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Yesterday was a special day. In my work history, I have fairly significant parts of the curriculum, such as having worked at the United Nations, which led me to develop the ability to speak English and I am employed when there are activities in contact with foreigners.

These occasions make me particularly happy because I have the opportunity to practice my skill and to learn something technical, but I am a writer and I do not want to tell you about myself, but about Esperanto.

The gentleman who came is, in many ways, peculiar. He is German, but he has an Italian name, Bruno, and he comes from a small town on the border with France.

Border people are usually bilingual and people who deal with people of different languages ​​acquire a particular aptitude for communicating.

Bruno spoke English with me and, I must say he speaks it correctly, but with the others he spoke a wonderful mix of Spanish, Italian and Sign Language, which I have baptized Esperanto.

I greatly admired Bruno's communicativeness, raising it to intelligence. That ungrammatical language that does not exist anywhere in the world has rarely generated a: «I don't understand».

Another protagonist of this story was Saverio, a colleague of mine. In his own way he is also bilingual and speaks Italian and Ostunese, the dialect of his country.

To make you understand what Ostunese is, I can tell you that, despite living a few kilometers away, I had listened, a few days earlier, to a conversation between him and another colleague of his area and, if I had not met them in the factory, but on street without knowing them, I would have thought they were foreigners, perhaps French.

Besides me, Saverio was the better one who communicated with Bruno. Apart from the undisputed intelligence of my colleague, of whom I was already aware, the whole story reminded me of a movement, a few years ago that fought for the constitution of an international language that was not someone's language, such as English or French, but put everyone on the same level. Esperanto in fact.

After this experience I can say one thing about the esperanto: YOU CAN DO IT(cit. Mel Brooks)

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