Eve Hel Quinte

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Ching! Clash! Slish, Slash! Swords jarred together as Wood flew. Alana's determination was on the rise as her blonde hair was tucked back into a messy ponytail and her blue eyes shone with light. She swung her sword as hard as she could and fell backward.

"Your dead," Estelle pointed her sheathed sword at Alana's heart."Not again," Alana grumbled, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. Her shining eyes glittered inthe sunlight as she smiled gently."Princess," A passing guard dropped by. "Her honour wants to meet with you.""Why don't you call her mum," smiled Alana, making the guard smile too.

Alana skipped to her mother's chambers, singing a lullaby. "Mum," she questioned, opening the door. Sun peeked through the curtains and the atmosphere felt lively. Emmeline, the queen of Olaycien was sitting down on a crystal-laid bed and she was looking down. Her blue encrusted gown lay on the bed as she asked her only daughter to come in.

"My dear Ferita Flor, I have some bad news to share with you." She hugged her daughter. "I will have to leave forever..."

"What, mum?" Alana questioned scared and worried."I'm not sure we will ever see each other again, but my elder sister will look after you and your cousin," Emmeline explained, patting Alana on the head.

"I am leaving tonight." Alana was filled with fear and worry and she wondered what her mom was up to. Was this a trick? Was she never going to be able to see her mother again? Or was she just dreaming? Alana went out and the moon had set. Her mind was boggling with questions more than a six-year-old could handle. She looked out the window and saw a hooded figure leaving the castle in utmost discreet."I'm being crazy," Alana thought. "As soon as I wake up, Mum will be in her chambers as usual."

The night had passed and Alana ran out to greet her mother. Her messy hair floated out as she ran out happily. "Estelle, my dear daughter, my sister is gone."Alana heard this and felt tears coming down. She wiped them off and ran out.

Days passed, every day being full of sorrow for the little princess.

10 Years Later

"Aah," A blonde teenager yelled out doing a round-off back handspring. She held her wooden sword close to her chest and she felt safe as she landed on solid ground."Do you give up yet, my fair lady?" Alana remarked, pointing her sword at Estelle on the floor. "I don't know the meaning of giving up," Estelle whispered doing a sweep under the leg and making Alana fall on her back.

"Ouch," Alana groaned, massaging her 'sixty-five-year-old back'. She fell for Estelle's tricks again. "I guess we're finished now," Alana whispered going to her bedroom to bathe. She had sweat dripping from her face as she wiped it inconsiderately."Not so fast," Estelle grimaced at Alana. "We still have archery to go."

"Princess, her royal highness Jacqueline wants to meet you. "Saved by the bell," Alana smiled to Estelle and ran along to her aunt's chambers. The way to the chambers was the same as always. "Jaqueline," Alana opened the door. There was a strong foul scent and a tall figure was standing in the corner looking through the vomit-green curtains.

Most of the furniture was covered in dust and it wasn't a very nice environment to be in. "Do you not know how to knock?" The figure boomed making Alana shudder. She went outside smearing the tears off her face. Knock.

"Come in," that unfavorable voice scowled. Alana went in, trying to show that she wasn't crying. "You should learn how to be more of a princess," She snarled at the teenager. "You are not suitable to be a princess! You can't even beat my daughter at anything! Once you do better, then we shall crown you princess!"

"How am I going to do that?" Alana thought in wonder. "Until then, you will always be a peasant in my eyes. Get out of here now!"Alana left hurriedly, Jacqueline's screams echoing in her ears. She washed her face and went back to the arena to see Estelle. "How was my mother's talk?" Estelle asked Alana with a grimace.

"Fine," She lied hoping no one would figure it out. "Okay," Es smiled like she knew what actually happened."Let's go do archery now," Estelle smirked. The two princesses trudged to the arena.

The sun was at its peak point and Alana's clothes stuck to her sweat-infested body. She took her ruby-embedded bow and strung the bow. Alana kept wondering how she was going to defeat Estelle and be queen."You ready," Estelle laughed. "Never been more."

Twat. Alana hit the middle of the board. She was about to celebrate then Estelle had to ruin her dream and hit two in a row directly in the centre. "Why?" Alana pondered face palming.

"Hahaha," Estelle laughed seeing her cousins' action. "Can we go now?" complained Alana. "Ok," Estelle laughed knowing that Alana was upset. The moon had risen and the day had ended. Alana went to her bedroom. Looking out her window, she remembered that treacherous day. Where did she go?

Where did Emmeline go? Thinking this, Alana went to sleep. "Wake up Al," A screech was to be heard. Alana woke up, her eyes still half closed, she put on her fighting dress. An aquamarine long-sleeved one-piece garment."You ready," Estelle asked Alana. "I was born ready," Alana replied with confidence.

"Princess, Queen Jacqueline, her royal highness wants to meet you. "See you later," Estelle smiled skipping her way."I'll be waiting here!" Alana bellowed. Estelle disappeared into the darkness and Alana was left alone.

Estelle walked to her mother's chambers and wondered why she had to talk to her mum. Estelle opened the door after knocking to see her mother looking out of the window and seeing another crow and her baby. "Come in, my dear querida flor," She called to Estelle."What do you want, mum," Estelle replied politely but sternly.

"I wanted to tell you the truth," Jacqueline whispered in Estelle's ear. "Yes, my dear, 30 years ago I was ecstatic, filled with happiness. I was to be crowned Queen of Olaycien. It's any 18-year-old's dream. But, my dream, turned into a nightmare. My younger sister took the crown from me. My father Bardolphus and my mother Queen Liza chose my sister over me. Do you know how that feels? To be betrayed by your own mother. I am the eldest and the crown is rightfully mine. The crown is mine and it should be yours. All we need to do I get rid of Emmeline's family."

"Mum, you don't mean? Alana?" Estelle cried out in horror."Yes, darling, there is no other way. "No, there must be..." shrieked Estelle. "No, I want you to do this, I want you to avenge what is mine."

"Okay, mum," Estelle spoke with tears in her eyes. She didn't want to do this, but it was a must. "Bye mum," Estelle walked fast outside."Hey, want to train now," Alana waved over to Estelle. "K," Estelle smiled wiping away the tears.

The two princesses skipped their way to the arena and the weather was perfect for practice. "Let's fight for real," Estelle muttered. "What did you say?" Alana enquired unknowingly. "You heard me.

"Let's fight for real," she said confidently."What??" Alana hesitated holding her heart pendant. "Here's your sword," Estelle threw it, nearly cutting the princess.

Estelle's heart had turned cold, and Alana didn't know why. Estelle hit Alana's leg causing it to bleed. "She's... Serious..." Alana thought scared and worried. She then hit Alana's sword triggering Alana to fall because of the Vibration.

"You're dead." Blood splattered all over as Estelle licked the blood on her mouth. You could hear the dripping of the blood and the swords were covered in this reddish ink. Alana's hair was scattered all over as a shadow enveloped the light.

All was covered in darkness. "Good job," a middle-aged woman towered over. Her eyes were as cold as ice and she showed no mercy to her enemies. "I did it," Estelle hovered looking at her blood-stained sword.

The stains wouldn't come off, and it was a constant remembrance that Estelle with a cold heart killed her own family. Days passed with sadness as everyone knew that the princess had been murdered.

A few weeks later a coronation was held for Queen Estelle. The citizens walked with a smile but for them, the walls were draped in black and white because their rightful princess had been killed. This was just a funeral to them.

Many days passed as Estelle was crowned queen. She grew older and wiser and she used her knowledge for the bad.

One day, many years later she was in her rose garden. The flowers smelled of a heavenly hue as she picked up a red rose. Then she heard footsteps. She dropped the rose immediately leaving it on a bench beside her."Who's there?" she faltered.

The sound became louder and it sounded like footsteps shuffling. Estelle ran to where the sound was coming from and saw a hooded figure."I demand you to take your hood off," Estelle commanded.

"If you wish, your majesty," a familiar voice spoke, making Estelle shiver. Blonde hair and blue eyes appeared as Estelle gasped in horror. "What are you doing here? I killed you six years ago."

"It's a long story..." 

"Well, I've got all the time in the world to hear it, Alana," Estelle said poking her sword. "When you stroked me with your sword, I couldn't believe how evil you'd become. I went to the hospital hoping no one would recognize me. There was this nurse who treated me almost immediately.

When she dabbed my head, I felt calm and relaxed. I knew that I felt this before. I was in the middle of nowhere when I met this same angel again. She asked me if I could stay at her house. I told her my name was Alana and hers was Emmeline.

When I told her my name, she burst into tears. I asked why and she said she had a daughter named Alana who she was blackmailed to leave. Later, I realised that she was my mother, the rightful Queen of Olaycien.

I cried when I found out, but she told me not to stay in Olaycien so I bid farewell and left for the mountains to study sword fighting, archery, and magic. My mum also told me why Jacqueline is so evil, all because of jealousy. I am ashamed to be your cousin, Estelle. You betrayed me..." Alana proceeded.

"I didn't betray you, you betrayed me and my mum. You and your mum will pay!" Estelle boomed."We shall see."

Sparks flew as the princesses fought. They were both on the equal league as Alana did a sweep under the leg. "Sweep under the leg is not a thing in sword fighting," Estelle crooned swinging the sword to an open head. Alana was too fast and did a backward handspring.

Alana was never as good as Estelle, but that was soon to be over. Estelle's screams echoed in Alana's ears. Blood stripped down as tears fell out of Alana's eyes."I am really sorry," She wept. Blood stained her sword."Good always wins," Alana thought, her cheeks pinkish orange.

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