Kent's story; part two

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It must not have even been an hour before Kent woke up again, his mind in a frenzied state. His chest blazed with pain, and his muscles acted like they had a mind of their own. He felt the muscles in his arms tighten involuntarily, and his jaw clenched in pain. He gave a cry of protest. Sweat coated him his hair plastered to his forehead, but he felt cold, yet again, his muscles felt like they were burning and about to snap from the tension at any second. He forced himself to roll onto his side, his legs thrashing on their own. His stomach suddenly gave a jolt, and he threw up all its contents. He lay still, gasping, his cheek pressed onto the floor, hoping it wouldn't start again. But it did. His body thrashed and jerked like he was having a severe seizure. His head slammed onto the floor, casting stars into his vision.

Maybe, if I black out, it'll stop he thought desperately. He struggled to lift his head, to let it smack onto the floor again. But a second thought crossed his mind just before he blacked out. What if when I black out, that's it? What if I die?


Some time later, Kent did open his eyes. Instantaneous fear clutched his heart, and he thought he would go into another hypserststic fit, but he was still. He relaxed, and only then he realized he was exhausted. He was sprawled onto his back on the floor. His whole body ached, and try as he might, he just couldn't bring himself to sit up. The side of his head hurt where he had hit it against the floor. It even took strength to breath, and he felt every breath going in and out with a renewed flash of pain.

  Kent heard the squeak of the door, and it took all his strength just to move his head to look over. There stood the tall man dressed in black, but this time he wore no buff. His face was clearly visible. Kent saw he had thin red lips, drawn into an amused smile. His cheeks were thin, and Kent saw on one cheek, a cut spanning to beside his left eye, across his nose, and all the way to his right ear. It scarred badly, the flesh tight and pale pink.

"You survived," he man mused. "I must admit, I am surprised. There was only a few who had, but they died not long after their body had calmed." He sat on the floor. "You have been calm for quite a few hours. I didn't think a small boy like you would have," he chuckled, but Kent stared at him, a fearful expression on his face. The man then looked at him with an almost sorrowful expression. 

"Don't look so scared. This injection was for your benefit. If you couldn't survive this one, then the other ones would have been sheer agony and surely would have done you in. Don't understand what I'm saying?"

  Kent blinked at him, then gave him a small nod.

"Well good," the man said. "I suppose since your still alive, I can tell you what is going to happen. Oh yes, before everything, and forgive me, my name is Doctor Willims. I should have introduced myself before." He gave Kent a fake smile.

"Anyways, for the next experiments, they will be given to you one at a time, then we will watch your body's reaction, and put you through some tests. And before you get any terrifying thoughts, these aren't experiments to torture you. Although they might hurt, that's not the purpose. The purpose is to see how much your body can take, and to see how much we can alter your genetics. In simple terms, we want to make a better human. We want to see what it takes to alter a human to be faster, stronger, more agile, enduring, basically everything a normal human could never hope to achieve.

  "You'll be moved to a more comfortable room. This one was only for the purpose of that first injection. You'll be fed, because of course, you will need the energy. You are going to be well taken care of." He flashed Kent with an almost devious smile as he stood up, and went over to the door.

"I'll let you get some rest. When you are able to move again, you'll be transferred to your new room." With that, he left the room, the bolt for the lock clanging shut.

  The ever growing sense of fear gripped at Kent. He didn't want this to happen to him. He would be confined here, injected and left to deal with a torrent of pain. There's no way they would let him go. Ever. He would never see his family again. Real panic set in, and he tried desperately to get up. But he just couldn't. He had absolutely no energy. With a whimper, he lay on the floor, tears filling his eyes. They fell down the side of his face, dropping onto the floor. Then with a sniff and a deep breath, he made a resolution to himself. He would fight for everything. He would keep on going no matter what. And he would never cry again. He wouldn't cry when they injected him. He wouldn't cry, no matter how much pain he felt, no matter how much it blazed and burned through his body. With his face set firm and his heart hardened, he fell sleep again.


For the third time, Kent woke up. He opened his eyes, yawning. He sat upright, rubbing his face and pushing the hair off his forehead. But this time he noticed nothing hurt. Actually, he felt great, even amazing actually. He felt energized, and he felt like a new strength flowed in him. Standing up, he stretched his arms above his head. Absolutely nothing hurt like it had before. Even his head, which had been throbbing, was completely fine.

  Right on queue, the door opened. A different man walked in. He was more built than Dr Willims, his chest broad and arms thick, a hard look set on his face.

"I'm here to take you to your room," he said in a slight gruff manner.

"Where is Doctor Willims?" Kent asked, standing up.

"Preparing a serum." The man said simply, grasping Kent by the arm and leading him out into a hall. To the left Kent could see a railing at the end, and what must be a big warehouse it overlooked. But they headed to the right. The man led Kent through a door and up some stairs. They went down another hall, then into a room. This room had a simple bed, bookcase with some books, a mirror, and a potted tree. A window was on the wall, but instead of glass it had thick bars on it. Kent went over to it, and saw it looked out onto a warehouse.

"This is your room. Don't try to escape, because you won't be able to." The man said gruffly, slamming the door behind him, locking it.

  Kent went back to look out the window. The warehouse below was huge. There was a few cars, a forklift, a semi truck, and all number of stacked boxes, crates and barrels. There was other random stuff scattered on the floor. There was an impressive pyramid of crates stacked near the edge of the warehouse, some of them having 'explosive' or 'danger' written in red warning letters on the sides. On the far end of the warehouse, there was a glass wall, separating it from the warehouse. Kent could just barely see that there were tables, viles, beakers, and tons of science looking stuff on the tables.

  Kent yanked his head from the window when he heard the door open. Dr Willims stood there in the doorway with a slight pleased look on his face.

"I heard you were feeling better." He held a notebook and pen in his hands. "Now be honest, how do you feel?"

Kent hesitated, his eyebrows tightening, giving Dr Willams a look of distrust. Dr Willams looked at him sharply.

"Sure, you can lie, but it won't hurt us any. It will only hurt you more. I will have nothing to base my experiments on and that can end very bad."

"Fine." Kent snapped. "I feel great. Nothing hurts anymore." He said quickly. Dr Willims nodded and smiled, writing it down in his notebook.

"That's what I hoped to hear. Good thing to, because I have the next injection."

"What..." Kent shrank away.

"Yes. Now come get him." Dr Willims said, angling his head towards the door. The big man that had put him in the room came in. He walked towards Kent. Kent braced himself. The man grabbed him, pushing his arms to his sides, and picking him up. Kent struggled, twisting his head back and forth, wiggling his body. To his surprise, he was able to slightly pull away. But the man yanked him by his shirt, wrapping his arms so tight around Kent that he could hardly breath.

"Don't resist," Dr Willims said. "It will only be worse for you."

  The man hoisted Kent up, lugging him towards the door. Kent relaxed, realizing he wouldn't be able to break his grip, since this man was way stronger than him. He was lugged back down the stairs, then down the hallway. Dr Willims opened the door to the warehouse and they walked in. They went across the whole warehouse, and opened a door on the other side. It was a big metal door. They went in, and Kent saw it was just part of the warehouse that had been sectioned off by a huge wooden wall. A table was there, along with cabinets and shelves along the walls. The man pushed Kent onto the table.

"Now I'm going to give you a second chance. We won't strap you down when I give you the injection. If you do anything in resistance, every other time you will be strapped. Understand?" Dr Willims looked at him sternly.
  Kent nodded, and the man let go of him, stepping a few feet back. His feet hung over the edge of the table and he slumped, gripping the edge of the table. He gritted his teeth and looked at the floor. Dr Willims came over, grabbing his arm and pushed the syringe in. He held it for a few seconds, then pulled it out. Kent shuddered, feeling a strange coldness sweep over his body.

"Very good. Now it may take a few minutes for it to set in. It might do some good to take him back to the room. Let me put away my stuff, then I will assist you." Dr Willims went over to a lab table, setting the empty syringe down.

   Kent took a gasp of air. He blinked a few times, the edges of his vision growing black. He licked his lips, a strange sense of power coming over him so strong he felt deranged. He gripped the table tight, he knuckles growing white, then he suddenly went limp, and fell. He slammed onto the concrete, laying there. The guard came over, laying a hand on his shoulder. Instantly, Kent's muscles went rigid, and his hand shot up, seizing the man's wrist. He sprang up, and he used all his strength to heave the guard into the wall. Kent smiled, an insane smile, adrenaline coursing in him. He felt sweaty, but then he faltered, hands shaking, knowing this was not what he should be doing, but the sense of power overcame him. This wasn't him at all, he couldn't control it.

"Ugh-" a small cry escaped his mouth as he felt something sharp slam into his back. He turned to look at Dr Willims. He had his arm raised, a gun pointing right at Kent. Kent stared at him before falling over.

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