To leap or not to leap

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It was leap day, February 29, a day which came only once every 4 years which was filled with mystic and completely magical for most. We could go onto land for one whole day, not stuck in the water.

'Catelyn!' her best friend shouted. 'Are you coming?'

'Yeah', she replied as she looked around her.

It was her fourth leap day and something felt a bit off. She wasn't sure she wanted to go onto land, the last three times she had been sad for weeks afterwards.

'Catelyn!' her best friend shouted again. 'You didn't change your mind did you?'

'No, of course not', she replied.

Her best friend swam over to her. Her face looked worried and they made eye contact for a couple of seconds.

'Oh sweetie', her best friend then said worriedly. 'You know, you don't have to go. We could stay here and watch a movie or something.'

'No', she replied shaking her head. 'You have been looking forward to this for months, we have to go.'

'It's okay, really', her best friend said. 'Come let's go watch that movie.'

Her best friend began to swim in the direction of the living room of her house, but she didn't.

'No', she than said. 'It's to leap, not not to leap. We have to go, come on.'

Her best friend turned around and they looked each other in the eye. They were quiet for a moment until her best friend said happily :

'Okay then, let's go leap!'

A/N I think it's really really bad, I had such a good idea but Wattpad deleted it and this is the only thing I was able to think of.. And it's not really humor either. But well, I tried that's what matters.

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