A strange night

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It was a stormy new moon night. Strong wind was rattling the windows. Not a single star was visible in the night sky. Clouds were hovering. The weather was cold and chilly. The perfect signs that a storm was brewing.

That very night, I was sitting alone on my study table, at home, doing my homework. Great, I thought as I saw how the weather was getting depressed. “I have a great company,” I muttered to myself referring to the rain which was bound to come down from the sky.

As I said this, I heard a strange creak of a door. At first, I thought it would be my parents coming home from work or from market, but, then I remembered that they had gone out of town and there was no way that they will all of a sudden be here. Mom and dad were returning home the next day, so, now I knew, it was surely not them.

This got me curious and I decided to take a look. Maybe, it was a neighbour checking on the house. But then a thought occurred. Much more horrible, what if it was some burglar who was entering? What if they had, somehow, gotten the idea that the elders weren't home and was dead set on burgling the house? What should I do.

While I was walking through the hallway,I felt someone else's presence other than me. What if my assumptions were, indeed, true? But, the thought that why a burglar would make a sound while doing his job gave me some relief and I kept on walking thinking of dealing with whoever it was.

Suddenly, the lights went out. Now, it made the scene even scarier. But I tried to convince myself that it was nothing too serious. And the lights, probably, went out because of the weather outside.

Luckily, I had taken a torch while coming out of the door of my room, so, I went to check the main door but to my surprise, there was no one. I waited for a minute or two there, thinking who could it be, but, it started to rain.

I walked back inside and thought about going back to my studies, but, as I was walking, I again heard a sound, but, this time it wasn't of a door. It was the creaking of the floor boards.

And it was coming through the attic, the most silent part of my home. I remember when I was four or five and I found the attic creepy. In fact, in my opinion, it was the creepiest part of the house. And I scarcely went there. It was always dark with chilly air and it, always, gave me an unsettling feeling.

I started walking back to my room without giving it much thought. I mean, there was nothing precious enough in there and I did not want to meet a scary ghost when I was completely alone in the house. There was a new pace in my walking, but, eventually, I collided with a box and fell down. I felt something coming near me  which made me get goosebumps. The torch which had been in my hands the entire time was no longer there. I panicked and started placing my hands randomly beside me when I found it.

I hastily turned it on and adjusted to its light.  Sweat was trickling down my forehead. Then I saw a figure. And guess what I saw? A cat scratching its ears.


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