Just a small role

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"I don't even know why I bothered to marry you" The queen rubbed between her eyes. "You give me such a headache" The King huffed before leaning his weight on his arm. "You and I both know, we are and still the most powerful beings known to our kingdom" The king stated, already bored of talking with his wife. The queen let out a growl before looking away. Before the King could retort anything, one of their knight cleared their throat.

They both turned to him as he stuttered. "Y-you're highnesses. We found 'im" The Queen raised her eyebrow. "Ah you mean our beauty. The princess" The King shoved her. "He's a prince" The Queen stomped her foot. "He's a princess!" The king grunted before turning to the knight. "Can you fetch him?" The knight nodded, "Yes of course, but it comes with a huge risk-" The King huffed and motioned him away. "Just get him. The kingdom needs their... princess back" The Queen gave a thumbs up. "So just send your best knight and do what you do best" He shoved the knight. "Go ahead buddy!!"

The knight stumbled, stuttering his words before starting to jog off.


The Knight approached a light green headed, Knight. "I need Prince Jamey. We found the Princess" he asked as he motioned towards his room door. The light green haired, knight shrugged. "He doesn't want to be bothered" He responded and our Knight raises his eyebrow. "It's an emergency. What do you mean?"

The Knight shrugged once more, feeling as though our Knight wasn't understanding. "He just said. He doesn't want to be bothered. I don't make the rules. The Prince does." He told our Knight as he threw a thumb towards the Prince's door.

Our Knight grumbled before heading off towards another room. He had no time with arguing. He had to appoint another Knight up for saving the Princess.


A raven haired woman snored as she laid in her bed sleeping. Her soft snores filling the room before a loud knock at her door made her jump and flop out of bed.

She groaned and grabbed her sword, she hoisted herself up and wiped her mouth of any drool. She was in her underwear, but it didn't matter. She wanted to sleep in today.

The Knight from before knocked again at the door. "Don't tell me she's gone too?" He grumbled to himself.

Suddenly the door opened and he was face to face with a pointy sword. The raven haired woman had a dark aura surrounding her entire form as she menacingly looked at the Knight. "M'lady!" He squeaked out as she huffed and lowered her sword. "What do you want?" She asked as she stared up at him. She may be short, but she was a force not to be reckoned with. "W-we found the princess! But the Prince is unable to help and all other Knights refused!" He stuttered slightly before saying the rest confidently. The Raven haired mistress tapped her sword against her shoulder in thought. "Hmm... I guess I can help. As a favor." She grinned her sweetest smile. "Have my horse, Bartholomew, ready in an hour!" She slammed the door in his face and the Knight sighed in relief.


The Raven haired mistress put on her final piece of black armor before heading out. The Knight from before held out her horse to her. She clicked her tongue in thanks before hopping on and petting the horse's mane. "It's go time, Barth!" She shouted before snapping his reins and riding off into the forest clearing.

The castle grew smaller as she continues forth. She slowed down to a trot while thinking of the information the Queen gave her.

"They've found him with a barbarian" The Queen spoke. "You must be careful. Barbarians will use all kinds of dirty tricks on you." The Raven haired Knight, bowed. "With all due respect, my Queen, but I am no laughing matter. I am Strong. I am Tough! I won't fall for such dirty tricks" A scoff was heard from the King. "Maybe you won't" he spoke. "But you're a woman. The Barbarian is a man." The Knight held back a scowl.

Though it was only a second, it didn't go unnoticed by the King. "Mistress Kerry!" He shouted as he stood, "You know how dangerous Barbarian's are. They live amongst the Dragons! Their territory is all of the magic forest! They're twice our size! They are not civilized nor are they human" He towered over her. "Do not let them best you" The King held his hand and waved her off. "That ego of yours will get you killed one day."

Kerry shook herself of his words. "I will not let his words taint my mind. I am Kerry Haylel! The best gosh darn knight in our kingdom!" She held her fist up before looking at her horse. "Right?" She whispered to him. Barth answered with a snort making Kerry pout. "Fine. Best Only Female Knight in the kingdom. Is that so weird?" The Horse answered her with a foot stomp. She huffed before answering, "Whatever! Let's save the princess!!"


I didn't know what else to put. Jerry's obviously the princess and with Max. Though Jerry went with Max willingly and got caught on purpose.

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