The River That Saved My Life (Part 2)

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In a dark red blanket she laid. Her dark, curious, brown eyes closed for the night.

I took the black haired baby outside. The flood was great now. It hasn't stopped raining for weeks. We all lived on boats, some had managed to stay on the roofs of their houses. Others weren't so lucky.

I had yet to drown in the water, but I knew my time was nearly gone. I hadn't left the roof of my house and had nothing to use as a boat.

I knew I couldn't live much more, but the child hadn't even started her life. Not even a year old she was. I pulled back her Raven black hair with a red ribbon. I took off my locket that my husband had given me when we had gotten married. Inside was a picture of us both. I strung it around my child's neck. I took the strong weaved basket I had worked on for days. I placed my child in there.

I looked at her one last time. She had her father's long Raven black hair, that now was pulled back in my red ribbon. She had my dark brown eyes, the ones that shown when laughter was about. Nothing to laugh much about anymore. Her ruby lips she had all of her own. The ones that were more fine that Snow White's herself.

I kissed her cheek one last time. I tucked a letter next to her. At once small tears fell from my face into hers. I put the lid to the basket, which was made so she could breath but keep the salty water out. I pushed her into the water, resisting every part of me that told me to run after my little girl.

My little Rosanna.


Author's Note

Part 2 of the Water Bonded mini series.

I might skip around with this story, it won't all be in order, there might be other stories in between it

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