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This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, places, events, and incidents are either products of the author's imagination.

Any resemblance to actual person, living or dead , or actual events is purely coincidental.


WARNING: Expect grammatical errors. If you're looking for a perfect story. Don't continue reading this. Thanks!

As I walked down the road in the Roxas St., Victorias City. I saw a girl wearing a Royal blue dress with her black stilettos heels on. She walked slowly with her furrowed forehead. She kept on pulling down the hem of her fine dress. She's uncomfortable I guessed.

As I took my step walking closer to her , I was screaming in my head and telling her look at me, as if she can hear me.

When we get closer , I stopped and pretended tieing my shoelace. But I felt disappointed when she only passed by without even taking glanced at me.

15th day of July . That was my first day in college. Everyone was busy taking pictures with their colleagues while me , I was just sitting alone in my chair. I don't socialize. I don't even talk if it is not necessary. That's why I chose to entertain myself using my phone.

As I turned on my mobile data, my phone kept on vibrating. I was bombarded of many notifications since my classmates sent a friend request to me. I let out a deep sighed.

I clicked the last friend request and accept it . It was Rex Caduyac.

After that I viewed his timeline. My eyes glued in one picture. Our one and only mutual friend.

I may never seen her face but that figure of her is so familiar to me. From her wavy hair, to her earrings, to her slighty exposed shoulders, fair white complexion and that royal blue dress of her.

Claisa Mae Joy .

That's her facebook account name.

Mindlessly, I tapped her name.

When I got home. I hurriedly change my clothes and jump to my bed. Waiting for her to see my message 'Hi' .


Active now. That's what I read under her name in our chat room.

I was pacing back and forth in my room. Hoping that she'll see it.

When I heard my phone beep, a messenger tone.

I quickly grabbed my phone to look at it.

I was smiling from ear to ear when she said 'Hello'.

I felt so lighthearted.

I am so damn happy to the point that I kissed my phone screen a countless times.




I was so panicked when I realized that I sent many stickers to her.

Arrggh! How stupid can you be Shennah De Guzman? Why did you let your sinful lips sent those awkward stickers?

I was in the middle of my thoughts, scolding myself when she said,
" You're funny ". I gasped.

I don't know how to react but I forced myself to composed a sorry message to her. Saying sorry for my childish act. For sending those ' Hi', 'Hello' , 'Good night', 'Good morning' stickers. But I felt relieved when she said 'its okay, no problem'.

That's how we get started chatting to each other.

We used to talked about our day in school, like we shared our happy memories, discussed some topics , asking for advice to each other , saying good night before going to sleep and saying good morning everyday like the normal couple does.

But we aren't couple yet . I just hope we are but It's not too late anyway.

Time flies very fast. Today is 15th day of November. It's already 4 months since we became close on fb .

Last night, I asked Claisamae Joy Perez if we could meet up today. And to my surprised she agreed.

I am so excited to meet her to the point that I woke up early before my alarm clock rang.

While I'm on my way I keep on thinking on how to confess my feelings to her.

God knows how happy , excited and nervous I am. I've never been like this. I can't believe I'm doing what's my friends lunatics doing. I am so fvcking inlove with her. I really really want that girl for me. I smiled like an idiot as I continue maneuvered my car while my left hand touching my nape. I'm being corny.

Before I get there. I park my car in the space lot of Citymall. I'll buy her favorite book first.

I've never forget when she mentioned to me that she was looking for ' The Pegasus Secret ' book . Since I'm done reading it. Of course, it'll be easy for me to find it. I know the author of that book. Gregg Loomis.

Maybe that is one of the reason why I like her. I think that is what we have in common.

"Ma'am, I received 1,000 cash". When I heard that I just nod and frowned.

Ma'am tskkk

After that I hurriedly walked to parking lot and headed to our meeting place.

As I get there , I quickly look for a bench to sit.

I find nothing available except the one bench where there is one girl sitting there alone. I have no choice. So, I walked towards there and I'll try to ask if I can sit with her to began my wait.

I cleared my throat before speaking. "uhm, can I sit with y-yoo"

"Oh? Shennah? Shennah De Guzman right? Hey, its me Claisamae Joy Perez. It's nice to finally meet you." She positioned her right hand for a shake hands as she smile widely.

My words left hanging. But still I managed to accept her hand for a shake hands with my airhead.

"Where were you? You're 10 minutes late." She uttered those words with her very feminine laughed.

"You look stunning". Wh-whaatt am I saying?

"oh yeah thank you. You're beautiful too but you didn't answer my question " she chuckled.

"uhm, sorry for that. I mean uhm, I just dropped by in Citymall to buy this book for you" then I hand her the book.

"Oh?" forming her lips in 'o' . She looks so cute in that reaction.

"REALLY? Is this really for me?" still can't believed what's happening.

I smiled. "of course" looking at her intently.

"I'm out of words. I don't know how to thank you" unshed tears glistened in the corner of her eyes. Cute.

Seeing her reactions like these, makes my heart pound fast.

I touched my nape using my cold palm hand , hoping that it'll lessen the nervousness I felt.

"uhm Claisa, I want to tell you something" I deep breathed.

She look at me with her what-is-it-look, gone the formed tears a while ago.

"Can I cou- babe

I frozed.

"Babe who is she?" a man voice from behind me

" ohh babe, come close " she hold his hand.

" uhm Babe this is my girl friend, Shennah , the girl that I've told you and Shennah this is maah babe Keith. Keith Ramirez"

" Nice meeting you, Shennah " he extend his arm to me


"I didn't know about this" I mindlessly uttered. Tears start forming, that's why I blinked a lot of times and look away, afraid that she might see the pain in my eyes.

"Huh? You didn't know what?" she said.

" Nothing " combing my hair using my fingers.

"Hmm, I thought you didn't know that my boyfriend is coming here with me today" she smiled.

Hearing those words coming from her mouth , searing more pain in my chest. I got two shots . It was actually double kill for me. Fvck.

" I actually left a message to you last night, that I will bring my bf today. Did you read it?"

I was dumbfounded. I didn't check my phone today.

"Uhm, by the way, what is this thing you want to tell me?" she asked innocently.

I felt something rushed through my veins. I tried harder to swallow the lump in my throat.

"it's nothing" stoic face on.

" O-okay. Uhm, I'm so sorry but we have to go. We have some plans today . We will go somewhere . Ya know babe time. Hehehe " she wrapped her arms around his torso.

"K." then I turned my back to them. Holding back my tears.

As I went there. I checked my phone.

She did left a message.

Feels like my whole world falls apart.

I don't know what to do.

But I'm sure I can't hate her.

Her pretty smile.

Her laugh that soothes me.

I can't forget it.

But it breaks me more when I remember the overflowing love in her eyes earlier whenever she looked at him.

How I wish I was him.

Claisa Mae Joy
●Active 14 minutes ago

I don't know how to start this but I can still remember when you told me that I'm your sister figure. At first, I'm annoyed. But then I asked my mom and she said that you were indirectly saying ' I like you' . By that thoughts, it made me happy and it gives me more hope. For us. I'm wondering if you like me. Well, you did like me in a way that I don't like.
I hope that he will love you better than I did. And thank you for letting me call you mine

In my mind.


Author's note:
This is my first completed one shot story. Hope you'll like it.  Haha. Ciao.d=('▽`)=b

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