Secret Games

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"W-who are you?" Hattie stammers.

"I'm the reason why you're alive."


"Come on, guys! It's time to go!" Hattie grabs her friend, Holly's, hand and runs towards the door.

"Wait! We can't forget Bennie!" Holly lets go of Hattie's hand and runs back into the house to get her boyfriend, Bennie.

Hattie pouts by the door. "I don't get why he has to come, he's so much taller than me."

"And how does that have to do with any of this?" Bennie walks down the hall, holding Holly's hand in one hand and a bag in the other.

Hattie lets out a huff and walks out the door.

Bennie turns to Holly and chuckles. "Why does she have to come along?"

Holly smiles and stands on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "Because she's never been camping before."

"Will you two sickos hurry up?!"

"We're coming, Hattie!" Holly calls. Then she turns back to Bennie. "And because I know you two get along."

Bennie rolls his eyes and sighs. "Fine, but only for you."

Holly grins. "Good, now let's go."

The both of them walk out of the house and get into Bennie's green truck that waited for them outside of the two story red house.

Hattie was already in the back seat, ear buds in her ears.

Bennie got into the driver's seat and Holly got into the passenger seat.

Bennie then turns to Hattie. "And because I'm the only one who knows where we're going."

Hattie takes out an earbud and gives him a quizzical look. "What?"

Bennie grins and Holly chuckles.

Bennie then starts the old truck, it coughing, and puts it in drive and they take off.

After half an hour, Hattie breaks the silence.

"Are we there yet?" She asks.

Holly jumps at the sudden noise, her hand breaking away from Bennie's.

She turns to shoot Hattie a glare, as Hattie holds back a laugh.

"No." Bennie replies.

Hattie nods, and looks back down at her phone, her long brown hair sweeping in front of her face.

Bennie's hand finds Holly's again, and he gives it a reassuring squeeze.

She looks at him and he smiles.

"We're almost there."

Holly smiles back. "I can't wait."

After another half hour, Bennie pulls into a vast field with a cabin.

The tall brown building contrasted against the yellow and green grass.

The mid day sun and sky making everything shine.

Holly looks out the window with excitement, but Hattie looks out with confusion.

"We're staying here? Where's the trailer?"

Holly laughs and Bennie points to the old cabin.


"There? Really?"

"Hey, we can enjoy this together. I've only been in a cabin once, but it was with way more people." Holly reassures.

"How does Bennie even know about this place?" Hattie crosses her arms.

"Why don't you ask him?"

Hattie looks at Bennie, who is smiling smugly.

"How did you find out about this place, Bennie?"

Bennie parks in a small, grass parking lot next to the cabin.

"My uncle." He said simply.

Hattie raised a brow. "The sketchy one?"

Bennie laughed. "No, his brother."

"Still seems sketchy to me." She mumbles.

"Well why don't we go and explore our new home for the next couple of days?" Holly suggests.

Hattie opens the door. "As long as there aren't any bears."

"There aren't any bears, but there's rattlesnakes." Bennie says flatly.

"What?!" Hattie immediately closes the door.

"I'm just kidding. There aren't any around here for at least a mile."

"Well, good. I don't want my toes to get bitten off." She looks down at her purple painted toes, her feet being embraced by yellow flip flops.

Holly looks at her friend with worry. "You didn't bring just those, did you?"

Hattie waves her off. "Of course not! I brought some actual shoes too. I'm not a heathen."

"Well you act like one." Bennie muttered.

Holly gave his arm a slap and she glared.

He held his arm and gave her a look of apology.

Holly then turned from him and opened her door, stepping out onto the soft, dry grass. Her old, black tennis shoes making the grass flatten underneath her touch.

She stands straight and closes her eyes, taking in a deep breath of the fresh outside air.

She then turns to the other two with her hands on her hips and a small smirk on her face. "Come on. S'mores don't cook themselves."

Bennie and Hattie glance at each other before getting out of the truck and getting their stuff.

Holly had her old, orange backpack on her shoulders that contained the necessary items for the next few days.

She waited for her friends to be ready before the three of them walked up to the brown building.

It towered over them as if to say they were not welcomed.

Bennie got the key out of his pocket and went to put it in the keyhole of the doorknob, but the door gently moved open at his touch.

Holly and Hattie gave each other worried glances, but Bennie chuckled.

"Guess my uncle didn't lock the door."

Holly let out a sigh of relief, but Hattie was still skeptical.

"For a minute I thought someone else was here."

Bennie gave his girlfriend a look. "How?"

Holly shrugged.

Bennie shook his head and pushed the door open, it's hinges squeaking in protest.

Bennie stepped in and wiped his dusty hands on his pants.

"I guess no one has been here in a while." He said.

"Well if it belongs to your uncle, then I can see why." Hattie and Holly walked in after Bennie.

Bennie shook his head again, but at Hattie.

"What is it with you and my uncles?"

She looked around the dark room, not really paying any attention.

"They're weird."

Bennie set his blue pack on the ground next to the door, then he went in search of a light switch, his hands running against the old brick walls. His fingertips finally hit a switch and the lights flickered on.

The light shone to reveal the living room.

An old, ratted red couch sat against the far wall, along with a dark blue recliner.

Hattie looked at the furniture bewildered. "And your uncle doesn't have great taste." She scoffed.

"Ew, the walls are an ugly green. Why do people have to ruin my favorite color?" Holly stuck her tongue out and Bennie placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"He won't let anyone redo it."

"He won't let anyone touch anything it seems." Hattie coughed as some dust flew into her face. She had crossed to the other side of the room where the kitchen was at.

In it sat an old wooden table, along with some chairs. She was looking through a cupboard and pulled a can of food out.

"Did he like, live here at all?" Hattie slowly put the can away.

Bennie shrugged, going to sit on the couch. "He might've. I'm not sure though."

He plopped onto the couch and it squeaked in protest against the weight of his body.

Bennie grimaced from the noise, Holly going to carefully sitting next to him.

"Let's hope that the rooms aren't as bad." She places a hand on his.

"You spoke too soon, Holly!"

Holly growls and rolls her eyes. "What now?"

"The rooms are trash!"

The couple lets out a huff and get off of the couch to go find Hattie.

They find her standing in a doorway to a room, her hand still on the light switch.

"You know that this isn't supposed to be some fancy house, right?" Bennie raises a brow.

"Well yeah, but it could at least be more presentable."

"You don't like this?" Bennie smirks, gesturing to the room. He then leans against the door frame.

"You think I'd like to live in this ugly peach colored room? The walls are scratched in some places and it smells old. The carpet is all hard too." Hattie looks down at the ground.

Bennie rolls his eyes. "That's because it's not carpet. It's concrete."

"And that's even worse!" Hattie proclaims.

Holly pats her friends shoulder. "Oh, hush now. You aren't living in here forever, and besides. We're camping. We're supposed to be ugly."

Hattie crosses her arms with a pout, her brown eyes losing excitement. "Fine. I'm going to go look at the other rooms. Whichever one is more decent, I get."

"Fine with us." Holly reassures, stepping back so that Hattie could pass.

Hattie gives a nod to them both and walks past them.

Bennie runs a hand through his messy brown hair, letting out a soft chuckle.

Holly glances at him. "What is it?" Her blue eyes questioned.

He smirks. "All of the rooms are the same."

And as if on cue, that's exactly what Hattie declares, exasperated.

"They're all the same!"

Hattie then walks back to them.

"So which room do you want?" Bennie asks.

"This one." Hattie grumbles, her black bag thrown over her shoulder, she pushes past them and tosses the bag on the small wooden bed.

"You need anything else?" Bennie asked.

Hattie almost shook her head, but then a thought occurred to her. "Yeah, I couldn't find the bathroom."

Holly held in a snicker and Bennie smirked. "You know how people back in the old days had outhouses."

Hattie's eyes widened. "No..."

Bennie grinned. "There's a port-a-potty out back with a little moon on it."

Holly let out her laugh and Hattie groaned, flopping herself onto the bed.

"Welcome to camping." Bennie said as he and Holly left Hattie.

Bennie took hold of Holly's hand as they walked to the second of three rooms in the cabin.

Holly let out a sigh as she placed her bag on the floor and sat down on the bed, Bennie following suit.

"What is it?" He asked as he wrapped an arm around her.

"We should make some s'mores." She stated.

Bennie smiled, kissing her forehead. "I'll go get the stuff."

He got up and walked out of the room, leaving Holly by herself.

She laid back on the bed and sighed. "This will be fun."

Very faintly she heard someone say you know it.

Thinking it was Bennie, she let out a soft chuckle before going out to meet him in the kitchen.

He was standing at the counter, opening the marshmallows, Graham crackers, and chocolate from their wrappers.

She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around him.

He smiled softly. "Hey, babe."

She grinned.

He held a marshmallow out to her behind his back and she opened her mouth and took it from him.

He glanced behind him, smiling. "You look like a chipmunk.

Holly puffed out her cheeks more. "Your chipmunk." She said through a full mouth.

"Is that the sound of chocolate I hear?" Hattie came bounding out of her room.

"They're for the s'mores, Hattie." Bennie held the chocolate out of her reach.

Hattie pouted. "Then what's Holly eating?"

Holly let go of Bennie and turned to face Hattie. "Marshmallow." She said muffled.

Hattie crossed her arms and pouted. "Well then chop chop and make some s'mores, man."

Bennie rolled his eyes. "Okay, okay."

Holly swallowed the marshmallow and laughed as Hattie turned, nose in the air, walking to the couch.

Hattie plopped down on the couch and smirked as Bennie grimaced at the noise.

Holly pat his arm. "Don't let her get to you."

He turned to glare at Hattie.

"I won't." He said to Holly.

Holly smiled. "Good, I'll be waiting for my s'more."

Then she went to go sit next to Hattie, carefully not to make the couch squeak.

"I'd ask why you aren't making your own, but I already know the answer." Bennie laughed.

Holly grinned. "Yep, you like cooking for me and you cook better than all three of us."

"But s'mores are so easy to make!" He whined.

Holly blew him a kiss. "You'll be okay, baby."

Hattie watched the two with disgust. "Remind me how I put up with you two again?"

Holly gently hit her friends head. "Because I've known you for almost twelve years and because you're happy that I've finally found a good guy."

Hattie sighed. "True."

Holly gave Hattie a hug. "You're the best."

Hattie grinned. "I know."

The two of them watched Bennie cook the s'mores over a little portable stove.

They laughed and talked until Bennie came up to them with two plates, each with three s'mores.

"Your treats, madam."

The girls giggled and thanked him, each taking their plate as Bennie had his own.

He carefully sat down on the recliner and watched the two.

The girls watched him in return.

They ate their s'mores in silence, until Hattie broke it.

"Let's play Truth Or Dare."

Holly coughed. "You? Want to play Truth Or Dare?"

Hattie shrugged. "Why not? Isn't that what people do when they camp?"

Bennie chuckled. "They can, but usually telling scary stories is what we do."

"I'd rather play Truth Or Dare." Holly said quickly.

"Okay, but make sure not to do anything crazy. My uncle said that someone died not far from here and that weird things have been happening."

"Ben! Don't say things like that! You know how bad my imagination is!" Holly exclaimed.

Bennie shrugged, chuckling. "Sorry."

"You aren't." Holly muttered, shoving the last bit of her s'more into her mouth.

"Bennie, truth or dare." Hattie asked.


"Oh my goodness such a rebel." Holly teased.

Bennie rolled his eyes as Hattie thought of a dare.

"I dare you to... Go out into the port-a-potty and chant the dead man's name three times."

Bennie raised an eyebrow and Holly's eyes widened.

Holly then turns to stare at her friend.

"Hattie, no."

Hattie grinned. "Hattie, yes."

"This is like bloody Mary, and that freaks me out." Holly crossed her arms.

Then the door closed and the girls jumped.

Their eyes immediately went to where Bennie had been sitting.

Holly jumped up and ran outside after him. "Ben!"

Hattie sat back against the couch with a smug smile on her face.

Outside, the sun was starting to set, making a beautiful sunset in the sky. The sky was a dark, Navy blue that faded down into the rest of the horizon with other beautiful colors.

Holly had caught up to Bennie right as he was about to step into the outside bathroom.

She placed a hand on his shoulder, which made him turn around.

He smiled at her. "Hey, babe."

Holly's face flooded with worry. "Please don't do this." She begged.

Bennie laughed softly. "Why not? Nothing will happen, I don't even know the guys name."

"Just please don't. You know I hate things like this."

"Be glad you didn't get the dare then." He smiled again and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

A small tear went down Holly's cheek.

She was afraid.

"Please be careful..." She whispered, her hands clamped together.

She watched as Bennie got in and just as he was about to close the door, she called out to him.

"I love you!"

He turned, a grin on his face. "I love you too and just for your sake, I won't lock the door." He winked and blew a kiss to his girlfriend.

Holly smiled.

"You dork."

She heard him say dead man three times then the door opened and Bennie appeared.

"Let's just hurry up and go back inside." She plead.

He nodded, going to take a step out of the bathroom and as soon as his foot hit the ground, he fell.

"BENNIE!" Holly shrieked.

Hattie jumped up from the couch and ran outside.

Holly shook Bennie and cried, begging for him to wake up.

She felt for a pulse, but there was nothing there.

It was when Hattie came out with a flashlight, did they notice the trickle of blood coming from his mouth.

Holly gasped and looked around on his body for any wounds, but there were none.

Holly continued to cry and she hugged the limp body. "Oh, Bennie..."

She then cursed the dead man, blaming this on him.

"What happened?" Hattie finally asked.

Holly then sat up, her face grim. "He went into the bathroom and said dead man three times. Then he came out and fell dead."

Holly couldn't blame this on Hattie. It wasn't her fault.

"Uh, do people usually die when camping?"

"No." Holly responded flatly, closing Bennie's eyes.

"How many times did you curse the dead man..?"

Holly's eyes widened and she slowly replied. "Three..."

"If this is some bloody Mary type thing, then..."

Holly whipped her head around to look at Hattie. "Then I'll be seeing Bennie soon."

"Don't say that!"

"Well if it happens and I die too, I wouldn't be surprised."

"Aw, this was supposed to be a fun weekend. Not one of death."

Holly shrugged and looked back at her dead boyfriend.

Then she slowly stood up and went to take a step.

She turned back to Hattie. "I love you, best friend."

Then she placed her foot down and fell, just like Bennie.

Hattie fell to the ground and wept.

"I love you too. I'm so sorry."

"Oh, it's not your fault." A voice said.

She turned around, but didn't see anyone there.


A dark figure came toward her.

"Who are you?" She asked. "Are you one of Bennie's uncles?"

The dark figure smiled, showing its white teeth.

"No, I'm the dead man."

Hattie's eyes widened. "You killed my friends."

The dead man shook his head, grinning again. "No, I'm the reason why you're alive."

Hattie slowly stood up. "What..?"

"I won't kill you."

"But what if I chant your name three times?"

"First off, my name is Nathan, and secondly, you made me feel joy, which I haven't felt for a long time. So, no. Even if you chant my name, I won't kill you."

"So by me inventing bloody Mary dead man, you've decided to play and have fun by killing my friends?"

He crossed his arms. "Know how I died?"

Hattie gave him a flat look.

Dead man Nathan chuckled. "I too was playing a game of Truth or Dare. I was with a group of my friends from college. My friend Dave picked me and I chose dare. There was a rattlesnake nearby and he dared me to go kill it. So I grabbed a shovel and killed it. Or so I thought. The snake looked as if it was dead and I had proclaimed it was. I put the corpse in a bucket and we went to sleep in our tents. The next morning, I didn't wake up. Sadly, I kind of deserve it. Luckily the snake didn't get anyone else, but now whenever someone plays truth or dare involving snakes or me, they die, except for the person who made the other do it."

Hattie nodded as if she understood. "But Holly didn't do the dare."

"She cursed my name in thought of it."

"Oh..." Hattie looks back at her friends, sighing.

"And to answer your question about Bennie's uncle living here, yes. He did. His uncle, Dave." Nathan flashed another grin.

Hattie's eyes widened. "That Dave?"

Nathan nodded. "That Dave, yes. He visits my grave every so often. He curses me and snakes and the game, but can't die because of it."

"So now what? Am I going to be a weirdo like Dave?"

Nathan chuckled, walking away. "That is for you to decide."

"Wait! Don't just leave me!"

Nathan slowly vanished away and Hattie cried.

"I see you've met Nathan and that your friends with my nephew."

Hattie turned around to see Bennie's uncle Dave.

She walked up to him and let a slap go across his face before breaking down into him and sobbing.

"Y-you killed them."

He gently rubbed her back. "I know. I blame myself for it everyday. Bennie kind of brought this on himself by bringing up Nathan and by coming here. I tried to get him to go camp somewhere else, but he refused. So did Holly. She's always wanted to come here."

"What do I do now?"

"That I'm not sure. I can take you home and you can tell everyone that a rattlesnake got them, but don't worry. You'll see them like how you saw Nathan."

"Black with only smiles?"

Dave nodded. "Precisely."

Hattie broke apart from the hug. "Thanks, Dave. I think I'll stay here for a while."

He nodded and stepped back.

Hattie went and sat down next to her friends and stroked Holly's short blonde hair.

Dave smirked. "Who's sketchy now?" Then he laughed and walked away to Nathan's grave.

Hattie let out a sigh.

"Thanks for the camping experience guys."

The End

oceansinfinity for title
The_MSV_Cafe for prompt

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