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An extra update for you all, I shifted divorce scene in next chapter for giving this update
After first round of competition, now it was time for announcement of winner of first round. Ruhi and her competitor were standing on stage. Ruhi's eyes were closed

"So the winner of first round is..
Ruhi Raichand.."
As she listens her name she jumps in excitement. Everyone stands for her and clap.

She takes the award and says a small thanks giving speech.

Abhi was standing with his hands in his pocket near entrance and smiles seeing her. He was so happy for his wife seeing this happiness on her face he felt like he got everything in the world he needs nothing more.

She sees at entrance and runs from stage to hug him. Abhi opens his arms but she passes by him not even seeing him. He turns and finds Ved. He picks him up by her keens and rotates her. She was laughing. He feels bad but he hides it behind a fake smile. He goes to her and congratulates her.

"Congratulations Ruhi! " he says forwarding his hands. Ruhi shakes hands with him"thank you"

Abhi sees that Ved's hand was still on Ruhi's waist.

"Ruhi let's go home." He says as he cannot see Ruhi close to Ved

"Abhi you go, Ved will drop me as i need to meet ma and dad.."

Abhi gives a fake smile and goes foward. He deliberately kicks his leg with nearby chair and whimper in pain.

"Ahh.." Ruhi hats him screaming an goes to him.

"What happened Abhi are you fine?" Ved ask.

"Ruhi... it's paining really it's paining so much.." Ruhi sees him with concern.

"Ved do one thing tell mom dad that I'll meet them at dinner in an hour please I'll take Abhi home."

"Ok Ruhi as you wish my dear" Ved says and leaves. Abhi burns when he calls her dear.

"Come Abhi let's go home." Ruhi says and Abhi nods like a child. He walks but stumbles intentionally.

"Ahh..Ruhi I won't be able to walk." He says holding his leg from thighs

"Shall I call someone."

"No no only you are enough.."


"I mean even if you hold he and help me may be I can walk." He says making puppy face and Ruhi holds him by his waits with hand. He keeps his one hand around her waist where Ved kept and both walk up to car. Ruhi makes him sit and drives unto home. Then she helps him up to his room and makes him sit on bed.

"Abhi how you feeling now.."

"Nice..umm..I mean not well it's still paining."

"Shall I call doctor.."

"No no.." He says immediately stopping her.

"I think it's just a minor injurie no need of any doctor." He explains her.

"Ok as you say.." She says agreeing to him

"Can you do me a favour?" He ask in a fake painful voice.

"Yes Abhi say.. why won't I ?"

"Can you please massage my knee with a hot oil.. only the injured area.." He says in pleading tone and then fakes a moan "ah.."

"Yes why won't I you wait here I'll bring oil.." She says while he nods. Ruhi gives him his shorts he changes in them which reached his knees.

Ruhi brings oil and sits on bed beside him. She dips her fingers in oils and then places it on his knees. And massage them. First Abhi gives few fake moans but then he just stare her and feels her touch. After five minutes Ruhi stops and say looking at him" now is it fine.." He nods. She gets up keep the oil aside and goes to wash her hands.
She cleans her hands with  napkin when she gets a call. All the while Abhi just stares her.

Ruhi keeps the call "Abhi dad said that he has arranged dinner even anjali mom and atul dad are there so even we should go but how will you go there as you are injured so I told dad that I'll come with Ved "

"What? No no Ruhi I am fine.."

"But you knee pain.."

" No Ruhi its not paning now you gave massage.. so now its fine I'll come with you.." He stands up and walks to show her that he fine

"Look I can walk.." He says walking

"Ok.." She gets confused but agrees him.

They reach her home. All were already waiting for them. Ruhi goes and hugs her dad and mom.

"We are proud of daughter" Arav says hugging her. Ahanna kisses her forehead.

Arav has forgiven Rishab and Kajal on being insisted by Ruhi. So now even they were there.

"Won't  you meet me?" Says Rishab.

"Rishab dad.." She goes and touches his and kajal's feet. Kajal does not let her touch her feet but hugs her.

"Daughter don't touch feet" Kajal says blessing her.

All were happily haveing dinner like before.

While dinner Ved was sitting on one side of Ruhi while Abhi on other side.
Ruhi and Ved were chatting making Abhi go green in envy.

"Ruhi.." Abhi whispers in her ears to grab her attention.

"Yes Abhi." Ruhi says loudly. All look at them. Abhi runs his dirty hands to his shirt without anyone's notice.

"Umm.. actually my shirt look it became dirty. Of I will not clean it then stains won't go."

"Ruhi" Ahanna says.." you take  him to room and help him clean it."

Ruhi nods and Abhi follows her to her room.

"Abhi.." He takes his shirt out." What are you doing?" Ruhi asks seeing him shirtless.

Abhi smirks as he sees her looking at his bare body.

"I am giving you shirt to remove stains."
Ruhi takes short and removes stains and brings to him. She dries it with dryer. While she was drying.
"Ahh.. my knee is paning."
"What? Look I told you not to come.. but you never listen to anyone."

"Sorry but now it's paining What should I do." He says faking pain.

" Ruhi look i think avantika Dadi is suspicious about our relationship.."

"Do you think so.." She ask worrying.

"Hmm..we should something to remove her doubt."

She agrees to him. He suddenly hugs her making her shocked. She tries to get out of his grip.

"Ruhi don't move avantika Dadi is seeing up.."

"Really." She ask  innocently.

"Hmm.." He replies enjoying hugging her.
Abhi in mind.." hmm that idiot.. always ready to stick to my wife. Can't he understand that she is married..and she is mine. She wholly belong to me.."

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