Mating season (fairtytale AU)

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Max helped Jamey grab wood from the ground. "How much do we need?" He asked as Jamey looked around in thought. "Maybe... like five piles. My senses are telling me the storm is gonna be brutal this season" Jamey bristled unpleasantly. "It's already getting cold, so let's hurry up." Max nodded as he filled up their make-ship sled with wood.

As he was stacking the piles, he noticed Jamey breathing quite heavily. His face was flushed as he put another log on the sled. Max nudged him gently causing the other to slightly flinch. He raised an eyebrow as he asked, "Are you okay? You're acting really weird. Are you getting sick?" Jamey grunted as he wiped off the sweat, "I'm fine. We should probably head back. Faz is probably worried"

Max furrowed his eyebrows in thought. "Why would he be worried?" Jamey huffed and picked him up, throwing him on the sled, "Just sit there while I run us back" Max groaned as he sat up in the wood, "You're being weird!" He pointed at him. Jamey put on the harness, "And you're being annoying. Let me work" he strapped himself in before taking off, making Max scream and cling onto the sled.


Jerry cuddled up with Faz inside their cave. "I'm hooooot" Faz whined out. Jerry chirped and cuddled into him more, wagging his tail. "Nooooo" Faz huffed and pushed him away. "I want.. I want Jamey!" He sat up and pouted. Jerry whined softly as he hugged his tail, "I want mate" Jerry whined unhappily. Faz stuck his tongue out at him, "Jamey's my mate! Get your own!" Jerry growled out at him, "Don't care about your mate! I want my own mate!" They both growled unhappily at each other before both their ears perked up at resounding footsteps.

Two enticing scents filled the cave as two voices started arguing outside. Faz was the first to get up with Jerry following a second later. They both made their way to the entrance of the cave.

"You Asshole! I could've fallen off!" Max punched Jamey in the arm. Jamey, barely flinching, scoffed, "You were fine! You have your barbarian strength or something" Max shouted out in annoyance, "That's not the-" he stopped mid sentence as Jamey was tackled to the ground by a small dragon. Jamey grunted as he fell to the ground and growled. Faz growled back before nipping at his ear, tempting a battle.

Jamey roared before flipping them around and biting Faz's neck. Faz screamed out before biting his cheek back in retaliation. Jamey hissed as he let go before Faz used his entire body to topple him over.

Max jumped back as the two dragons wrestled on the ground, his brain processing what he was witnessing before his eyes widened and he facepalmed. "Mating season!" He grumbled at himself for forgetting. He knew how dragons were extremely territorial and would kill anything that stood between their mate.

He turned away to leave, but was met with raven hair. Jerry grinned up at him as he started to wag his tail. "You smell really good, Max" Jerry chittered happily as he started circling around him. Max spluttered as he started backing up. "Haha, really? How can you tell? I-I thought you could only smell other dragons." He laughed nervously. Jerry followed him happily as he continued to back up. Promptly stopping when his back hit a tree. Jerry chittered at him as he started rubbing himself all over Max.

"Jerry! I thought you wanted me to work for it! I can't control myself if you do this!" Max whined as he pulled Jerry closer. Jerry preened and started kissing him, getting even more excited. "I make you lose control?" He smiled happily. Max groaned, burying his face in his neck, "That's not the point"

Meanwhile Jamey had won his and Faz's small fight as Faz presented himself over. Jamey chuffed in pride before picking him up and going into their cave. He dropped him against a boulder and started feeling him up, Faz preening in pleasure.

Faz wagged his tail, kissing all over his face. Jamey gave him a kiss back as he started taking off all his clothes, ripping them in the process. Faz chittered excitedly before spreading his legs, eagerly waiting for Jamey to claim him. Jamey started licking at his face as he held Faz's legs over his shoulder.

Faz happily lapped his face back as Jamey positioned himself and slowly pushed in.


Jerry attacked Max's face with kisses as he pressed himself against him. He wanted their scents to mingle as Max internally panicked. His boner was showing through as Jerry rubbed their groins together. Jerry preened in pleasure as he wagged his tail and looked at Max expectantly.

Max sighed softly before giving him a kiss. He knew Jerry wouldn't let up, so he might as well enjoy the ride and deal with the aftermath consequences later. Jerry chittered happily before kissing back and grabbed at his hand. Max felt Jerry push his hand up through his clothes. He realized Jerry wanted him to take more control as they pulled away from the kiss and stared at each other.

Max grabbed his hips and pushed him up against the tree. Jerry preened as he wrapped his legs around his waist, he grabbed at Max's hair and pulled his head into his neck. Max bared his teeth as he bit down into his neck. Jerry moaned out in pleasure as he held onto him tighter. Max licked up the blood and the new teeth marks on his neck before grabbing at his clothes, "You want me to be rough with you, huh?" He smirked. Jerry nodded rapidly, whining as he pulled at his shirt. "You're adorable" Max muttered before pulling off his clothes.

A bit difficult with Jerry clinging on, but he didn't mind a few holes in his shorts. Max pulled down his own pants and took out his leaking cock. Jerry chittered excitedly and showed off his dragon wings. Max kissed the side of his face, "They're beautiful, baby" he nuzzled into him as he started grinding into him. Jerry preened and pulled him into another kiss.

Max kissed back hard as he slowly pushed in. "Gonna wreck you~" he breathed out as Jerry tightened around him. Jerry started licking at his face as Max pulled out and slammed back in.


"Stop laughing and get us food" Jamey scolded Max. Max snorted as he looked at them again, "Haha! Thank god I'm not a dragon"

Faz was currently stuck on Jamey's knot, embarrassed as he covered his entire bottom part of his body. Jamey gave a kiss to Faz's cheek, "Ignore him, baby. You're beautiful on my dick" He commented only fueling Faz's flush face. Max laughed again and dodged a rock that was thrown at him.

Jamey grabbed another rock, "You better attend to your mate, you fucker." Max scoffed and crossed his arms, "Relax! I pelted Jerry hard last night, I don't think he'll be up for a while" Jamey raised his eyebrow, "Oh yeah?" He said and pointed behind him.

Max turned and was face to face with green eyes. Green eyes full of fury as he jumped back, "J-Jerry! Y-you're awake!" He stuttered out. Jerry growled, showing off his teeth before grabbing Max's shirt. "Why aren't you in my nest?!" He hissed before pulling him back out of the cave. "Wait! Jerr! I need to get food for my brother!" Max grabbed his arm.

Jerry looked at him sadly. "Y-you don't wanna be with me?" Tears pricked at the corner of his eyes. Max shook his head, "N-No! That's not what I meant! Of course! I-I just need to provide!" Jerry smiled softly, "Getting food for mate?" He asked quietly. Max nodded quickly. "I'm getting food for mate"

Jerry smiled before letting him go, "Come back quickly! I wanna reward, mate~" he smiles deviously at him as Max gulped. Jerry left towards his makeshift nest as Max sighed in relief, groaning when he heard Jamey's cackle from inside the cave.

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