Not reasonable kings and lords

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"I have told you a thousand times, no!" The queen of the Horn stated with a lot of fury in her normality gentle voice. "I am betrothed to king Caspian, Aslan himself made him king over Narnia. And I love him" She looks at the dark-haired king who sits on the middle throne of the five. Her siblings are sitting on the four original thrones. The marble hall of Cair Paravel is filled with princes, lord from far away lands and men with enough money to wed a certain queen. Susan was sick of the men who where always asking her to marry them, but her wedding with Caspian was only two months away. And they were still asking her to consider it. Caspian is sitting with a tight jaw on his throne, his hands folded as knuckles. He is letting her handle it.
"But it is more effective as you, my dear queen, marries someone outside Narnia" The king, who country and name she already had forgotten dares to speak again. Her eyes shoot fire as she locks eyes with the brown eyed man. He is dressed in ornate; a silver crown on his head, jewellery around his neck and fingers and the most beautiful silk on his body. Behind Susan, Peter, the Magnificent king stands from his throne besides Caspian. "I think, king Enald, that it is wiser as you would stop speaking. Now" Peter says as he walks down the platform the thrones are standing on and stands still beside his sister. He lays his hand on her shoulder, squeezing it tightly. Susan breathes out, it is a reassuring feeling that her brother is standing beside her. "I think" Enald sneers as he looks up to the magnificent king. "That you have no right to speak for her"
"He still is the High king" Now Caspian states loudly, standing from his throne, his hand on his sheath and walking towards the two siblings. "And what is the difference, king Caspian?" King Enald growls as he knows he is now corned. "He," Edmund, the black-haired just king stands also from his throne. With a sly smile he looks at his younger sister and winks as he walks down the platform to stand beside Caspian. "I will educate you with the Narnian history another time, king Enald but take my word as I say that being high king means that his words is final. Even as Queen Susan would say yes to your pathetic proposal, he has to approve"
"But," The king who's countries name Susan still didn't know stutters. "And my answer is still no, king Enald" her voice is steady, gentle but also furious. She looks at her fiancé, her brothers and turns around, sitting on her throne besides Peters. Her brothers and fiancé sit also on their thrones as she eyes the crowd. The men who are here specially for her start to murmur. Caspian looks at Peter, who nods. The blond-haired king, who has fought many battles, stands. "Kings, Lord and Gentlemen. When you all arrived here, a couple of day ago until several hours, you all thought that you had a chance to marry queen Susan the Gentle. But as she has said and I will say it again, she is to be married to king Caspian. You are all hereby invited to their wedding two months from now"
Susan has to put her hand for her lips to keep herself quiet from laughing at loud as she gazes at the irritated men in the room. But as she gazes upon her Caspian, eyes full of love she smiles widely.
In two months she will be his wife. Only his and he hers.

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