Best Friends

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Dev was sitting on the couch,boredly trying to find something to watch on Netflix ,Dev was not alone,they were with one of their closest friends annoying friend ,Aura ,a princess they so happened to meet in one of the universes,they were exploring.

They found the poor princess,alone injured,so they took her back to their main universe,but that's not important right now.

Sighing to themselves,Dev looked over to see what his friend was doing,only to see she was as bored as they were.Aura feeling a pair of eyes on her,well technically not eyes,since Dev is blind and has a black cloth over their eyes ,she looked over at Dev,smiling at them before,a look of curiosity crossed over her face what in turn made Dev raise an eyebrow in response,before both of them looked back at the TV

Hey Dev? Aura asked her friend turning back to them ,Dev just hummed in response

Name one thing you wished to be real but isn't ? she continued,Dev just raised there eyebrow again,before planly stating,relaxing lazily against the couch

My will to live. Aura just looked at her friend,in slight shock,not sure what to reply to that before noticing the slight smirk forming on Dev face,before she just huffed

...okay,but i was thinking more along the line of unicorns or dragons?

Dev's smirk widened,chuckling at his friend

Well dragons do definitely exist,we have Alys and Rhys to thank for that

Aura just stared before huffing again,frustrated at her friend,

You know what i mean! she responded angrily

Do i? they just keeps smirking at their now frustrated friend,finding annoying Aura to be amusing, definitely more amusing than boredly watching TV.

Aura just threw her hands up in frustration,before jumping up from the couch

You know what,I'm done,i was just asking a simple question!Dev just laughed in response,watching there now frustrated friend,walk out of the living room ,muttering angrily to herself.

Dev just smiled to themselves,relaxing against the couch again,in the more silent living room ,now it's just them,the TV being the only noise in the room and they thought to themselves how lucky they were to meet so accepting people,they would do anything for them,after all they were more the their best friends they were Family,they may not be blood family,but still...Dev sighed,feeling calm,falling asleep.

(382 words ,shorter but I really wanted to write a character,i have recently created,Dev my lovely nonbinary sarcastic blind time traveller/universe traveller,but anywho hope you all liked this ,this took forever to write ,thank you if you read this long,also above is Dev)

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