Love and Responsibility

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This is just an imagination and as a fan of Avneil, I wrote on them. My intention is not to ruin Avneil character or hurt anyone. This thing came in my mind and I penned down it.

Hope you will like it.

A girl was standing at the bus stop; she was in a red top and jeans; the sun was teasing her; she kept the hand above her head to stop the sun rays from reaching her face. Her eyes were narrow because of the sun rays her forehead had droplet of sweat her nose was red her silky black hairs were long till her waist and, her sunglasses were on her head, she watched the time on her watch and made a Tch sound.

Girl: Where is the point? I am standing here for 15 minutes.

She looked up and narrowed her eyes because of the sun rays.

Girl: Suraj chachu, why are you teasing me? Please hide for some time, please. You know na my point is late today; still, you are teasing me.

Girl makes a pout.

She hears the horn and turns the face and, her lips craved the smile because her point reached.

Girl: Finally, it came.

The point stopped, she was about to climb, but the bus started, she took steps back and saw the bus is going she frown to see that. The point stopped, but she did not move from her place; she folds her arms, again the bus horn she was less affected and tapping her foot. A girl called her through the window.

Girl: Avu, come yaar, we are getting late.

Avni turned her face, and her long hairs bounced in the air.

Avni is 23 years old with milky white skin and long hairs: her deep dew-shaped eyes were revealing anger but can kill anyone by her one look, the nostrils were fuming she was wearing a nose pin. Avni tapped her foot hard and went to the point; she stepped into the bus and glared at the driver, who smiled to see her in the mirror she set on the front seat that is booked by her permanently. She was looking out through the window and smiled. The driver saw her through the mirror and smiled he played music; Avni looked there as it was her favourite song, other girls teased her by making the sounds, and Avni blushed. The driver smiled to see that.

A boy was running in the corridor, trying to wear a shirt; he passed his arm in the sleeve, closed the button and, rushed to the class, but he stopped at the door the class had already started. Avni and others looked up and saw the boy standing at the door, who was in mid 20, hairs were golden brown, his eyes were blue that can hypnotize any girl, was a tall and perfectly well-built body.

Professor: Neil, you are again late.

Neil: Sorry, sir, actually

Neil was interrupted by a boy he looks there.

Boy: leave it, sir, you know he is a driver how can he reach on time.? Poor boy.

The boy and his gang laughed, Avni grinned her teeth and was about to reply, but Neil waved his hands to gain her attention. Avni looked at Neil, who shook his head and signed with his hand to calm that pissed Avni so, she looked in her book. Neil sighed.

Neil: I am sorry, sir, today I stuck in traffic next time I will come on time.

Boy: stuck in traffic orrr... Avni, you say you also came late today.

This time Neil glared at the boy, but he controlled himself because of the Professor, else he will break the bones of that boy.

Professor: ok, come and sit.

Neil smiles and thanks the Professor he goes to sit with Avni everyone teased them. Avneil blushed.

Professor: Silence.

Neil looked at Avni, who did not turn her face to him and notes the lecture in her Notebook.

Neil whispers, Avni.

No reply he again called her but no use. Neil wrote sorry in her Notebook; Avni saw that and again resume her work. Avni was writing; Neil draws the lines on her Notebook to irritates her as he loves to tease her. When Neil saw that she is not reacting, he snatched her pen; Avni started finding another Pen in her bag, but Neil snatched the bag from her and hugged that. Avni looked at Neil, who was looking at the board, acted as he is listening to the lecture. Avni remained silent; Neil saw her from the corner of his eye and smiled.

Soon, the lecture ended, Avni got up she snatched the bag from Neil, but how she goes as Neil was sitting on the bench, she stood on the bench and stepped on the front side of the bench and jumped; Neil was surprised to see that he stood up, Avni turned to him and cleaned her hands and goes from there in attitude. Neil smiled.

Neil: lady don.

Avni was passing by the corridor when someone pulled her inside the classroom by her wrist and pinned her to the wall. Avni opened her eyes and shocked to see the person. It was Neil who was smiling to see her. Avni looks away in anger; Neil shook his head while smiling.

Neil: why you are ignoring me?

No reply.

Neil: Avni?

No reply.

Neil: at least tell me my mistake.

Avni replied by looking away. She said: as If you don't know.

Neil looked at her by narrowing his brows.

Neil: How I know when you don't tell me?

Now Avni looks at him, replied: really, you don't know anything?

Neil: no.

Avni: First, you started the bus before I stepped in, then when Sam taunted you, you did not reply to him but also stopped me.

Neil: come on, Avni, you know it's his work; he does that to anyone.

Avni: I don't know about others, but I don't like it when he taunts you.

Neil: aww. Ok, Let's forget about him and let's go to the canteen.

Avni: I don't want to go.

Neil: Now, what happened?

Avni: why you started the bus in the morning?

Neil smiled and replied: because I love to tease you.

Avni makes an angry pout; Neil pecks that.

Neil: now, come, let's go to the canteen; I am very hungry.

Avni smiles and says Ok.

Avneil were going to the canteen, and Sam saw them.

Sam: see that bus driver and his billionaire girlfriend is going, Soon to be Mrs Driver.

Neil stopped, but Avni held his hand and took him from there.

Avneil were sitting in the canteen, Neil was chewing the flattened rice which Avni cooked for him, and Avni was admiring him; Neil looked up to her and signed what, Avni shook her head. Neil thinks.

Neil: Avni?

Avni: hmm!

Neil: When you have your car, then why you come to college by bus?

Avni smiled and replied: I want to spend time with you, that's why.

Neil: but we meet here then why?

Avni: I want to spend as much time with you.

Neil kept the hand on Avni's hand and said I am sorry I am not giving you much time.

Avni: and who said that? You are giving me enough time; I am greedy; I want to spend a lot of time with you.

Neil smiled.

Avni: Neil, don't feel guilty; you are working hard for me so that you talk to papa about our marriage. You study here, drive the bus to support your father and bear the expenses of your studies. After college, you do a part-time job still you manage to give me enough time. So, just wipe out all the negative thoughts from your mind.

Neil smiled and replied: Ok, I asked because you can easily go home in your car instead of passing the long route of 2 hours.

Avni: that long route gives me peace, so don't snatch it from me.

Neil: Ok, as you wish.

Avni smiled. Neil fed her flattened rice.

In the night time, a colony was lightened by street lighted and, a lady was shouting Tillu.

Neil was washing his face; he turned and replied, coming maa.

Lady placed a bowl on the dining table of 4 chairs. Neil comes there and sit.

Neil: maa, after dinner I will go to the terrace to study and will sleep there. Because of the heat, I can't sleep properly.

Lady: ok, and ask Avni to come; it's been so many days she didn't come.

Neil: maa, she wanted to come, but I prohibit her.

Lady's name is Shweta.

Shweta: why?

Neil: you know, that Raghu and his gang check out the girls and misbehave with them so, I prohibit Avni.

Shweta: ok, but bring her someday.

Neil: Ok Maa.

After dinner, Neil was lying on the terrace and, he was looking at the stars and thought, how he met Avni and how they fell in love with each other. Neil smiled to think about that day.

Neil's point of view:

I don't care what people think about me, what they call me but, I don't like it when people taunt Avni and called her driver's girlfriend. Yes, I am a driver and, I don't feel ashamed of it as I do that to support my family. But, I don't like when people badmouth about my and Avni's pure relation, but she is a lady don, she always shut their mouth; I still remember that day when I saw her first time.

Neil smiled.

It was my first in college where I got admission on a scholarship; I knew that hurdles come in my way, but I had to be strong for my parents, for their better life and, I was right; students start making fun of me and, my cheap clothes. I was mentally prepared for that, but the thing for, I was not prepared was... (Neil smiled) was love. All of a sudden, everything changed. I t was the second day of college I was going to my class where Sam made me fall with his leg. I turned to him, but before I react, Sam awarded by a tight slap. I divert my gaze at the person and, that's it, I lost in her, she looked angry, her deep black dow shaped eyes were narrowed because of anger, her nose and chubby cheeks were red like a tomato, her pink lips were moving she was saying something but was inaudible to me. I don't know what happened to me; I was smiling by sitting on the floor. When she turned her face to me, she bounced her hair and narrowed her brows to see me.

Neil smiled.


Neil was sitting on the floor and smiling to see Avni, who turned to him and frown to see Neil smiling. Neil came to his senses and got up.

Avni: You ok?

Neil: yaa.

Avni turned to Sam.

Avni: say sorry to him else!

Sam: sorry.

Neil: It’s ok.

Avni: now, what are you waiting for? Get lost.

Sam angrily went from there.

Neil: you know him?

Avni: yes.

Neil: what you said to him? I mean, he listened to you.

Avni frown.

Avni: didn’t you hear? Where were you lost?

Neil: In you.

Avni: what?

Neil realized what he said and replied: I mean, you slapped him so, I was shocked.

Avni: Oh, actually my father is the trustee of this college that’s why he didn’t do anything and, his mother is my mother’s best friend so, he knew what will happen if I tell this to his family that’s the reason he obeyed me.

Neil: Oh.

Avni: Yaa, anyways (Avni forwards her hand) Avni Mehta.

Neil shake hands with her.

Neil: Neil Khanna.

Avni: Nice to meet you, Neil.

Neil replied: Same here.

Avni smiled and looked at her hand, which was still in Neil’s hand.

Avni: Neil, my hand?

Neil looked at the hands and instantly left her hand and said sorry by looking down as he was embarrassed.

Avni smiled.

Flashback end.

Neil was smiling by recalling that day.

Neil’s point of view continues:

That day, Love entered my life, but I being Dumbo, didn’t realize that. Days pass and, we start sharing a good bond and don’t know when we became best friends. Avni is different; she doesn’t discriminate among people, for her humanity comes first. I was in my 2nd year when I realized my love for her there was a party in our college and, she was dancing with a boy from our class; I felt a sharp pain in my heart, the blood rushed in my blood to see her close to someone else, I just want to break that hand which was on her waist. How dare he to touch my Avni, only I have the right to hold her, these were the words which I thought that time by clenching my fist and the next second I realized that I said my Avni. I questioned myself! My Avni?

I looked at them one last time and went from there. That night I didn’t sleep when I close my eyes that scene came in front of my eyes. Till morning, I figure out that I love her. In the excitement of that new feeling and fear of losing her, I didn’t wait for a day and the next day I proposed to her and my luck she accepted it she also loved me and, it was her plan to dance with that boy to make me feel jealous. In excitement, I proposed to her, but now I think, did I do right? She is the only daughter of Ashish Mehta, an owner of a multinational company and me? I am a middle-class boy. Will I be able to give her a good life? Now I took the step and can’t back off, also can’t live without my Avni. I have to work hard for my Avni, for my family, to make my family and my Avni proud. I don’t know why people ignore their studies when they fell in love. I mean, how can they do that? Love doesn’t mean ignoring other things. In fact, Love teaches us to handle responsibilities. I am not saying that spending time with your love is wrong, no, but, ignoring other things for love; is wrong. Everything can be managed and, Love makes us responsible and, if not then that is not true love.

Neil’s point of view ends.

Neil thinks and, his phone rings; he smiled to see the caller I’d.

Neil: hey love, I was thinking about you.

Avni smiled.

Avni: I know.

Avneil talked.

Days pass, Neil studied hard and became a student of the year. After that, also he worked hard for his job but also managed to give time to Avni. Neil passed the exam of a narcotic officer and, it was his interview day; he was confident as he knew two people are praying for him and, those two people were Shweta and Avni. Neil gave the interview and got selected. First, he called his parents as they had the first right to know about his job, then he went to meet Avni as he knew she must be tense.

Neil entered the Mehta house where Avni was standing on the balcony; she saw him and ran to meet him. Neil saw Avni is coming while running and coming down fast.

Neil: Avni, careful.

Avni came to him and stopped; she didn’t dare to ask and was panting.

Neil: I got the job, Avni.

Avni smiled with teary eyes and hugged Neil, who stumbled but balanced them.

Neil: Now your dad will have no issue with our relation.

Avni: I am so happy, Neil.

Neil smiled and kissed her hair.

Ashish Mehta (Avni’s father) and Neela Mehta (Avni’s mother) came. Neil saw them and broke the hug; Avni looked at her parents. Neil smiled.

Neil: Sir, Neela maa, I got the job.

Neela maa was happy she already accepted Avneil relation.

Ashish: Neil. I am sorry, Neil, but I fixed Avni’s alliance with my friend’s son.

Neela maa looked at him. Avni shocked, and Neil felt like Ashish pulled the rug from under his feet.

Avni: papa?

Ashish: I thought you would not be able to complete the condition. So, I fixed her alliance in a well-known family.

Avni: but Papa.

Avni wanted to talk, but Neil held her wrist; Avni looked at the hands then at Neil, who left her wrist as suddenly he started feeling that he does not have right on Avni; now she is someone else.

Neil: sorry.

 Neil looked at Avni and shook his head.

Avni: but Neil.

Neil: no Avni, he is your father; he knows what is good for you.

Avni was about to say, but Neil cuts her.

Neil: Avni, our first choice, first love should always be our parents. If we are not loyal to them, then we can’t be loyal to anyone. You should obey them if they took this decision for you, then it must be in favour of you. Hmm.

Avni was looking at Neil, who turned to Ashish.

Neil: Don’t worry, Sir, from now on I will not meet Avni.

Neil didn’t dare to look at Avni because he knew he would break.

Neil turned to go, but Avni held his hand, Neela maa felt sad for them. Neil held Avni’s hand and closed his eyes; he freed his hand, and tears rolled from his eyes. Neil was slowly going from there and Avni looking at him.

After ten years:

A mansion showed, where a lady was standing in a Saree and, a picture frame was in her hand; it was Neil’s picture and, the lady was Avni her eyes were teary.

Avni: I miss you, Neil. Why you did that? Why you left me, Why?

Avni closed her eyes and, tears rolled from her eyes.

Two hands touched her waist; she shivered and, the hand moved from waist to her stomach and captured her in the arms, it was a man who hid his face in her neck, and Avni squeezed her eyes.

Man: I missed you.

Avni smiled with closed eyes.

Avni: then why you left me here?

The man looked at her and smiled; that was Neil; he placed his chin on her shoulder.

Neil: you know it was an important meeting.

Avni: you can take me with you?

Neil: then who would have handle Neav? Hmm.

Avni: I missed you.

Neil: me too.

Avni: but how you came suddenly?

Neil: I was missing you and my tiger so, I asked Sir for one day leave and, now I am here.

Avni That means you will go again?

Neil: yes.

Avni made a pout. Neil smiled.

Neil: it’s just a matter of 15 days then we will be together and, I thought to take a leave of one month then we will go on vacation.

Avni smiled.

Neil: now, keep quiet for some time and let me do my work.

Avni frown and, the next second, she closed her eyes; Neil nuzzled her neck.

Avni: Neil, someone will come.

Neil replied while nuzzling her neck: I know, no one is at home.

Avni: Neav will come.

Neil was rubbing his nose and lips in her hairs.

Neil: Kareena took him with her; now keep quiet and let me concentrate, tomorrow I will go back so, let me make memories.

After that, Avni didn’t stop him as she knew he would not listen to her.

Neil was sleeping and, Avni was sitting near him and caressing his hairs. She thinks.


Neil was going, and Avni was looking at him. Suddenly Neil stopped to hear the laughter and turned to see, he saw Ashish and Neela maa are laughing and Avni is looking at them confusingly.

Avneil looked at each other and wiped their tears but were confused; they didn’t understand what is going on.

Nm: Ashish, so mean, see they are crying.

Neil frowned. Ashish came to Neil and held his arms.

Ashish: Sorry, son. I was kidding. Honestly, I was testing you that what you will do, but now I understand that no one can love Avni more than you.

Avni smiled with teary eyes. Neela maa caressed her hairs and held her arm; Avni held her hand.

Ashish: sorry to make you cry, but what I do, I am a father of a daughter and worries about her.

Neil wiped his tears.

Neil: no, sir, I understand.

Ashish: call me papa.

Neil smiled.

Ashish: Avni?

Neela maa took Avni to them. Ashish gave Avni’s hand to Neil’s hand. Avneil smiled with teary eyes to see each other.

Flashback ends.

Avni looked at Neil and kissed his cheek.

Avni: I love you.

Neil replied with closed eyes: I love you too.

Avni was surprised; Neil opened his eyes and smiled. Neil pulled Avni to him and rolled. Now Neil was on Avni and smiling.

Neil: taking advantage of my sleep.

Avni smiled and pecked his lips. Neil smiled and off the lamplight and, they went to their wonderland.

The end.


No work is big or small. Neil drove the bus to support his father and, he didn't feel shame in it as he believed that work is not small and big. He knew that he has to earn for his studies so, he did that. Love makes the person responsible. Ignoring studies and losing focus from studies and aim is not love. Our first love should be our parents; if we are not loyal to them, then we can’t be loyal to anyone. The one who left their parents on the wish of their lover then chances are that they will leave that person for someone else because the one who was not loyal to the parents who raised him or her then how can be he or she be loyal to someone else. I am not saying that love is wrong, no it is the most beautiful feeling, but the sad part is people made fun of it. Here, Avneil love was true, and for his love, Neil did hard work, not because of the condition, but for the better future of Avni; he managed everything and, love itself came to him. Believe in your love and do not ignore your future for spending time with that one, don’t waste your time running after the love because love can be earned but not bought or snatched.

Thank you hope you like it.

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