Stranger Sagas Writing Contest

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There was a noise coming from the basement. The child hid under his covers, too frightened to scream or run for his parents. The sound began to grow closer and he covered his ears to block it out.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

He hummed a lullaby to drown out the noise. Tears streamed down his face as the door slowly creaked open. It was probably just his mother. The thought made him relax a bit. "Mommy?" He whispered into the darkness.

There was no answer, except for the scurry of footsteps across the bedroom.

The next morning, the child was gone.


Hey I know it's been a while! I wrote this for a writing contest at school and the we had a one hundred word writing writing limit which was frustrating since I wanted to do so much more with it. Anyways, thanks for reading don't forget to leave a comment and vote if you enjoyed it!

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