Kiss kiss

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Jamey: So.. *sips his coffee* This is new

Max: Whatever do you mean? *sips his coffee*

Jerry: *massaging him gently, humming*

Jamey: *deadpans* How'd you find the potion?

Max: I found it in the closet! He said I would never find it and I found it! *smirks*

Jamey: Huh.

Jerry: *smiles at Jamey* Oh! Hi Jamey!

Jamey: *raises an eyebrow* you didn't notice I was here?

Jerry: *running his fingers through Max's hair* I guess not! I only notice Max.

Jamey: That's not concerning. *drinks all his coffee* I should be heading back anyways. I think Faz is almost home from hanging out with Roxy.

Max: It's been fun, hanging! *kisses Jerry's cheek*

Jerry: *hugs him tight and gives him kisses back*

Jamey: *shrugs and leaves the room*


Jerry: *kissing all over Max's chest*

Max: *preening in the attention*

Jerry: *kisses his collarbone* I wanna ravage you all day and all Night.

Max: *blushes* Y-yeah?

Jerry: Mmhmm~ *wraps his arms around him* I wanna fuck you into this couch~

Max: *kisses his cheek* P-please?

Jerry: *kisses him hard*


Jerry: *lifting Max's legs up onto his shoulders* Y-you're squeezing m-me so well~

Max: *panting softly, covering his face*

Jerry: *grins, thrusting harder and grabs Max's hands* N-never hide away from me.

Max: *moans out, holding onto him*

Jerry: *preens, slamming into him* Mm~ S-so pretty. S-so gorgeous.

Max: *groans, blushing red*

Jerry: *kisses his thigh, thrusting faster*


Jamey: *laughs* You're acting like a bitch in heat.

Max: *throws a pillow at him* Shut up!

Jamey: Where is he now?

Max: Mutters: Making me breakfast in bed.

Faz: Oooh! *pokes him* You're down bad! You're down bad!

Max: Shut up! *slaps him with a pillow* Why are you even here?!

Faz: Roxy went to hang out with Una because Una doesn't like us blowing things up so she's trying to convince them that it's fun. *smiles*

Jamey: *squints at him* You're blowing stuff up?

Faz: *squeaks* No! Only garbage! You don't have any proof!

Max: *pokes him* Haha! You're whipped!!

Faz: Shut up! *hits Max with the pillow that he got hit with*


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