Crow King: Final Chapter

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The crow king paces waiting for the guards to bring the girl to his room. Fire burns on the hearth. He watches in his staff as the guards march with her resisting and struggling to get free. His eyes gleam with glee. He points his staff at the door and it opens slowly. The crows push her in, she stumbles landing at his feet.
     He greets her with the same intense stare, his arms opening wide, "welcome my sweet" He asks "do you have a name"? She shrinks away and runs to the door. It violently slams shut and the bolt clicks loudly. He states "they call me krow" He quietly watches as she slides down the door to her knees. He strides to her and takes her hand, "come my dear join me for tea". He watches and says, "Im not the monster you believe me to be." He waves his staff and a table appears, filled with cakes, fruit, tea and wine. "Sit" he commands "and we shall talk" She slowly sits at the edge of a chair eyes cask down with a weary sigh.
    He asks "Shall we try again"? Rises to his feet towering over her, he bows, taking her hand and brings it to his lips, "Im Krow, your king". She looks at him with only hate, lifts her chin and whispers "this cant be my fate, I want to return home, please let me go and leave my people alone". Krow watches with unblinking eyes and takes in her beauty. He murmurs "this is your home my sweet, please you must be famished, have something to eat." He silently watches her, sipping from his goblet of wine.
    She glances at him and looks closely at his face. Pale white skin and long raven black hair, stubble on his chin. pointed nose, high cheekbones and jet black eyes. Thin lips that hold a smirk. A crow feather dangling from one ear.
    He frightens her, but oddly doesn't repulse her to her surprise. She looks away and says "Im anya" He states "The pleasure is mine, I hope you come to trust me over time." She says "They will look for me,they will come let me go home and this will all be over and done. I wont speak a word of you and what i have seen". He throws back his head and lets out a deep raspy laugh.
   "You my sweet are to be my queen". Anya says "I wont marry you, nor will there ever be any love." Krow smirks and waves his hand at his staff, it glows and shows her a small cottage and the people within. He says "no one searches' no one seeks to find you anya." Her mind races her chances of escape more dim.
  He rises "I shall leave you to rest, the wedding shall progress." The door closes and bolts, a bed appears. Anya runs throwing herself at it in tears. Sleep comes filled with odd dreams, glimpses of future and past things, wars and victory, love put to the test. time seems to rush by as she rests.
  She stands with krow in the tower. Crows and ravens flock as he calls. He stretches his large black wings over the tower walls. Scoops up anya with ease and soars through the night. Armies of crows caw and join the flight. Anya is now krows bride as they start the new journey of their life.


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