Party au!! (Kid's style!)

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Amelio tugged at his guitar chords, he cringed at the slight off sound it made. "Damn it!" He grumbled before trying to find the one nasty chord messing him up.

"Yo! Horndog! You done yet?" Shadow eloquently shouted at him, walking into his room. Amelio groaned and glared at him, "No! Get out of my room! I haven't finished yet!" He stood up from his chair, putting his guitar back down. Shadow scoffed, walking over to him. "This is my room too, idiot. This is a van?" Shadow tilted his head at him before looking at his guitar. Amelio felt his face flush, but before he could come up with a retort, Shadow grabbed his guitar.

"Hey!" Amelio grabbed it from him. "Don't you dare, touch Brian!" Shadow raises an eyebrow, "You named your guitar, Brian? You named it after a guy?" Amelio shook his head, "Of course not! I named it after my favorite cartoon dog, Brian Griffin from Family Guy. Duh!" Now it was Amelio's turn to roll his eyes, looking at Shadow as if he was stupid.

Shadow blinked slowly before laughing. "You're fucking crazy. Do you need help tuning your guitar? I may play Piano, but I know a thing or two about Guitars." Amelio shook his head, "No. This thing cost me a fortune. Besides, it's an electric guitar, not an acoustic" Shadow raised his eyebrows, "How'd you know I played acoustic?" He asked, prompting Amelio to shrug his shoulders, "I just 'member it?" He responded, but even he didn't look so convinced by the answer he gave him. Shadow chuckled before sighing, "I read about electric guitars, too. I can help"

"No, thank you. I am fine. Go back outside and tune your instrument" Amelio huffed at him. Shadow lifted his hands up before turning around, "I was just trying to help" He said before exiting the camper. Amelio watched him leave, cringing at the door slam before sitting back down and started fiddling with the strings.


Shadow stomped past Allie, "Let's hurry this shit. With or without him." Allie stopped in his vocal warm-ups, looking at him, "Shadow! Did you guys fight again?!" He called out. Only to be met with a hand flipping him off, before another door slam. Allie huffed, jumping when a hand landed on his shoulder. Turning towards the figure, smiling, "Koda!"

Koda smiles warmly at him, holding his drum sticks. "It's okay, love. He just needs to let off steam" Allie smiled back at him before frowning and turning towards the storage room, "Yeah.. but did he have to go into the equipment room? He could break something" Koda laughed nervously, "I.. think he'll be fine?"


Shadow set up his stand, making sure his handheld keyboard was on the right settings. Amelio hopped up on stage locking eyes with Shadow before they both turned away in a huff. Allie sighed as he held up his mic, glancing towards Koda.

Koda nodded as his two friends got into place, he signaled the groupies to hit the stage lights.

The lights blew up the stage as the crowd immediately started going wild. Allie laughed heartily into the microphone, "How are ya'll doing tonight?!" Making the crowd yell out more. "We've gotta special song for ya'll tonight! It's inspired by some very special close friends!!" Shadow and Amelio squinted their eyes at Allie as they started playing their instruments.

"She's got a heart of fire, burning bright with a courage that could light up an entire stormy night!

She moves with purpose, She's on a mission with every step! Oh, yeah she's a collision! A bit of an o-o-overachiever, yeah!"

Amelio strung his guitar while Koda drummed his heart out. Shadow took his own microphone as he sung the next verse, joined in with Amelio as he put his guitar against his chest and took his own mic out.

"Oh, she's got that fire in her soul!
She's on a roll, she's in control! She's reaching for the stars up high, with passion in her eyes!"

The entire Crowd screamed in excitement, Shadow glanced at Amelio before looking at Allie. Allie smiled as he winked at him, causing Shadow to stutter back. He laughed breathlessly before holding the Mic back up,

"Oh, He's got a spirit that can't be tamed! With a love that's never been claimed, He's a rebel with a cause, a bit of dreamer with a big 'ol heart!

With every beat, he plays his part! And maybe with a Rocky start!"

Amelio looked up from his strumming, confused as he turned towards Shadow. Shadow ducked his head, pretending to be completely oblivious as he engrossed himself in his keyboard playing. Koda smirked as he kept playing, smiling innocently at Amelio when he turned towards him next.

Amelio grumbled unhappily, but nonetheless grabbed his Mic.

"Oh, He's got that fire in his soul!
He's on a Roll, He's in control! He's reaching for the stars up high with passion in his eyes!"

Shadow felt his face flush, he couldn't believe they were just noticing the lyrics now! Why didn't he see it when they were rehearsing??

Amelio was screaming silently in his head, also thinking the same thing.

They were both running on auto pilot as the next verse began.

"Together they stand, hand in hand
Two souls blazing across the land, they go together like two bullhorns! Fighting against one another, but Oh! They'll conquer all, they'll never tire!

For they're fueled by love and DESIRE!!"

Allie screamed out as Amelio and Shadow jumped in, but this time, Koda joined in on the mix, smiling deviously as ever.

"Oh, they've got that fire in their souls
They're on a roll, they're the ones in control.
They're reaching for the stars up high with passion wedged in their eyes!!"

Amelio strummed his guitar slowly, Shadow playing the deeper notes and Koda thumped the snare softer. Allie lowered his voice gently as he spoke,

"They're unstoppable, sure. They'll get a few bumps and bruises, but they'll never retire, for they're united by their hearts full of fire"

Allie stopped as the music cut and everyone in the crowd went wild. Allie jumped around, egging the crowd on harder, "Hell yeah!!" He shouted into the mic. "We'll be here all week!" He giggled as he ran off stage.

Shadow grabbed his keyboard and ran after him, Amelio running right behind him. Koda smiled and waved at the crowd before jogging up to catch up with his friends.

Allie quickly ran towards the camper, slamming the door shut. Before he could lock it, Shadow slammed his shoulder against the screen door, it gave away underneath him. Allie squeaked before making a dash to the bathroom. He slammed the door shut and locked it. "We just wanna talk!!" Amelio shouted, putting his guitar safely on the couch. "What's up with that song?! You have something to say to us?" Shadow hissed unhappily.

Koda entered the camper last before walking over. "Guys! We have to buy a new door now! You messed up the hinges again!" He grabbed the collars of the two boys, dragging them towards the door. "Besides, the song was just for fun!" Shadow huffed as he crossed his arms in defeat, Amelio squirming next to him, unwilling to admit defeat.

Allie unlocked the bathroom door, peeking out, "I meant no harm. I just..." he sighed as he stepped out. "You guys are just... so frustrating to watch!!" He crossed his arms huffily. Koda held onto them tighter as Amelio started kicking up a fuss, "What do you mean?!" Shadow agreed as he stood up straighter. Allie made a face at them, "Are you being for real? You guys slept with each other and still don't know what to do with each other?" Their faces instantly flushed red, "How do you know that?!" Amelio shouted out embarrassed. Koda whistled softly at them, "Uh.. that would be me"

They both turned towards him, "What?!" Koda laughed nervously. "I was asleep before I heard a noise. I got scared so I went to investigate it... I may have seen Amelio's head between your crotch.. Shadow" he smiled nervously, trying to make the situation seem lighter. Shadow screamed, covering his face. Amelio looked towards Allie, "What do you want us to even say?!"

Allie sighed, "Admit that you guys like each other. Do it and Koda will let you go" Amelio blushes red as he turned towards Shadow who was still covering his face.

"Fine! Shadow!" He shouted and Shadow peaked between his fingers, looking at him. "I do like you! I wanted you to help me! But I thought it'd be awkward! You're so much smarter than I am!" Shadow's entire face lit up more than he thought it could. Amelio pouted, crossing his arms before Shadow replied, "I-I l-like you too? I just thought you.. didn't wanna be in a relationship"

Amelio rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed, "I.. I didn't think you wanted a relationship either. You've never seem interested in other people." Shadow shrugged, "You seemed interested in other people, but.. me" Amelio cringed softly at his past relationships, "Haha.. yeah... I hated you back then. Remember? I also was definitely not ready for a relationship back then" Koda slowly let go of them, not like they noticed.

Allie nodded solemnly, "He's right. He definitely wasn't" Amelio glared at Allie, but turned towards Shadow again. "But I do like you! I like you a lot! I wanna be with you" he said and grabbed Shadow by his hands. Shadow smiled softly and pulled him into a hug.

Amelio buried his face in his hair, happily. Allie smiled and skipped over to them, "I'm so happy you guys could figure it out!" Koda clapped softly. "Now can we sleep? I'm tired and it's late" Shadow nodded, "Yeah. I guess we can" Amelio smirked and gave kisses to Shadow's cheek, "Sure! But I get to sleep with you!" Shadow laughed softly and pulled him towards their shared room, "Duh"


So Allie's the singer, Koda's the drummer, instead of a bass they have a keyboard player which is Shadow and Amelio plays guitar. Amelio is definitely a whore, but not in the sex sense. He just made-out with anyone that was nice to him, which did include Allie, but after Allie saw him make-out with someone else, he grew upset which definitely put a strain on the relationship.

Raymond was really close to having sex with him, but his anxiety got the better of him and well, he broke it off after running away through text.


Afterwards he did start liking Shadow and he did lose his virginity to him, but he really didn't know how to move forward. So! Allie wrote a song about them to help them push forward! Cheesy I know, but I did wanna write a song for the party au.

Which, fun fact! I put through an ai generator for lyrics, but I did change some stuff to make it seem more like Amelio and Shadow. So none of the lyrics are mine. I also sang the lyrics to the tune of this song

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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