Story three

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The rabbit wolf boy was on the couch,reading a magazine for bladed weapons that he could possibly use for future projects or assassinations.

He was so focused with it he didn't hear the husky bounce in on one of those kid bouncy inflatable Thomas the tank engine balls.

"Hey Brady,what cha doin?" the husky asked,still bouncing around. "Weapons and maybe some masks to while I'm at it." Brady replied flipping to the next page of his catalog. "Why?" the husky asked sliding off his bouncy ball.

"None of your business Slush. It's not any of your concern on what i do or get." the purple rabbit coldly stated to the husky that was now on the floor,hugging the ball.

"Telllll meeeeee!" Slush whined tossing his ball aside. Brady gave him no response. The only thing he got was the sound of a marker scribbles on paper.

Slush pouted and flopped on his front side of his body. Brady looked at him from the corner of his eye. The husky was now giving the rabbit wolf the sad pupper eyes,hoping it would work to get him to tell what he was up to.

Brady reached over his shoulder and grabbed a cold piece of bacon and threw it out a window. Slush perked up immediately and jumped out the same window the bacon went out of.

The boy chuckled to himself as he heard the sound of the husky gobble down the bacon hungrily from the outside. Knowing Slush he'd probably forgot the key to unlock the front and back doors of the house they both lived in.

At that time Brady stayed on that couch still reviewing his catalog,marking and writing little notes on the papper. Slush went on the porch and started scratching at it so that Brady can unlock the door. "Your not getting in doggo. You should know by know to carry a house key on you at all times."

The rabbit wolf got up and looked out the window to see the husky stuck on the outside on the porch. "Please Brady! Let me back in! I'll do anything! Anything i tell you!!"Slush had his ears pinned back behind his head.

Brady placed a finger on his lips and gave Slush's proposal a quick think. After about three minutes he came up with something. "I'll let you in if you wear a collar and call me owner for the rest of the month." he said swinging his key around his finger.

"Oh,hell no! You can't make do any of that!" Slush growled at the purple boy from the other side of the glass. "Unless if you have something else in mind that could be of use to me. I'm going to be on this couch with my magazine." Brady placed the key in his back pocket of his jeans,then made his way back to the couch.

Slush whined once again being stuck on the outside. He started to paw and scratch the window. 'With all this noise Brady is bound to let me in!' Slush told himself,making more and more of a racket to annoy the rabbit.

Brady just stayed right there on that couch ignoring the huskys attempts of annoyance of noise. Slush then soon gave up and sat down on a chair and cuddled a little pillow that it came with.

His eyes grew heavy and before he knew it,he was soundly asleep. Four hours pasted and Brady wondered why was it was so quite. He then got up and unlocked the front door.

He stuck his head out to look for the husky. Brady found Slush sleeping on a chair,holding a pillow. The boy sighed and picked the dog up and took him back inside the house.

He had some troubles lifting the dog up from his chair. 'Why does this husky only eat meat? He's so god forsaken heavy!!' Brady thought while groaning with slush in his arms.

Brady placed the sleeping Slush on the couch and covered him up in a small blanket. "Sleep tight Slush." he said quietly before leaving to his own bed to sleep.


Authors note: a friend from my class asked me to write a story about his character,Slush and my character,Brady. I hope you guys enjoy this little story. Cause i know i did!

That bacon part was made out of Slush's love for bacon. After i finished this little story i showed my friend and he liked it. So i hope you guys and gals do to.

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