.

Tyler: "I don't care about this bloody message..."

Right after that a deep and distorted voice sounded:

???: Muhahahah! Welcome to my game, you little brat!

Tyler: "Did I hear this voice? Or was that just my imagination because I'm actually ready for going to sleep?"

???: "No you fool. You heard me with both of your tiny and fragile ears!"

Tyler: "Jesus...With whom do I speak?"

???: "You are not aloud to ask me such questions. You opened the box and now you have to play my game."

Tyler: "Why the hell should I listen to you, you freak?!"

???: "' 'cause..."

Suddenly Tyler couldn't breath anymore. He felt an invisible hand around his throat. He thought he would suffocate. Though the hand lost his grip and Tyler began to cough.

Tyler: " (cough, cough) Are you mad or something?"

???: "No, you filthy human, you just opened the box and from this moment you can not escape till you finish my game."

Tyler: "What game do I have to play?"

Out of the box came a human, no it was...

Tyler: "Oh my f(piep) god! That's a whole skin of a human!"

???: "That was the last player who refused to begin the game. And the same could happen to you. This skin is your field. Take one tooth from the box to start the game."

Tyler: "Okay, you dirty little shit, I'll play your god damn game!"

Compared to the blood painted cover, the inside of the box had much more blood. Even if Tyler was always the tough one, he had shaky hands now and fear ran through his whole body.

???: Finaly we can start. Take this..."

Out of nowhere came a cube, so big like it would fit with Tyler's hands.

Tyler: "How does this game even work?"

???: " As you can see, theres a startingpoint on one of the feet of this skin. And the end of the road is the mouth and you will be free of my game. Just roll the dice and make sure you reach the finish line very soon."

Tyler: "That sounds simple..."

???: " It is. But the only problem you humans have is to survive that long. Muhahahaha.

Tyler: "No prob, dude, I'll survive."

???: "We will see."

Tyler held the dice and suddenly spikes came out of it...

Tyler: " Aaaarrgghhh. What the f(piep)?!!!

He's hand started to bleed.

???: "Roll the dice."

With a teribbly agony which came from Tyler's Hands, he shaked his hand tried to get lost of the cube and...

Tyler: " C'mon! Give me a six!...No, no. A f(piep) ONE!

And all the time he rolled the dice it was just a ONE.

He lost so much blood and he had the unpleasant feeling that he never will reach the finish line.

At 3 a.m Ryan had to go to the bathroom and on the way he saw something so terrible he couldn't fall asleep anymore.

So much blood...

Tyler was lying on the ground...

The box beside him...

It was closed now...

Ryan hastened himself to Tyler.

Ryan: "No, no, no. Tyler what have you done! You look so terrible! Wait I call 911!"

Tyler grabed Ryan's arm and said with a weak voice...

Tyler: "It is too late, Ryan. I'm so sorry. Do me a favour and burn this godforsaken box. And see that it will be gone forever.... I should have listen to you, Ryan. I liked you so much..."

The irises from Tyler became bigger and from that moment his soul left his body


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