"Just A Dream"

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// So I literally just woke up from this dream, and here we are, now talking about it \\

I woke up in my family's car, we had just pulled into our driveway with our... truck? We had plenty more seats than our Malibu, and it was nowhere in sight.

All of that soon left my mind as I saw a hooded figure running up to our car. The doors were locked, but they got in. They grabbed both my parents and knocked them out, then silenced my screaming baby sister with a mask.

I hid quivering in the farthest backseat as I watched this person take whatever they found good, hoping I was safe... They looked back, and saw me. They grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and dragged me to them, I stayed quiet and still in all hopes they didn't kill me. "I'm not here to kill anyone.. I'm doing something way different. Now kid, I'll give you and your family here a chance.  What should I take from you?" They pulled up a weird bracelet thing, which showed images. They explained and I chose music, hoping it was the friendliest out of all the options.

They grabbed me and my family and shoved us into our house, handing me a disc and telling me to play it. I saw a random stero on our kitchen counter and put in the disc. "That may just blow up your head, be careful." They warned, and set me on edge immediately.

We sat in silence as the disc played, and thankfully, nothing happened. My family had woken now and was confused, although whatever the hell this is told them what they were planning. They suddenly took off their hood to reveal they were a she. They had long black hair held in a ponytail, and deep purple eyes.

She let my dad say goodbye, and only my dad. My dad was still holding his water, he came up to me and told me. "Elisabeth, I don't know where we're gonna go, but trust me, you'll find a way to be happy here on earth. You have as much money as you can get with both me and your mother's wallets, use it.." I was in tears, listening to his goodbye. "I'm not sure where you can go, but I know you'll find somewhere." I shakily interrupted him, my throat closing up as I refused to cry. "But... where can I even go..?" He sighed, handing me his water, then whispered. "Run. Run to grandpa's or something, pack food, take water and run.. Ignore other people but if police pull you over, ask them to take you where you're trying to go. Try to maybe get a taxi or an uber, you have money." He then stepped away, the person had already dragged my mother and sister to the front door. My dad waved goodbye, and followed the person when they came back for him. I started to cry, as I watched out my window. I saw my family get surrounded in this bright green light when they disappeared.

I fell down in my room, sobbing. "Why Me? Why me out of all of them? Why was I spared? A twelve year old child, spared out of two adults and a fouryearold." I thought, before more thinking on dad's goodbye. I stumbled to my feet and grabbed all my prized possessions, I grabbed my phone, a few toys, specifically my Precious Moments angel, my wolf tail, collar and ears and almost all of my books. I found my mom's backpack purse thing, and threw my phone, wolf tail, collar and ears. And then my books. I threw in all the toys except the Angel. I put on the backpack and went to the fridge.

I grabbed all the foods I liked, then went to the snack cupboard and basically took everything from in there. I pulled out my sister's wagon and laid all the food in there, then went back to the kitchen area. I grabbed every bottle that had a lid I could see, even had to wash a few, then filled them to the brim with water. I put those in the wagon as well. I went outside with the wagon, carefully pulling the wagon off of my porch so I didn't spill anything.. I was about to leave before I remembered I needed money, so I went back to the car. I searched for about five minutes before finding both my parents wallets. I put them both in the backpack I had on, looking back at my display in the wagon. Multiple food items, a ton of bottles of water, and a little angel plushie sitting infront of it all.

I grabbed the wagon again, and set off to go find my grandparents. "They're rich, and they spoil me whenever I come over anyways. Surely they'll help me, right?" I asked myself, before nodding to reassure myself. I then ran from the driveway, down the sidewalk. Hopefully I could get there through the night, as it was midnight last time I checked...

Soon, I woke up back in bed. I was confused and scared, before I heard my parents talking in the kitchen, and saw my mom moving around through my broken door. I sighed, coming to the conclusion this was all just a dream... Luckily.


// 900 words \\

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