Daddy's Home

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Martin Felton shuffles into his house with a small suitcase in one hand, an overloaded rucksack over his shoulder and his house keys in his other hand.

He drops his baggage and pushes the door shut with his back. "Daddy's home," he calls out.

A shrill scream comes from the front room, and Angelina runs out, her blonde pigtails flapping and her arms waving.

Martin picks her up and holds her tight. Six days without his four-year-old angel, but at least the business trip had been successful.

"What did you bring me?" his angel asks.

Martin brings out the toy from his bag. A metal robot in the shape of a little girl, which can walk and talk.

"Oh Daddy, I love it!" Angelina rushes into the front room with the toy.

An hour or so later, Martin is in the kitchen, telling his wife all about his trip to Japan.

Angelina comes in, her legs and arms stiff as she walks. Martin smiles at her impression of the toy robot. Asking for juice, Angelina walks back into the front room, now mimicking the robotic voice of the toy as well as its movements. Martin and his wife share a laugh at the playfulness of their daughter.

While his wife goes upstairs to unpack his suitcase and do the laundry, Martin goes into the front room.

Seeing his daughter playing with the toy robot, Martin picks Angelina up and squeezes her, wanting to take in her scent and warmth. He grunts at her weight, not remembering her being so heavy. When he feels that her skin is cold, he notices the pale, silvery sheen on her arms. Her impression of the robot begins to unnerve him.

Grunting again as he puts Angelina down, he goes upstairs and mentions the strange skin tone to his wife. She shrugs and says it's probably just a trick of the light.

Martin helps her unpack the suitcase, not wanting her to find the necklace he had bought as a surprise.

A heavy thud comes from downstairs.

Martin runs into the front room, and screams. Next to the toy robot lays another robot. His daughter. Frozen solid, encased in metal.

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