Breathe (Hamilton)

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Thomas Jefferson would be lying if he was to say he hadn't felt anxious since the second he woke up. Yet, on the other hand, he hated to worry people, therefore, he had tried his best to hide his anxious behavior from his friends, his dearest Jimmy James being of no exception to this. He hated to worry them, and hated to be a burden for them. They did claim that it was really no problem because he was their friend, but was he really? It was incredibly easy to lie, and with an incredibly anxious mind set, what else was he left to think?

Despite his wishes, he had a feeling they had started to notice his odd behavior, or at least Madison had taken notice. Jefferson both cursed and adored the fact his Jimmy James could read him easier than a book, and always knew just what to do to test if Jefferson was in his anxious mindset.

Madison had started taking notice to Jefferson's off behavior just after breakfast, and Jefferson hated himself for giving him the hint.

"Sweetie, I made your favorite kind of tea." Madison had said.

Tea sounded lovely to Jefferson, his mouth had watered at its very mention, but the nauseous feeling in his gut and the closing feeling in his throat said otherwise.

"No, I'm good Jimmy James, but thank you." Jefferson forced a smile at his lover, trying his best to act like his charming self.

That wasn't the only hint Jefferson had dropped either. During lunch he didn't really eat, just nibbled and picked at the food, and be didn't dare touch a beverage, again, Jimmy James took notice of this.

Currently, Jefferson paced in his room anxiousky, racking his hands through his hair, pulling at his poofy curly locks as his nerves only seemed to grow.

"Get a grip Thomas," he hissed to himself. "You're a grown man, and you're acting like it's the end of the world!"

Suddenly, he felt a sense of calm wash over him.

God, he wished it'd be that easy to calm himself, yet his words only made his heart pound harder, and the closing feeling in his throat grow.

He whimpered, pulling at his hair harder. He actually felt like he was going insane. His legs started shaking and gave out from under him, causing him to fall to his knees. It was growing increasingly harder to take even breaths, and he found himself not caring. He actually found himself not caring though, he actually found himself hoping he hyperventilated so much he just collapsed completely and died right there.

He was having too much of a mental breakdown to notice the door open or to notice his Jimmy James taking steps closer to him. He didn't notice until Madison knelt next to him and lightly put a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, Thomas, look at me." Madison spoke softly.

Jefferson tried to say something, but his breath got caught in the back of his throat and he just sobbed harder. Madison frowned at him, though it helped him deduct that it was a rather harsh anxiety attack. He wrapped his arms around his Thomas and pulled him close. He stood up, helping Jefferson up with him. He sat on their bed, pulling Jefferson next to him.

"Remember to breathe sweetie," Madison whispered to him, nuzzling his neck in attempt to calm him down.

Jefferson's violent shaking slowly diminished, being replaced with shivers as he curled up closer to Madison.

Madison gave him a kiss on the lips, feeling Jefferson slowly ease against him. He pulled away and nuzzled Jefferson's neck again.

"I got you Thomas..." He whispered.

Jefferson couldn't help but relax against his dearest Jimmy James. He couldn't completely expell the anxiety from his blood, no. But he could help him, that was for sure.

He hid his face in Madison's shoulder, still weepkng quietly. He was thankful for his Jimmy James. He was thankful he had him. But...

"I don't deserve you!" Jefferson sobbed. "You deserve so much better than this!" With that, it was almost all the way back to square one

"Thomas, you're perfect to me." Madison whispered to him, rubbing the back of his head. "Breathe." He reminded him gently. "Like this." He took one deep breath in then exhaled it.

Jefferson tried to copy him, yet his breath fell short of Madison's. Madison didn't give up though, he kept taking deep breaths to help Jefferson with his own.

Inhale, exhale.
Inhale, exhale.

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