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Hey, guys! It's GarmauUnicorn, aka, Ryan here!

This is my first short stories book. I'm going to be doing 5-20 short stories per book.

Please, since this is my first short story book, please do not be too critical of me. However, do know that I accept and appreciate criticism and advice, as long as it's given to me in a polite manner. I don't take rude or hateful comments.

Okay, before we start this, there's some stuff you should know.

1.) Some of these short stories will be emotional. Be prepared.

2.) A lot of these short stories have a secret message or meaning behind them.

3.) These are from various genres. They could be about anything, whatever comes to my mind.

4.) I have horrible grammar, if you haven't already noticed. Sorry. Feel free to correct me. This is a learning experience for me.

5.) I do not own the image for the cover.

6.) If you are doing something rude or hateful to anyone on this, including me, I will report you. Also, it just isn't cool, so don't flipping do it.

7.) I read ALL comments. I just don't respond to all of them. Trust me, I read your comment. I have a lot of comments to respond to. Just because you said, "Nice start", and I didn't respond with a "Thanks," doesn't mean that I don't appreciate it. I just don't have the time. Trust me, I love all my readers, and I appreciate anything you have to say, including advice!

8.) If you said, "Ew, a gay couple," and I didn't respond with a clever comeback like, "Ew, a homophobic person," then, trust me, I read it, and I am highly upset. If you said any other rude comment, such as, "This sucks," and I didn't respond, then I read it, and I am highly upset. However, not only do I have time to respond to your idiocy, but, even if I did, I wouldn't want to waste my time correcting such a rude comment from a person like you. You don't deserve my time, or the humor from my flipping amazing comebacks.

Plus, if I do respond, not only will I respond with a comeback, but I will go all out Hulk on you. So, I'm just trying to make sure that doesn't happen.

So, stay away haters. (T_T)

<3 Much. Love.

There will be at least one gay couple in this, and if you can't handle it, turn the heck away now.

9.) Yes, I see your question. If I don't answer, then someone else already has.

10.) If you have the audacity to threaten me, saying that you "won't read this anymore if I don't update," then, trust me, that isn't going to make me update. If you keep demanding me to update more often, then, I won't. I would update if I could. I write whenever I have the time. I don't do really anything else. I'm only human. I'm not a flipping robot, who can produce a beautiful 2,000 word part in an hour. It takes time, and believe it or not, I have a life. O-O I know! Shocker!

11.) If you flipping advertise your books here... Even if you say, "I love this book so much! If you guys are looking for more great short stories, you should check out my book!" ...IT'S STILL FLIPPING ADVERTISING. So. Stop. It. Now. It isn't cool. At all.

12.) I swear, if you flipping steal ANY of my works or short stories... I will get my unicorn blaster and shoot your whole head off. "CAPUT!"

Jk. However, you will get reported, and you could get in trouble with the law.

Yes, believe it or not, but that's against the law. It's called Plagiarism.

Also, don't steal my storyline, or characters. Please.

13.) I have my opinions. You have yours. Don't judge mine, or anybody else's.

Anyways, that's all I needed to say. Let's get on with it my unicorns!!!

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