The Ryuu: Final Chapter

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Jadeite slowly rises watching him with wide eyes. "What are you?" she asks "and where have you brought me?"he speaks softly almost unsure of his words "I am Ryuu." "I live here, it is my home." Jadeite looks around asking "what is this place." Ryuu answers simply, "It is lair" the lair is illuminated only by the fire. There's moss and leafs made to form a mattress on the ground.
The walls are stone with bits of Crystal shining through. Jadeite touches his face "you are beautiful" he closes his eyes and smoke seeps from his mouth and nose as he breathes rapidly, he's unsure of what she is doing. He has never been touched by anyone before. She draws her hand away and he pulls it back to his face. They stand facing each other, eyes locked together. Ryuu speaks softly "come" He sweeps her off her feet and soars out of the cave, wings open wide he flys high over the forest gathering speed.
Jadeite holds on tight smiling up at him. She feels no fear only this feeling of peace and freedom. He lands at the water and sets her down gently. She smiles up at him laughing "that was amazing." Ryuu sits at the edge of the water watching and quickly reaches in pulling out a fish.
He takes a bite and offers it to jadeite. She shakes her head. And pulls a apple from her pack. She takes a bite and offers ryuu the rest, he put the whole apple in his mouth chewing with his eyes closed. Jadeite laughs and it sounds like music to his ears. The sun begans to set low in the forest. Jadeite says "i must go ryuu it grows dark and i must return home".
"Can i return tomorrow to see you"? They stand facing each other she brushes the hair from his eyes looking up at him smiling. Ryuu brushes her lips with his fingertips, smoke seeps from his nostrils and curls around them. Thunder roars in the forest breaking the silence. Jadeite says "ill return tomorrow at first light" she turns and runs quickly through the forest. Ryuu soars in the sky above her.
Following, tracking her movement. She waves as she gets in her car. Ryuu watches as she drives away. He touches his face where she had placed her hand. Back at his lair he sits to wait for her return. Jadite sits sketching ryuu a smile on her lips. Two beings, two lives, so different yet now intertwined.


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