Urban Mystery

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High pitched squeals of enthusiastic laughter curled up from the streets of New York, making their way up to the very tops of the skyscrapers, and through every alley the city had to offer.

From the top of a nondescript building, nestled within the skyline, Hycis watched a medley of scenes unfold.

First, a waiter tossing a bucket of soapy water into a gutter. He murmured to himself as he shook the bucket dry. Barbecue sauce coated the left leg of his jeans, and his shoes were sticky with it too. It had been a long night and he wanted to go home. A cheer cascading out the door told that there were still customers inside.

Second, a Skateboarder with both halves of her board in her hands. She tossed her multicoloured pigtails over her shoulders stared down the woman who'd just emerged from her car just down the street. There were patchwork colours and images etched on the bottom of the skateboard. The unevenness of the break told of a vehicular accident, or maybe something tossed out of rage. She started yelling at the woman, brandishing the skateboard pieces at her in accusation.

Third, a woman talking hurriedly into her phone, the device pressed to her ear, the suitcase hurtling along behind her doing its best to keep up with her swift pace. She pulled the phone from her ear, paused momentarily to light a cigarette, and then continued at the same frantic pace.

Fourth, a teenage boy in a newly bought hoodie and fresh white shoes. He spun a circle, checking out all angles of his purchases in a shop window. He grinned to himself, a spring in his step as he continued down the street. He paused before another window, posed for a picture with his phone, and continued on.

Hycis moved to see the connection. Hycis lay down, front limbs curled under their head, watching with citrine eyes what was about to unfold.

Fifth, the puzzle piece. A teenage girl who shouted goodbye to the waiter at the end of a shift, her phone out of charge, her uniform and name tag left in a locker back inside. She was careful to avoid the trail of water, heading left away from the restaurant and down past the entrance. At the streetlights, she paused to let an annoyed woman hurtle past with her suitcase. The light goes green. She waited for the next chance to cross. When it came, he saw a screaming match between two women; one with a skateboard, one with heels and freshly-manicured nails. She turned left, deciding a detour was preferable to walking past that. She heads through an alley, the virtual click of a selfie being taken just as she heads into the gap the last thing she is aware of on the street.

Hycis watches. Hycis waits.

The girl doesn't emerge from the alley. The girl isn't seen again.

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