The Clafters

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A world of its own.


A/N: This is a tiny world that I hope to logical-ize and perfect if ever I have the chance.


So, you know how sometimes you look up in the sky and the clouds seem to be forming specific shapes? Well, there's a reason for all that.

The clouds are formed and shaped and bent and made into the shapes that they are, not just naturally formed.

The beings that form the clouds are called Cloud Crafters, or the Clafters for short. Clafters are essentially made from clouds, but given a whiff of magical essence, they come alive and learn and grow to become professional Clafters.

Clafters are born from dreams. Yes, you heard me, Dreams. When a person's dream gets to a certain level of lovely imagination, power, and emotion, a Clafter is formed. The newly born Clafter will slowly float towards the skies to be raised and taught about the ways in their life.

Clafters are categorized depending on their colors.


Red Clafters is energetic and passionate, they act before thinking, and have great ambition and determination. On the flip side, they are very hot-headed and sexually active. 

Orange Clafters are social butterflies and always look on the bright side of things. But they are also sometimes pessimistic and fake.

Yellow Clafters are intelligent, optimistic, and cheerful. However, at times they may be impatient, judgmental, and very much afraid to take risks.

Green Clafters have a sense of balance over their lives and have great potential, they are also independent. Negatively, they are very possessive of their belongings.

Blue Clafters are loyal, righteous, peaceful, useful, and have their moral values to uphold. Opposite of Red Clafters, they are not interested in the act of intercourse.

Indigo Clafters are quick learners, and perfectionists and are the ones who always have some kind of plan. Almost their whole life is scheduled out. Despite all this, they are most easily addicted to almost anything.

Purple Clafters are imaginative and creative, similar to little children. This also means they speak and act before they think and are unrealistic about many things.

Turquoise Clafters are communicative and are calm and collective. However, they are also dreamy and unfazed by reality.

Pink Clafters are unconditionally loving and caring and they have a great fashion sense. But they can also be childish, and silly.

Magenta Clafters are content and can control their emotions well. They are spiritual yet practical, and they have good common sense. Their point of view in life is always balanced and calm, believing everything happens for a reason.


Clafters are created and colored based on the elements of their giver's dream. The giver is the person or animal that dreamed and incited Clafters into existence. The content of the giver's dream will determine the Clafters' color. For instance, a dream with or about friends and one's social circle would mean orange, the dream being predictable and or addicting would mean purple.

Because Clafters are made of clouds and held together with colors, they can take on any shape they want, and usually, their colors would be a mix of 2 or more types of color. It's very rare to see purely colored Clafters, for the sole reason being dreams never have just ONE element.

This doesn't mean that their AREN'T pure Clafters, cause there are. The first Clafters were pure, when the world was younger and creatures were well off enough to start dreaming and thinking about things OTHER than how to survive. 

Clafters and givers live mutually off of each other. Clafters are born and harvest their powers and magic from the dreams of the givers, while the givers gain creativity and intelligence from the clouds above them.

Clafters live on a different color spectrum as we do which is why they aren't seen as often as is possible. But we do see them every so often, rainbows are a Clafter festival to celebrate the rain and sun coming together.

They live in the clouds (if that wasn't obvious enough) but their world is upside down, in a sense. Gravity works differently in the Clusters, being so close to outer space. They would step and walk on the sky, with their heads pointing towards the ground. The Clusters never stay in the same place for long but creating a new Cluster is as easy as breathing for Clafters.


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