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Maitanth woke up with a start, he pulled his head back seeing Azur tossing around and shaking, he was whining. Maitanth grabbed Azur trying to wake him back up. “Azu, hey. Wake up!” He urged, but when he seemed to only get worse Mai tried to get out of the bed to get help. That was till his arm was grabbed by Azur causing him to fall out of the bed. He yelped as he fell onto his back. The sound of the guards bursting into the room woke Azur up, he quickly turned to get up. Looking around he spotted Mait on the ground who groaned as he stood up. The guards looked ready to fight their eyes scanned the room, though no intruders seemed to be present. Maitanth waved the guards off.

“What happened? Why are you on the ground? Why are the guards here?” Azu asked getting out of the bed. He eyed them wincing a bit as his talons hit the ground. He went around to make sure Mait was alright. All he remembered was being cozily nestled up against him. Yeah the bed was too small to hold the both of them but he thought if they had just been close enough they would be fine.

“I am fine” He said to the guards “You two can leave us” He then turned his attention to Azured as the guards left. “Well, I woke up to you having a bad dream, you were tossing around and whining. I was trying to wake you up and when I couldn't I was going to get out of the bed to go get help but you grabbed my arm before I could get out and caused me to fall.” Mait saw the apologetic look in Azureds eyes “Don't worry though, I am alright. I was more worried about you, I didn't know what was happening.” He asked before frowning as his eyes fixed on his shoulder. “You’re bleeding” He said stepping closer to look at the reopened wound on his shoulder. The bandages that had covered it were torn away.

“I don’t remember when that happened, nor do I remember my dream. Sorry for knocking you out of the bed” Azured apologized, the bed had some blood on it too and the bloodied bandages laid there. Must have been when he woke up that he reopened the wound. Maitanth checked the other wounds to make sure they were still healing fine. The one on his stomach was fine the one on his head seemed to be okay as well. Maitanth sighed.

“Well, let’s go get some help for your reopened wound, then let’s get some breakfast.” Mai said smiling at Azur who smiled back up at him. They both left the room to go find a dragon to get Azur some more bandages. The guards who had entered the room followed behind them, and soon they found the right dragon. More they found them as they ran up as soon as they saw blood. They asked what happened right away as they inspected the wound. “I fell out of the bed which caused Azu to open that up somehow” Maitanth explained resulting in a questionable look from the dragon helping Azu, they glanced between them a slight smirk on their face.

“We were not, getting into it if that is what you are thinking. I had a bad dream and Maitanth was just trying to help and I woke up when he fell out and the guards came in to see what was wrong. In the confusion I must have torn the bandages off and pulled the scab off my arm.” Azured explained with greater detail. The dragon nodded before pulling a roll of gauze from the pouch on their side and rewrapping the wound up. When the dragon nodded to them Azu thanked them and the headed off to get some breakfast. Along the way Mai scoffed and shook his head.

“I can’t believe they would think that we would be doing it in the hospital bed.” Maitanth said, he shook his head at the thought. Azur was a bit embarrassed by it as well. He hadn't thought about doing such a thing with Mai, he was happy enough to have him near him. He looked up at Mait nudging him with his shoulder, Maitanth looked down at him.

“You did kinda make it sound like that” Azur said, causing Mait to look away hiding the darker red coming to his face. Azur smiled a bit.

“I didn't mean for it to sound that way.” He said glumly “I am not used to normal conversations with dragons.” He added, Azur brushed his wing against his comfortingly.

“You are doing fine. Don't worry about it. Alright?” He said to Mait reassuringly, he found it adorable that Mait was awkward about that kind of stuff. Plus seeing him embarrassed and trying to hide it, with him being the ruler of their kingdom made it that much more adorable. Mait looked back at Azu smiling thankfully. There weren't many dragons at the cafeteria to eat. A couple were scattered around but upon seeing Mait they all bowed. Well, those that could did. They took a spot near the entrance and sat down one of the guards went to go get them food.

“Thanks” Mait said suddenly, and before Azu could ask what for Mai continued “Thanks for staying, for fighting, for surviving, for just being alive. If I lost you, I don't know what I would have done, if you had died. I don't think I would be here right now, or maybe I would. I’d be in a hospital bed. I wouldn't have been able to handle what happened to you.” He looked down sadly, Mait needed him just as much as Azu needed Mait. Azu felt touched and shocked once again, Maitanth proved time and time again that he was loved, deeply so. This was more than his mother had for him, or maybe she did but showed it in a different way. Azur moved around the table to hug Maitanth.

“I should be the one to thank you, I was lost and alone. I had nowhere to go, I was just blindly going through each day. I was going to end it within a few days. I planned it out but, then you came in. You messed up all the plans and turned my life around. The world was dark but now there's color. From you, the world seems brighter and better, but I still know there are dragons out there who are experiencing things like I did. Where they feel no one is there for them and are just doing what they need to.” Azu said while he hugged onto Mait. “You saved me from doing something I would regret. And you help me in so many other ways, I feel so many emotions from what you do for me. And I love it, I love you. I don't want to leave, ever, I just got you, and I was not going to let it end then.” He finished hugging tighter. Mait hugged back tightly too.

“Those dark days are over for you now.” Mait said in a hushed voice. “Now, I am here, I will keep you safe. I won't let anything happen to you” Mai glanced at the guard who was returning with their food. He pulled back from Azur and they turned to eat their breakfast. The following days were just checkups from the doctors and soon Azured was able to leave.


So, another chapter, and the picture is showing Azu and Mai's height difference. There may be minor changes to how they look and heights (Pictures not done by me, I only found the silhouettes and colored them to easily discern who was who) in case no one knows, blue is Azured and pale red is Maitanth.

I have a lot planned for them.

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