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I knew something was wrong as soon as I woke up.

Well, wrong is an understatement really, but there aren't many other ways to describe how you feel when you open you open your eyes to the morning, listening for the sweet chirping of birds or the rustle of the trees and instead are greeted by a hole in the sky.

I bet you're wondering what I mean by a 'hole in the sky'.

I mean I opened up my window, breathing in the sweet autumn air and feeling my hair waver in the breeze, and there was a gaping black hole where the sun should have been.

Call me crazy, but I know what I saw.

There was still light, somehow, but the sun was just....gone. The horizon was simply devoid of its presence.

A flicker of blue slid across where it had been only yesterday, fizzling against the opposite edge.

I had but one thought.

'Huh, the suns gone. Weird.'

Now, I'll be the first to admit that there were a thousand other things I could have done right then. Maybe, I could have screamed, laughed, cried, stared in outright horror at the sphere of blackness. Anything like that would have been normal.

Me? I'm not normal. You probably guessed that by now, but I'll just tell you anyway.

I'm one of few who can see through the Mist. What is the Mist? Oh, nothing really, it's just a magical substance that prevents mortals from seeing the more... supernatural side of things, the things that would absolutely terrify them if they could see it.

Sounds fun right? Pegasi and dragons? Werewolves? Mermaids? Phoenixes?

No, not so much.

I thought I'd be great too when I first found out, when I was approached by a certain red head about three months ago. She told me about this world, the world that existed beyond the mist, beyond the reality of what most people see.

A lot of things had made sense at once then. It explained the little mishaps that had taken place over the course of my life that no-one else had been able to see.


Back to the problem at hand.

I emerged from my house about half an hour later, now dressed and ready to go.

This wasn't something I'd ever seen before - then again, all of this was still new - so I tackled the problem the only way I saw fit.

I walked towards the hole in the sky.

Unlike the sun, it stayed still, unmoving as I neared it.

I came to the spot it had been at when I had been in my house a good three hours ago now and leapt backwards in shock.

Right there, on the ground, just in front of my feet, was a huge, circular glass like plate. It was a shimmering gold colour, unlike anything I'd ever seen before.

'Found the sun.' I thought to myself wryly.

Now, what the holy mist had happened?

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