♡Colors In Her Eyes: Prologue♡

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*the following is a dialogue between Victoria and Blake (Kaia's evil guardians) when she was recovering from the experiment*

Kaia laid there on a bed. Her eyes closed, her mouth dry due to the fact that she hadn't opened it in seven months. Around her eyes were wrinkly, and she lost weight. Victoria hovered over Kaia's frail body, like the sun on a hot summer day. She saw Kaia's condition and cracked a smile. Seeing Kaia like this meant that her plan worked out perfectly. She had tons of people like this before. Multiple children who were sold out by their parents to become lab rats for a new experiment. The parents would get money in return. It was a perfect plan, Victoria thought. To manipulate these parents, and make them think their kids were safe, when in reality, whether they would live or die is a mystery. But this time, seeing Kaia like this meant success. Blake made his way over to her and Kaia.

Blake: This experiment is a money maker isn't it?
Victoria: Yeah, definitely. I can't believe this.
Blake: Can't believe what?
Victoria: The fact that this might actually work. *takes a deep breath* We can't let her get away from us this time. Not like the others. I can't fail this.
Blake: *nods* I can't either. I need this money.
Victoria: *furrows her eyebrows* Who says you're getting any?
Blake: I certainly need the money more than you do. What is it you need again? Money to pay pack the pimp you used to work for?
Victoria: *glares and walks over* My situation is far more serious than whatever it is you have going on. Don't speak of it ever again.
Blake: You don't know anything about my situation. You got yourself in that mess. I've got two mouths to feed, and I need to make as much money as I can to take care of my family. You prostituted yourself, and now you're the one hurting children.
Victoria: Don't make me seem like the villain you are just as bad as I am.

Blake: I would be helping you no matter what crap you would be doing. I was looking for a high paying job. A job as an assistant for a pathetic, lonely, dried up prostitute is the best thing that came up.

Victoria: *glares once again and walks over* There are jobs that pay higher. You just decided to join this job...and by the way, don't pretend you don't like me. You have been seeing me, the pathetic and lonely prostitute behind your wife's back, and even thought about hooking your son up to one of these hospital beds for money. Yeah I'm pathetic.

Blake: I've only been doing that to make my pay higher. *rolls eyes*

Victoria: *laughs* watch your mouth Blake Michael. I will kill you if you aren't careful. You're playing with fire. You think just because you work for me, I will show mercy? No, baby. I'm sorry. You aren't special. *smiles and walks away* Blake then looked down at Kaia and glared with jealousy. It seemed like he was her number one priority at first. He made her job even more exciting. Now that the experiment is finally working, it's this fifteen year old girl on the bed in front of him. Even though, it meant more money he wanted even more to have a good relationship with Victoria. He didn't care at all about his family. He then remembered that she could hear him. He moved closer to her ear and whispered something.

Blake: You are so lucky that you're a success. If you weren't I would have the most fun killing you. He then smiled and walked away.

Should I make this a story?

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