~Never Seen Again~

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This one story belong to my friend named sunsetwisdom2003


The view was unlike anything I had seen before. The moon was shining down at every house in the city, star spread its side to give company in the lonely dark space above.

I was walking in the cold, lonely, dark alley as the wind touched my face making me shiver. I put my hood on as I looked around. This very alley was my root to home. I passed through it every single day from school to smoothy shop, I smiled as the memories shot back to my mind.

I walked slowly thinking no one there, since this alley was abandoned because some really weird things used to happen, which were unexpected. I heared someone scratching the walls.

(A/N: This creep me out a bit)

I ignored it and kept going. I hear foots steps coming closer and closer, every time I turned, I saw nothing except a light shadow from the tip of my eye. I kept going, my heart was beating fast as a dust of wind flew past me.

I saw a dark figure infront; I couldn't see anything except black amd more black. Thinking I was hallucinating, I opened my eyes to see this figure gone, vanished, disappeared like a dust of smoke. I sighed in relief, as I turned, there it was again.

I screamed as if it was my last breath on this world, I looked and that figure or image disappeared into thin air. Now every time I walkin that alley, I feel the presence, but it was

Never seen again.


I hope you guys enjoyed her story.

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Potato1820 out~


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