Anti/Dark Dream(part 1)

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This dream was a little king so it'll be split up into (at least) two parts. Here's part one:

It was Spring break, I was going to an amusement park with my family. On the way there, I was watching videos from Jacksepticeye and Markiplier and strangely enough, they were both going to that same amusement park as well to meet up with each other and spend time together. We arrived and I immediately began looking for Mark and Jack. We walked around, going on rides all day.
  I began to think I'd never get to see them. My dad took us to the theater that was there because during the night, the people who work there put on costumes and it turns into a haunted theater. This time though, something was happening. The theater was blocked off and one of the workers had a microphone that was connected to some speakers so everyone could hear her. My family and I pushed to the front where we were blocked off by police tape. The worker looked worried as she spoke.
"We have two killers loose in the theater. Their names are Antisepticeye and Darkiplier." Her voice changed slightly when she said that and she smiled. Everyone began to cheer and shout, including me. I might actually get to see them, but then her words stabbed me deep like a knife and her voice became worried and serious again.
"Since these killers are in the theater, we can't risk more than one person going through at a time." She then began to walk to the left part of the crowd. I couldn't see on that side but I assumed she began picking people because I heard some cheering and a few girls and boys, who were all grown-ups, who got to go inside the theater. She only picked about 10 people out of the hundreds of people here then she walked to the middle and did the same. 10 more people. Some of them were more of my age now, around 16 or 17 years of age.
   Then she came to my side of the crowd. She looked around at everyone, her eyes barely glancing at me. I was hopeful, to say the least. She picked a few people, only four, before her finger pointed to me.
"Do you think you can survive two serial killers loose in there?" Her voice was strict and serious, but I saw the playful twinkle in her eyes and I nodded. I was determined. She let me through and I tried my best not to sprint to the door. As I calmly walked in I heard 6 more people start to gather behind me and we stood in a line. After the last person got in, the door slammed shut and everyone was in this tight, dark room. There was no sound.

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