Letters Never Sent

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Main OC: Arthur Monroe

Dear Tyrus,

I know it has only been a week, but I already feel I've been away for far too long. I miss home, but I'm still glad to be doing this. I'm actually getting along rather well with the others, for now at least. Miles said there's at least a hundred more people where we're going, so we'll see how that goes. He said we've still got a few weeks of traveling to do before we get there though. It's good to know there are so many people against Vayne. I wish I had more to say.

Love, Arthur

Dear Tyrus,

It took us a month and a half to get here, but we finally made it to the main camp, and luckily with no problems, Miles seems concerned about that though. At least half the people didn't seem too happy about Miles and Viessa's return, but they did seem to cheer up a bit when he told them I'm a shifter. It felt weird to me though. A simple hundred didn't seem like much in thought, but now that I've seen it...it's a little overwhelming. But at least I know there are plenty of people fighting for the same cause. So, I really shouldn't be too worried, right?

Love, Arthur

Dear Tyrus,

Miles only just told me that I won't be able to send any of my letters. He said it would risk the safety of the camp, and home as well. I'll still write them, and I'll give them to you when I visit, that way anything I don't tell you about in person, you can get from the letters. The letters make me feel a little better anyway, like I am still talking to you.

Love, Arthur

Dear Tyrus,

It's been three months now. I don't know if you're counting too. We've had a few small fights now and they've gone well. I'm not really used to it yet, but I'm sure I will be soon at least. No one has been too badly injured and there haven't been any deaths on either side. We took those we fought as captives and some of the others have been trying to learn more about Vayne's plans from them, but they haven't been too lucky yet. Miles said they're going to have to push them harder. I'm not entirely sure what he really meant by that, but I hope it's nothing too bad...I might know what he meant, and I don't know how I feel about it.


Dear Willow,

I'm sure you and Tyrus will both read all my letters, or he would at least tell you the major parts of them, but I felt you needed a letter of your own as well. You both took care of me, after all.
Well, anyway, it's been four months. I still miss home, but not as badly as before. I hope you're doing well. Tyrus too. And everyone else.
It takes a month and a half, at least it did before, to get from camp to home, so I need to be careful of when I choose to visit. I hope soon though.

Love, Arthur

Dear Tyrus,

I know it's been a while since my last letter, and it's been eight months since I left too. We had just gotten so busy over here, I think just a week after my last letter, so I haven't had a lot of time to write. It's not like you're actually getting these when I write them anyway. I really want to visit, but I've barely got enough time to write this. I hope we aren't this busy too much longer then.

Love, Arthur

Dear Willow,

If you do ever get this letter, please don't tell Tyrus what it says. After everything you and Tyrus have gone through yourselves, I feel as though he may be disappointed by my decision.
I've been here just over a year now, and I've been doing well, I've been fighting and haven't been too injured. Over all of these battles I somehow had never killed anyone, but it finally happened last week. It wasn't even just one person. I know that they would have killed me if they had the chance, and that they are the people we're fighting against, but I just feel so guilty. I ended people's lives last week. I don't know if it's normal to feel this guilty or not, the others don't seem to care when they do it. I don't think those were my lives to end though. I shouldn't be the one that decides when someone's time is up.
I have decided that I will no longer fight. I will help in other ways. I can get supplies and help heal the sick and injured. I can't kill anyone else


Dear Willow,

It's been a little hard to stick around camp now that everyone knows I'm not fighting anymore. No one was happy about it, but luckily Miles has been getting them to back down more recently. I know he's disappointed, and he always check in before a fight to make sure I'm not joining, but he doesn't bother me about it too much anymore. He's a good friend.

Love, Arthur

Dear Willow,

It happened again. I said I couldn't kill anyone else, but I did. I don't know what happened. I'd been doing okay, I haven't done any fighting for the last year. No one was happy with my decision though, and no one was quiet about it either. One of them was at it again, complaining about my decision and blaming me for every lost fight, saying a dragon could have won them all for us. It was just like every other time, but this time I snapped. I don't know what happened. I shifted, and I set him on fire. I only stopped when I heard the screams, but I don't know if it was his screams of pain, or every else in terror. I left after that, just flew away. Everyone looked so afraid, and he was in so much pain.
Miles hunted me down. It took him at least a week to do, I think, and I thought he would want to kill me for what I had done. He didn't. He asked me to come back. He said he understood, it was all an accident, and that everyone else would get over it eventually. He said the other still lived. I went back with him, and he was still alive. I told Miles that if he lived, I would leave, I wouldn't be able to help much knowing he could be waiting around any corner to remind me of what I had done. I said I would stay if he didn't make it through, to make up for what I had done. I didn't want to leave either way though, and he died.
Please, if you ever get this letter, don't tell Tyrus.


Dear Tyrus,

I miss home more and more every day. I've already been away for three years, and I wish I could visit, but I am still unable to. When I first left, I hadn't expected to be as busy as I am, but I was also only sixteen. I know nineteen isn't that old still, but I have certainly learned a lot more since then. Everything is going well enough over here, and I hope everything is still alright at home. I wish I could actually send these letters. I'm starting to feel less like I'm talking to you, and more like I'm simply just writing things down, which I suppose I am. I hope I get the chance to visit home, so I can actually speak to you.

Love, Arthur

Dear Willow,

Things have gotten a little better, now that it's been over a year since the incident. People don't really talk to me about fighting anymore, though they really don't talk to me much at all anymore. The newer recruits will, but I think that's just because they don't know, and there really aren't very many of them. There were a lot of new people coming in my first year, but once Vayne started boasting about how many of us he'd killed, people stopped joining. I get it. No one wants to die.
Well, I hope you and Tyrus are both doing okay. I'm halfway through my third year here, and I don't know when I'll be coming home.

Love, Arthur

Dear Tyrus,

Things have been looking up for us over here. We're losing fewer fights, and we've even got new recruits coming in again, despite Vayne giving his best efforts to sway people his way. With new people coming in, I actually don't have as much to do anymore. I might get to visit home, Miles said he wanted to do some recruiting that way anyway. So, hopefully, I'll be seeing you soon.

Love, Arthur

Dear Tyrus,

It looks like I won't be returning anytime soon. Things were looking up last few months, we even had a few informants in Vayne's army, an advisor in there as well. Till it turned out we'd been tricked by that advisor, and they'd led us into a trap. We lost a fourth of our people because of it, and all of our spies were caught as well. We're falling behind again. We just continue to go back and forth with it all. One year we're ahead, another he is. Honestly, it's a surprise we've made it this long. I've been here four and a half years, but others here have been part of this since the moment Vayne killed the empress. Maybe Elphina is the reason people haven't given up. I always forget she's the rightful heir.


Dear Tyrus and Willow,

Five years is a long time to be away from your family and home. Sometimes I regret the decision to leave, because I know I'm putting the two of you through the same thing as I'm going through. You don't deserve that. I can't imagine how you feel. You must be angry with me. I left five years ago and you've heard nothing from me since. I wish I could see you, apologize for all of it, go back home and just stay there. I hope you can forgive me for all of it. I never meant to leave you in the dark.

Love, Arthur

Dear Tyrus and Willow,

            It's been another three months, and things have gotten so much worse over here. Our camp was discovered. We don't know how it happened, Miles thinks someone else turned on us again. Everyone who survived the camp split up. I'm traveling with Miles, Viessa, and Elphina. I would promise to return home at least once in our travels, but we're being followed, and we can't lead Vayne's men back home. I can't risk putting everyone in danger. Vayne has an entire army at his disposal. If he discovered where Elphina and I were raised, we would lose all of you. I already lost my biological parents, I can't lose you as well.
I don't know if I'll ever make it back home. I said we're being followed, and Vayne has an army. I'm sure it wouldn't be the most difficult thing to do if he decided to finally to just take us out for good. If I really don't make it home, I hope these letters make it to you. I don't keep them on me though. I get a little upset having them, it just reminds me that you know nothing about what's been going on. I've been giving them to Miles. He promised to hold onto all of them for me until I see you again.
I really hope you can forgive me. I miss you.

Love, Arthur


            I want to go home.

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