The 1st Death of Elluka Clockworker

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(Repost from my randomness book)

Elluka stood there, staring at her stepsister. "Irina, why did you call me here?"

The pink haired girl was silent staring at her brother's fiancée with almost sad eyes. "Dear sister-in-law, let’s stop this already... This rivalry of ours."

Elluka supposed she refered to the competition she and Irina had been selected for. With Li Ly, a noble, and Milky Eights, a prostitute. 

However, the two had died a few days after the competition had begun. Li had slipped off a cliff and died, and Milky had hung herself and suffocated. Authorities had claimed that Li's death was an accident and Milky's death was a suicide.

Elluka tilted her head, her blonde hair moving with the slight movement. "Wha...? How do you suppose we should do that?"

Elluka noticed that Irina's hands were clutched to her chest, knuckles white with tension. She was nervous, as Elluka could tell.
"The remaining candidates are just us, you know that, right...?" Irina looked at her sister with shaky, unnaturally wide eyes. " Such a thing is meaningless."

"Of course, I know, Irina..." Elluka couldn't hold back her true thoughts. When she looked at Irina, she saw brief flashes in her facial features of Kiril, her beloved fiance. It made the knife tucked into her skirt become heavy with guilt.

Irina continues, "As for being queen, you should be it, not me." Irina looked to the ground, ashamed of what she was saying. Her meek, chocolate-colored eyes saddened.

Elluka gasped, "I... Irina, don't you want to be Queen?" Elluka was concerned for Irina now. She had been told by Kiril that Irina was shy but very competitive.

Irina had been wanting to be Ma, she knew that much. The title of Ma, birth mother of the twin gods, came with being Queen. This behavior of hers was uncharacteristic of her.

Irina looked up, "Of course I do! But, if this continues, Brother will be upset. You were the one who was chosen by my brother, so..."

Eluka's eyes welled up with tears. Irina was giving up? She was going to be Queen? Elluka couldn't believe it.

Elluka rushed forward, grasping Irina's shoulders and bringing her into a tight hug. "Thank you, my dear sister Irina... You’re safe now. I won’t let you die, because I shall protect you. You are Kiril's sister, and thus my future sister."

Irina stood in shock of the hug, tears of guilt in her eyes. Her hands slowly moved up, a sharp, shiny piece of metal glimmering in her hands. A dagger, poised for the kill.

Elluka didn't see the betrayal coming.

She felt a sharp, stabbing pain in her back that hit her spine and then a sharp twist that was accompanyed with more pain. Had Irina... stabbed her?

"I... Irina... You..." Elluka felt her knees buckle as she fell to the floor.

Irina tossed her dagger down to the ground at her feet, laughing.

She would have tried to stand, but her legs had gone numb. Irina had severed her spine, making her unable to walk. She felt blood seeping out of the wound, quickly weakening her.

Elluka knew the truth now. The deaths of Li Ly and Milky Eights were no accidents. Irina had murdered them. In a jealous fit, Irina had resorted to killing in cold blood to become Ma.

Her eyes flickered up to Irina, who had begun to wail in despair at what she had done, normally meek eyes wide in a cruel manner.

Before her vision flickered shut and Elluka felt herself slip away, she caught the glimmer of tears, gushing down her cheeks.

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